Growing orchids with water pearls: advantages and tips for watering and caring for exotic houseplants

Hydrogel is a special polymer that usually comes in the form of small, colorful water beads or large grains of sand. Orchids with water pearls look pretty and have several advantages when growing. Read on to learn how to grow your favorite hydro ball houseplants and the care required.

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Benefits of water beads for orchids

The mixture of artificial substrate has few disadvantages and is therefore widely used by flower growers. The hydrogel has the following advantages:

  • It absorbs excess moisture, thereby preventing stagnation of liquid in the soil and protecting the root system from rot.
  • In case of moisture deficit, the hydrogel can moisturize the flower roots for a long time (up to 30 days);
  • Water beads loosen the soil, promoting oxygen penetration into the soil and nutrition of the root system.

Note: Water beads have the ability to absorb more than 100 times their weight in water. Mixed with the soil (substrate), they act like a “water reservoir”.

How to grow orchids with water pearls

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How is hydrogel used for plants? Prepare a vessel in which you will blow the ball and the vase in which you will place it. It's best to use a separate container for each flower. Fill the container with water.

The granules do not absorb more than intended. After 8-12 hours the water beads are ready for use. Place the balls in a clear vase andplant the planta. It is desirable to wash the roots of the plant well from soil.

Note: Water beads are extremely easy and convenient to use. You can add them directly to the soil or dissolve them in water and use them to cover the roots.

Planting in a mixture of substrate and water beads

Photo: Caterina Trimarchi / shutterstock

For theGrowing an orchidyou can use hydrogel balls and a mixture of substrate.

  • The first step is to prepare a vessel in which the balls can swell for 2-3 hours.
  • Layers of nutrient substrate and swollen balls are placed in the container in which the flower will be planted. The vessel is filled to the fourth part.
  • Then the roots of the plant are inserted, and the remaining space is again filled with alternating layers of soil and hydrogel.

Note: Depending on your idea, you can mix different colors or layer them. Experienced flower growers recommend using a product from one manufacturer.

Important: The presence of the water beads in the soil reduces irrigation by about 5 times.

How to root orchids with water pearls

Photo: Nadya So / shutterstock

Experienced flower growers use water pearlsfor the rooting of orchid shoots. Planting is no different from the usual method when using soil.

  • Immerse the lower part of the shoot in water to a depth of 1 cm.
  • The plant is then dipped in a rooting agent.
  • Fill the planter with swollen water beads and insert the shoot.
  • To hold the leaves in place, pour beads of water up to the top of the container.
  • Once roots have formed, the flower is transplanted.

Water orchids in gel balls

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At theOrchid care isWatering very important. Hydrogel beads require a constant supply of water to expand. As the water beads dry out, they shrink to about a third of their size. Water must be constant in the pot and cover all of the beads (or at least almost all) for them to work.

How oftenWater orchids? Every fifth day (this is an estimate, each orchid grower has his own schedule) the vase is filled to the top and all roots are provided with water for 24 hours. Do not forget that orchids need to be sprayed when the humidity in the room is low.

Also read:Stimulate flower shoots in orchids: This is how the exotic flower blooms splendidly again!