Growing offshoots from orchids: When can you separate the children and bulbs & how do you plant them correctly?

Anyone who has been caring for orchids for a while knows that you shouldn't cut off the faded stems right away. A new flower could develop from this. But not only that! Did you know that a baby orchid can also appear? Some beginners are quite surprised and delighted the first time. Suddenly you get throughthis so-called childela second orchid for free – how practical! But how do you go about achieving this? Can you just cut off orchid offshoots like that or do you have to pay attention to something? And how does propagation work for orchid varieties with bulbs? We'll explain it to you!

When can you remove cuttings from orchids?

Kindel on the Phalaenopsis and the Epidendrum

In these two types of orchids, the orchid offshoot arises on the stem. If the orchid forms kindles, you can safely let it grow. First one leaf will appear, then probably a second. Only when the first root is present will this new orchid be able to grow independently. If you plant orchid offshoots without roots, the plant will die because they are still nourished by their mother plant.

But you don't have to be in a hurry. Feel free to let them continue to grow until it's time to repot. The best time for this isafter floweringin autumn, but also spring.

If you don't want to wait that long, you can also plant the orchid offshoot as soon as a root has formed. Using sharp, disinfected scissors, carefully separate the child and plant it in the fresh substrate.

Offshoots of orchids with bulbs

If you take a closer look at the bulbs, you will notice that in principle each bulb with its leaves looks like a separate plant. That's almost true, which is why you might think you could easily separate them from each other. But that is only half the truth. As soon as thePlant needs to be repotted(if there is no longer enough space in the pot), you can divide them. However, you should always leave groups of at least three bulbs.

When you take these orchid cuttings, be careful not to damage the roots. Here too, you should of course use sharp and disinfected scissors.

Propagate monopodial orchid

Propagating a so-called monopodial orchid is not that easy. The Vanda is one of them, for example. If you still want to try it, choose a time when the plant needs to be repotted anyway because the old container has become too small. In order for the separated orchid offshoot to grow well, it must be well rooted. The plant usually forms side shoots on its own, from which sooner or later the first shoots emergeRoots grow.

As is often the case with plant care, you can help things out a little. All you need is peat moss, which you simply wrap around the main shoot. Keep the peat moss moist. Separate the side shoot including the developed roots and plant it in a new pot as a new and independent plant.

Plant orchid cuttings correctly

When planting yourself, just pay attention to the same things that you would otherwise pay attention to:

  • Choose the right pot. A special orchid pot with drainage holes and a slight elevation in the base is important to avoid waterlogging. The small young plants also need it. With the optimal pot size, the roots fill the pot well, but without being squashed. The planter also has a step so that excess water can drip off and the plant does not stand in water.
  • Usehigh quality substrate. You should also disinfect this before use. The quickest way to do this is in the microwave for a few minutes. Alternatively, you can also hold the bark over steam for 30 minutes or place it in the oven at a low temperature for several hours. This is important in order to eliminate any pathogens or pests.
  • Hold the plant in the pot and let the substrate fall inside between the roots. In this way, you will gradually fill the container until you no longer need to support the plant. Now you can gently tap it on the surface so that the pieces of bark can slide down. There should be no voids that are too large. A pencil can also be used for nighttime darning. Then add more substrate if necessary.
  • After planting, moisten the substrate and roots well. However, since the roots have not yet established themselves and you could move the plants by watering or dipping them, it is better to use a spray bottle for this purpose. As soon as the roots are attached to the substrate, diving can be carried out as usual, once a week or every two weeks, depending on the season and humidity.

You can get more tips on planting childrenin this article.