Can you keep orchids without soil? We explain what to do correctly when it comes to water culture

Are you one of the lucky ones who received an orchid as a Christmas present? Or have you been cultivating such beauties for a while and have now come across pictures where you can see the flowers in simple, transparent jars? If this seems strange or even impossible to you: Yes, it is actually a way to successfully cultivate the beauties if you do it right. How exactly can you keep orchids without soil?

The tropical flower thrives in a variety of substrates

Everyone has seen the typical bark substrate for orchids. It is also not uncommon to see shredded coconut fibers and moss as an alternative and even thatVariant with clay granulesor expanded clay. But is it possible without soil and just in water? However, and the whole thing is called “hydroculture”. We will introduce you to this method of cultivation and explain what you should keep in mind.

Cultivate orchids in a glass without soil

Hydroponics is definitely possible if you pay attention to a few important things when caring for it. In addition, not all types of orchids tolerate water culture, or only to a limited extent. So how can you do without orchid substrate?

Which types of orchids are suitable?

It's best to choose specieswhich form aerial roots. These so-called epiphytic orchids absorb all the necessary nutrients and moisture through these roots and from the air, among other things, so that they do not have to rely on substrate. Suitable examples are:

  • Aerides
  • Ascocentrum
  • Phalaenopsis
  • Vanda

However, we would like to point out that species that actually need orchid substrate can also thrive in hydroponics, so you are welcome to try your luck.

How does growing orchids in a glass without soil work?

First of all, don't think of soilless orchids like cut flowers. So do not place them in a vase filled with water, as waterlogging must be avoided at all costs! Instead, hydroculture looks like this:

  • Choose a sturdy container that won't fall over despite the large leaves.
  • Place the orchid and its roots insideempty Glas.
  • The location can remain the same as usual: not too dry, i.e. far from the heating and bright, but not directly sunny, i.e. ideally located on a bright east window or, alternatively, west.
  • Winter gardens and greenhouses are very goodfor hydroponicssuitable for orchids. However, it is important to ensure that it does not overheat.
  • When you remove the plant from its old substrate, be sure and, above all, carefully remove all material from it.
  • Soak the roots in water to make them more pliable and prevent them from breaking when placed in the jar.
  • You can also support the roots in the glass with the help of pottery shards or pebbles.

A notice:There are also plenty of cases in which orchids are constantly in water and also thrive without rotting. So if you want to risk it, of course you can. It is important that you change the water every week. Just observe for a while whether your plant is doing well. If not, she will show you in time.

The right care if there is no substrate

Water correctly:Because the roots and thus the plant dry out more quickly due to the lack of substrate, which would otherwise store moisture for longer, this is the caseWatering orchidswithout paying particular attention to soil.

  • Once a week or at least every two weeks (depending on the weather, room humidity and growth phase), the plant needs a generous portion of water (during the rest phase, every two weeks is sufficient).
  • Water by dipping by pouring water into the container and allowing the plant to soak it up for 15 to 30 minutes. After that, you can use it to water other houseplants.
  • Humidify the air! For this purpose, you can regularly spray the plant with water. Since you have to repeat this every few days, you should make sure that water does not accumulate on the plant. This can lead to rot.
  • Ideally use rainwater. Alternatively, low-lime tap water can also be used. The water must always be lukewarm.

Fertilize correctly:As with substrate plants, orchids without soil must not lack nutrients so that they have the strength to grow and bloom. But how do you fertilize hydroculture? Here, too, proceed in exactly the same way as if you had oneFertilize the orchid with substratewant:

  • Use liquid fertilizer.
  • Add the required amount of fertilizer to the immersion water according to the package instructions (before adding it to the plant) and mix well.
  • Pour the water into the container and give the orchid time to absorb the water and nutrients.
  • Use the remaining water to water other houseplants.

Whether you can cultivate orchids in water pearls,find out here.