Plant cloves in the garden

The pretty cloves are a popular type of flower for the garden. The flower comes from the Mediterranean and Europe, with its Latin nameDianthusmeans a lot like zeus flower, or flower of God and is composed of the Greek words Dios (zeus) and Anthos (flower, flower). The delicate flowers are available in a wide variety of colors and are extremely pretty. There are 320 to 600 different species, of which we only want to introduce you to a small part today. This makes it easier for you to choose the perfect way if you want to plant cloves in the garden.

The flowers are not only beautiful in the garden. Even asBouquetthey are very popular. So if you plant cloves in the garden, you will not only receive a fantastic decoration there that impresses beautiful and delicate colors. You can also make the interior more romantic with the cloves.

The feather carnation (Dianthus plumarius) is a multi -year plant that comes from the Mediterranean, but is still hardy and is therefore wonderfully suitable for planting the garden. It has dark green leaves that have an elongated shape and bring out the flowers particularly well. The colors are most common. Violet and soft pink. There is also a white variant in which the flowers are separated from each other that they give the impression of eyelashes. However, this rarely occurs. For this reason, she would also be a great eye -catcher after planting these cloves in the garden. The stems are divided into vegetative and generative.

You can expect a height of approx. 30 cm. The increase takes place in different ways. On the one hand, seeds are suitable for this purpose. If the cloves have become too lavish for them, they can also dig them up very easily and share their roots with the associated stems. After that, you can easily plant the cloves in the garden. It is best to choose spring or autumn for this process.

Flowers can be expected in May and June. If you plant the cloves in the garden, choose a sunny place because you love the sun. The floor should be well permeable, although moderately is watered. If you forget to pour it, you don't have to worry. The feather cloves can also cope with dry periods.

The Heide-Knelke “Leuchtfunk”

The Heide-Nelke (Dianthus deltoides) The feather carnation is very similar in its flower shape. However, they have a different leaf shape, which are marked by a smaller size and rounded tips. The generative stems are longer than the vegetative. They rarely have leaves that then have a pointed shape and share in the upper area.

In addition, she too is a plant of several years. The dense growth of the Heide cloves with a height of 15 to 20 cm make the species perfect as a ground cover. So if you plant these cloves in the garden, you will receive colorful and natural carpets.

The flowers of the Heide-Nelke are either white or more red and delight the eye as well as the feather carnation in May and June. Seeds are suitable for the increase, but also the division, which should best take place after the flowering period.

You can combine these, but also all other types, when you plant cloves in the garden. A mix of different colors also looks very personable and transforms your garden into a real flower dream.

The Pentecost carnation

The shape of the multi-year Pentecost Nelke (Dianthus Gratianopolitanus) is extremely compact, so that it is wonderfully suitable as a single plant or in small groups to plant small gardens and beds. The tuft -like clove species is only about 15 to 20 cm high. If you plant these cloves in the garden, you can also fill out vacancies.

You will be offered an extremely rich selection of flower ferns. There are different shades of the color pink, cyclam and red. The flower itself becomes relatively large with a diameter of approximately 3 cm. The petals can also have a different shape within this type. Choose if you plant these cloves in the garden, either rounded, wave -shaped variants or those with a tattered look.

Chinese clove

The Chinese Nelke (Dianhus chinensis) is a plant that, like all the species mentioned so far, loves and needs a lot of light. The carnation gets along well with dry periods. The plants are not growing very bushy and lush, but has fantastic flowers in interesting shape and color variants. With a height of 20 cm, this species is also quite compact, so you don't have to plan a lot of space if you plant these cloves in the garden.

You can get a two -year -old plant with the attractive barnneal (Dianthus beard). Despite its pretty bloom, it is rarely chosen. The reason for this is that it only blooms a year after plants. If you have yet decided that you want to plant this type of carnation in the garden, it is best to do so in summer. In winter, the beard has the look of a rosette.


The landlords (Dianthus caryophyllus) is also called a noble clove. It is one of the most widespread species for the garden and comes from the warm Mediterranean. In order to adapt these types of our regions, new forms have been bred that are characterized by whether they are hardy and how often they bloom. If you would like to plant these cloves in the garden, we have put together some information for you.

There are several years of variants that bloom once a year and that from the second year. These are hardy and therefore a practical way if you want to plant cloves in the garden. The seeds will be sown in a greenhouse in May or June. In October they can already be planted in the garden. The following year in June or July, the country cloves begin to bloom.

It is important that you plant the two -year -old cloves in the garden exactly one year before the first flower. If you want to achieve an earlier bloom and not wait until summer, plant it in August. You will be pleased with a flower in March. The “Grenadin” cloves are particularly popular with the Landnelke, as they offer an impressive selection of colors in yellow and pale pink and also emit a pleasant fragrance. This makes them perfect for greening a seating area in the garden. They are cultivated as a one -year -old plant and sown with seeds that the non -winter landing in the cold season die out in the cold season.

At theDianthus caryophyllus semperflorens SimIs it a variety that is half -winter hard. It is cultivated in the greenhouse, which guarantees a constant flowering period. Your stems and leaves have a gray -green color. The size and color of the flowers, as well as how bushy the flowers are, can be different. These types of clove are so resistant that they can bloom even at a temperature of only 8 degrees. So if you not only want to plant cloves in the garden, but also have a greenhouse available and want to make it nicely, these cloves are a great idea.

In the greenhouse you can guarantee the high humidity that the plants need. The floor also has to always be kept moist. The multiplication of cuttings takes place without any problems and best between January and April. The cuttings can also be kept in the fridge for longer periods. This has no influence on the plant's ability to reproduce.

The variety from the group is just as constantly floweringDianthuscaryophyllus semperflorens Polyantha. This group also includes the popular and cute mini-cloves, which you should definitely consider if you want to plant cloves in the garden. The “Spray” type in turn impresses with its interesting flowers. There are several flowers on a stem and form a great bloom. Both this and the group mentioned above for the greenhouse are cultivated as annual plants and mainly to maintain cutting plants. An interesting tip with which you can cut the flowers more easily is as follows: Turn a network over the plant at the beginning. The stems grow through the mesh and stand upright.

No matter what way you choose, care is a real pleasure, because it is simple and you are rewarded with a real floral splendor. As already mentioned, there are various variants of colors and heights, so that you are guaranteed to find the right variety for yourself. In addition, more and more new species are being bred. So if you want to plant cloves in the garden, you have made a really great decision.