Cornstarch is a type of starch that is made from corn. Cornstarch is not the same as corn flour, but is a white tasteless and odorless powder. It is mainly used as a thickener for marinades, sauces, soups, glazes andBaking cookiesetc. But it can do so much more. Its binding, thickening and moisture-wicking properties make corn starch a real all-rounder in the household. We'll show you 35 surprising uses of cornstarch that you'll wish you'd known about sooner!
How to Use Cornstarch to Clean Almost Anything
Get rid of grease stains
Don't let an oil stain ruin your new shirt or tablecloth. Mix a paste of water and cornstarch and rub it onto the stain. Allow the mixture to dry in the sun for 12 hours to allow the cornstarch to absorb the oil. Then brush off the powder and wash the garment as usual.
Get rid of blood stains
The faster you act, the better. Whether it's clothing or bedding, you can use this method to remove blood stains or at least get some of them out. Make a paste of cornstarch and cold water. Gently rub the paste into the fabric. Now place the cloth in a sunny place to dry. After drying, brush off any remaining residue. If the stain is not completely gone, repeat the process.
Grease stains on leather
Oily and greasy stains are caused not only by food, but also by cosmetic products such as lotions, hand creams, etc. Whether on a jacket, shoes or bag: cornstarch is perfect for removing stubborn stains on smooth leather. The method is the same: sprinkle cornstarch on the stain, leave for 1-2 hours and brush gently.
Get rid of burn marks
Did you have a small accident with the iron? You can remove burn marks with cornstarch. Dampen the fabric with water and sprinkle with cornstarch. Allow the stain to dry and then brush everything away.
Remove carpet stains or odors
Starch is not only a good grease and dirt remover, but can also absorb smells and freshen carpets. Sprinkle some cornstarch over your carpet and let it sit for up to 15 minutes before vacuuming thoroughly. This trick can be used as an all-over treatment or to treat specific areas on your carpet.
Refresh an old mattress
Sprinkle cornstarch generously on the mattress and spread the powder with a brush or your hand. Leave the starch on for one to 12 hours. The longer, the stronger the effect. Then vacuum out the starch.
Clean stuffed animals
Children take their stuffed animals everywhere, which makes them dirty. However, if this is battery operated, it cannot be washed in the washing machine. In this case, you can try the following: put the plush toys in a zip-top bag with some starch, close it well and shake everything vigorously. Leave the toy in the bag for a day and then vacuum the starch thoroughly.
Refresh rubber gloves
Sprinkle a small amount of cornstarch into each glove to prevent moisture and make them easier to put on and take off. This also makes it more comfortable to use.
Clean playing cards
Do your playing cards already look unsightly and dirty due to frequent use? Then put the cards in a bag along with some cornstarch. Leave everything like this for a while to remove dirt and grease, then simply wipe with a dry cloth.
Refresh old books
Do your old books have a musty smell? Then sprinkle the old sides with cornstarch.
Clean pots, pans and hobs
Mix 1 part water to 2 parts cornstarch and use the mixture to scrub bathrooms and other surfaces such as stovetops in the kitchen. You can also use this to remove burnt food from pots and pans and make them shine.
Polish silver
A paste made from 1 part cornstarch to 2 parts water works great for polishing. Rub all of the silver with the paste and a soft cloth, then rinse.
Clean oily driveway stains
It is not uncommon for a car to leak engine oil and leave an unsightly oil stain in the driveway, in front of the garage or on the asphalt. These stains can be difficult to remove because they penetrate deep into the surface of the pavers. To remove the oil stain, sprinkle the area generously with cornstarch and let it sit for a few hours. Lastly, vacuum or sweep away the cornstarch and you will find that it has absorbed the stain from the concrete.
Clean windows, mirrors and glass shower
Create your own streak-free window cleaning solution by mixing two tablespoons of cornstarch with 1/2 cup ammonia and 1/2 cup white vinegar in a bucket of three to four quarts of warm water. You can also use pure alcohol instead of ammonia.
Mix everything well and pour the milky solution into a spray bottle. Spray them on the windows and wipe them with warm water. Now rub with a dry paper towel or a lint-free cloth.
Remove grease splashes from the walls
Even the most careful cook cannot avoid occasional splashes of fat. Here's a handy remedy for those unsightly grease stains: sprinkle cornstarch on a soft cloth and gently rub the grease stain until it disappears.
Remove soap residue in the bathroom
A mixture of vinegar, cornstarch, and dish soap works great for removing greasy soap residue on tiles and is also inexpensive to make.
Remove mold from bathroom joints
Cornstarch is just as effective as baking soda against dirt and mold in the bathroom. It is a natural cleaning agent that absorbs moisture, odors and grease. Simply mix 1 teaspoon of cornstarch with a little baking soda and lemon juice, add 1/4 cup of water and start scrubbing!
Corn starch in the house and garden
Squeaky and creaky floorboards
One of the main causes of squeaky floorboards is that the wood contracts during the winter season, creating a narrow gap between the floorboards. Fill them with strength and silence them!
Home remedies for cockroaches
Mix plaster of paris with cornstarch in a 1:1 ratio. Spread the mixture around gaps, holes, crevices and other places where roaches appear. It's a killer recipe.
Make your own cat litter box
Cornstarch helps absorb odors, making it an excellent litter box deodorant. If you have indoor cats, you know how frustrating that cat urine smell can be. Add some cornstarch to cat litter and you will notice an immediate improvement.
Corn starch as fertilizer
If you pre-germinate vegetable seeds in a simple cornstarch gel, they will grow much faster. This is how it works:
Mix one cup of water with one tablespoon of cornstarch. Heat, stirring, until the mixture thickens. Pour into a shallow container such as a metal plate and allow to solidify. Then sprinkle the seeds on top. Make sure there is some space around each seed. Cover with a piece of plastic wrap or a sheet of glass to keep the moisture in. Within a few days the seeds will begin to germinate.
Ward off garden pests
Sprinkle the leaves of your vegetable plants and the soil around them with a little cornstarch to discourage worms,Stinkwanksand keep other garden pests away. You can use powdered sugar shakers for this. Hobby gardeners report particularly good experiences with tomatoes and peppers. The plants may look strange afterwards, but they are protected from insects. Don't forget to repeat the process after a rainy day.
Cornstarch for skin, hair, etc.
Against itching
Cornstarch is the ideal home remedy for skin irritations such as sunburn, burns and skin allergies. Mix 3 tablespoons of cornstarch with a few drops of cold water or milk to create a thick paste that has the consistency of peanut butter. Then apply to the affected areas with a cotton pad and allow to dry. Apply before bed to allow enough time for it to take effect.
Itchy and irritating insect bites are made worse when the skin is moist. Cornstarch can help dry the skin around an insect bite so it doesn't itch.
Cornstarch for sore baby bottoms
Cornstarch is a very gentle and effective diaper rash remedy and you don't need a recipe or other ingredients. Many pediatricians actually recommend using cornstarch instead of baby powder that contains talc. You can use cornstarch to treat or prevent diaper rash.
When shouldn't you use it?Although some natural remedy websites claim that you can use cornstarch to treat cuts and wounds, it is best not to use it on open blisters or incisions. This is because a wound infection can develop.
Anti-wrinkle face mask
This DIY face mask has an instant lifting effect - it will instantly make your skin look firmer and younger! Best of all, you probably already have all the ingredients you need in your kitchen. You will need two egg whites and 1/4 teaspoon cornstarch. For an additional effect you can add a few drops of vitamin E.
This is how it works:
1. Place the egg whites in a mixing bowl.
2. Using a mixer or whisk, beat the egg whites until foamy while slowly adding the cornstarch. The egg whites have the right consistency when peaks form.
3. Then apply the merengue to your face and leave it on for 20 minutes.
4. Rinse with lukewarm water.
Dry shampoo comes in handy when you're in a rush and don't have time to wash your hair. And while it's usually sold as a spray in stores, you can use cornstarch as a natural alternative to dry shampoo.
The basic idea behind dry shampoo is to remove oils that make your hair look dirty. Cornstarch is great for removing grease and helping your hair look fresh and clean. Cornstarch has excellent oil-removing properties and when you mix it with a few other ingredients it creates a wonderful smelling dry shampoo that is also helpful when styling your hair.
Sprinkle a small amount onto the roots of your hair and gently brush your hair through. You can also use a clean one for easy application to your rootsUse foundation brush.
Blondes can easily use the white powder, but dark-haired women should mix it with a little cocoa powder to create a naturally-toned (and delicious-smelling!) homemade dry shampoo.
Extra tip:Dry shampoo is also very helpful when you want to style and hold hair. Dirty hair holds up better in updos, but it doesn't have to look dirty! In fact, for an upcoming wedding, I'll be wearing hair that hasn't been washed in three days.
This dry shampoo is also suitable for dogs. Does your four-legged friend need a bath but you just don't have the time? Simply brush a small amount of cornstarch into his fur to freshen it up.
Untangle knots
Knots in shoe laces or jacket cords can be stubborn, but the solution is simple: sprinkle cornstarch on the knot. This makes the material easier to untangle. This hack also works for necklaces, bracelets and hair buns too! If you have a big knot in your hair, just give it a try. Cornstarch can reduce friction so hair glides much better.
Cornstarch's ability to absorb moisture and neutralize odors makes it an excellent ingredient for a natural anti-sweat deodorant. Mix three tablespoons of cornstarch with four tablespoons of baking soda and five tablespoons of coconut oil (you may need to heat the oil to mix with the other ingredients). For a nice scent, add five drops of tea tree oil. Fill the resulting deodorant cream into a small jar with a lid or into an empty container, preferably used deodorant sticks. You can get more tips and recipesfind in this article.
Make your own matte nail polish
To yoursTo make nail polish matte, first put a few drops of nail polish (or top coat) on a plate. Then mix in a pinch of cornstarch and mix both carefully with a brush. Apply the polish to your nails.
Remove odors from shoes
Simply sprinkle a little cornstarch into smelly shoes and leave them until the next morning. It will absorb sweat and odors. Before wearing the shoes again, vacuum up the residue with a vacuum cleaner.
Against athlete's foot
Mushrooms thrive in warm and humid places. Athletes in particular are often affected by the disease because their feet often sweat in their shoes. The moisture-absorbing power of cornstarch makes it a great way to keep feet dry and prevent athlete's foot.
For better grip
To hold the tennis racket or other sports equipment firmly in your hand, put some cornstarch in your hands. This works against sweaty palms and improves your grip.
Keep children busy with these craft ideas
DIY liquid sidewalk chalk
Instead of using the classic dry chalk, children can now let off steam creatively with liquid chalk on streets and sidewalks. The recipe is super easy! Mix starch and water in a 1:1 ratio and pour the liquid into squeeze bottles. Then add a few drops of your desired food coloring to each bottle. Close the bottles tightly and shake vigorously! The chalk paint is water-soluble and will be washed away immediately the next time it rains. Find more liquid chalk recipesin this article.
You havealready made slime with your children? Not yet? Then you should try this easy recipe with cornstarch! You will need: 250 ml water, 2 cups cornstarch, 4 drops food coloring, 2 bowls and a saucepan. Add the water to the pot and heat it up. Then pour the water into a bowl and add the food coloring. Pour 2 cups of starch into the other bowl. Pour the colored water into the bowl with the cornstarch and mix well with a wooden spoon.
You can store the play slime in an airtight container and make it in any number of fun colors. This activity is perfect to combat boredom on cold winter days.
DIY face and finger paint
This is a simple recipe. Just boil some cornstarch and water. Add some food coloring and allow the paint to cool before letting the children paint with it. A few ideas for what you can paint with homemade finger paintscan be found in this article.
To make your own white carnival make-up, mix a tablespoon of baby cream with a teaspoon of starch in a porcelain egg cup. Heat the whole thing in the microwave on low heat. Let the make-up cool down.
If you want to apply the make-up to a large area of the entire face, it is best to use a sponge. Colorful children's make-up can be made from 1 teaspoon of cream and a few drops of food coloring. Here you can play with the colors as needed to achieve different shades.
Craft glue for children
To make a non-toxic glue for children between 3 and 5 years old, you will need 1 teaspoon of flour, 1 teaspoon of cornstarch, 100 ml of water and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. How to make the craft glue:
- Pour half a cup of water into a pot and bring to a boil.
- To avoid lumps, first stir the flour and starch in a little cold water until smooth and only then add it to the hot water.
- Continue stirring over low heat until the mixture becomes thick.
- Then add the apple cider vinegar and remove the pot from the heat.
- Pour the finished adhesive into a screw-top jar and let it cool.
This sticky mixture sticks paper together without causing it to curl!
Magic sand
Play sand is the ultimate sensory experience for toddlers. It promotes fine motor skills and perception. And the best thing is that magic sand doesn't stick and therefore doesn't leave any marks. Mix 480g cornstarch with 240ml liquid coconut oil or another vegetable oil such as olive or avocado oil. If desired, you can add a few drops of food coloring.
Check out these toogreat idea for kneading soapan!