What joy there is in a new shoot on the orchid. Finally the care is rewarded with new flowers! But what if this shoot suddenly stops growing or even changes color? Before new orchid shoots dry out, you should take quick measures to save them. We explain what the causes of the problem could be and what you can do.
If shoots stop growing – what is the reason?
If the new shoot of your orchid stops growing, it is clearly due to incorrect care. There is simply no other reason why the plant should suddenly stop all growth. A lack of moisture, nutrients, or a disease or pest infestation that you didn't take care of right away are all possible causes that you should focus on.
Once the flowering period is over, a resting phase follows in which the plant recovers. This varies from specimen to specimen (depending on the type of orchid, from a few days to half a year). This rest period is important to stimulate new flowering, so you should adjust the care.A notice:Phalaenopsis usually have no rest period or a very short rest period.
In this articlefind out what you need to do to stimulate shoot formation. There you will also find out how to distinguish new roots from flower shoots.
New shoots on the orchid are stunted
If the shoots not only stop growing, but even appear to be dying, this is also due to incorrect care. If the orchid shoot turns yellow or brown, there are many possible causes:
- unfavorable watering/humidity
- unfavorable fertilization
- The originally suitable location was replaced by an unsuitable one
- Lack of space in the pot
- incorrect (weakening) cuts on the plant
- lack of care regarding the orchid leaves
Fix improper watering of orchids
Overwatering is less common with this moisture-loving plant (as long as you avoid waterlogging). Drought is already quite common. But the wrong water or the wrong way of watering can also harm the orchid. For this reason:
- pay attention to moist air:Spray plant regularly; Water bowls can also be placed around the plant; possibly set up a humidifier; Avoid dry heating air
- water correctly: dive better, instead of pouring from above; use lukewarm water; Tap water that is not too hardy, better even rainwater
- Avoid waterlogging:drain well after dipping; Immediately remove any water collected in the planter
If you notice already damaged roots due to incorrect watering, remove them and allow diving to remain for some time so that the plant recovers. During this time you only spray the aerial roots and leaves.
New shoots on the orchid will not grow if you have not fertilized properly
The plant needs plenty of strength for the flower formation and for thisagain nutrients. But it shouldn't be too much of a good thing either. You should keep this in mind so that a new shoot on the orchid can continue to grow successfully:
- After the rest phase, fertilize once a month with liquid fertilizer in submerged water
- use the right amount; may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer - follow instructions
- Only stop fertilizing after the flowering period
Have you changed location?
Depending on which phase the orchid is in, it has different conditions for the location. If a new shoot on the orchid weakens, it could be in the wrong place.
- During the rest phase:cool location with temperatures between 15 and 18 degrees
- When a new shoot grows on the orchid: between 20 and 25 degrees; bright, without direct (midday) sun; Discolored new shoots indicate an environment that is too cold
New shoots on the orchid do not grow due to lack of space in the pot
The best time to have oneRepot orchid, is after the rest period. For this reason, this moment should also be used to take a closer look at the situation. What are the signs that the plant has become too small? If you notice the following things, repot the flower so that a new shoot on the orchid can continue to grow successfully:
- The roots sprout over the edge of the pot and through the drainage holes - the orchid shoot doesn't grow any further because it's simply too narrow
- Remove the plant (it is best to dive it first so that the roots become more elastic); remove old substrate and dead plant parts; Plant in new substrate and a larger container
Which cuts are correct and permitted
If a new shoot on the orchid stops growing or turns yellow, you may have weakened the flower by making incorrect cuts.
- After flowering, orchid shoots dry up to the top eye and can be cut off by then. AtPhalaenopsisA new shoot can then emerge from one of the eyes on the orchid and form flowers or a child
- Other species only bloom once on a flower stalk. There the old shoot can completely disappear after flowering.
To avoid mistakes when pruning orchids, take a lookthis articlewhere you can find out everything you need to know about cutting shoots, roots and leaves.
Orchid shoots turn yellow or brown if leaves are neglected
Like other plants, nutrient absorption and photosynthesis occur through the leaves. Therefore, you must regularly remove dust from them by wiping them with a damp, soft cloth. The use of beer for this purpose has also proven to be very positive, as it gives the plant a portion of nutrients and makes the leaves shiny. Do not use water that is too hard and do not apply too much pressure so as not to injure or even break the leaf.