With this chicken recipe you will get a delicious and juicy wedding chicken

Marriage Chicken, Marry Me Chicken, Marry Me Chicken - these are just a few of the names you've probably come across more and more often on various sites on the Internet lately. They are interesting enough to arouse the curiosity of some people. If you are one of them, just read on, because today we would like to tell you what the delicious chicken recipe is all about and how the name came about. We also have a recipe idea for you that you can use to prepare wedding chicken.

The Marry Me Chicken recipe and where it comes from

The story surrounding the so-called “Marry Me Chicken” is actually quite funny and interesting. The recipe idea originated in the early 80s. Then-editor of “Glamour,” Kim Bonnell, gave her assistant Kathy Suder a chicken recipe. She in turn used this to tell her boyfriendto prepare a delicious meal. A short time later he proposed to her. Three other colleagues promptly tried it and lo and behold, the marriage proposal didn't take long for them either.

Whether coincidence or not, the fact is that the chicken recipe was marketed quickly. Glamor even published a book with this and many other recipe ideas. Many women subsequently claimed that they had also received their applications thanks to the book and the recipes it contained. And what was trendy back then, like so many things, is coming back. The marriage chicken is back in fashion and a little glimmer of hope for all ladies who are longingly waiting for a romantic marriage proposal from their true love. The return of the trend is probably thanks, among other things, to the site “Delish”, where a delicious Marry Me variant was published a few years ago. It is said to have been so delicious that there were numerous compliments such as “I would even get married for a chicken like that”.

Whether you believe that the chicken recipe has something to do with the many marriage proposals or not, it is definitely worth giving the recipe idea a try. If you were thinking about what to prepare for dinner at the weekend or if you simply wanted to surprise and treat your partner (without any ulterior motive, of course) with a delicious dish, then go for it! Of course, there are now numerous variants. We have provided a more classic version with lemon for you.

Marry Me variant for the oven with lemon

  • 1 chicken (ca. 1.8 kg)
  • 120 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 3 additional lemons
  • 1 tbsp kosher salt
  • 1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper
  • Salt
  • 4 sprigs of rosemary
  • 4 sprigs of sage
  • 8 sprigs of thyme
  • 1 bunch of parsley

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Take the chicken and remove the giblets. Then wash it inside and out and let it drain in a colander with the opening facing down. Alternatively, you can quickly pat it dry with kitchen paper. A baking tray with a matching rack is best suited for preparing the chicken recipe in the oven, as the heat can circulate better there. If necessary, a simple sheet metal sheet is also suitable. Place the chicken breast side down on the baking tray and spread the lemon juice evenly over and inside. The same goes for the salt and pepper. Don't forget the inside!

Take two lemons and prick each one three times in different places with a fork. After that, place them inside the chicken. If one of the lemons doesn't quite fit, you can just look it out. Place the chicken on a rack in the oven. Select the top third. Reduce the temperature to 175 degrees and bake the chicken for 15 minutes.

Remove the chicken from the oven and turn it over (e.g. using tongs or two wooden spoons). Insert a meat thermometer into the thigh of the chicken if you have one on hand and bake the chicken for another 60 to 75 minutes. Once the thermometer reads around 80 degrees and juices run out of the chicken when you pierce the meat with a fork, it's ready.

Before cutting the chicken, let it rest for about 10 minutes. If you're going to serve the meat, be sure towith the saucepour from the tray. This gives the delicious chicken meat the finishing touch and is, so to speak, the secret of this delicious variant. Additionally, garnish with lemon slices cut from the third lemon and some fresh spices.

What is the perfect side dish for the oven?

You probably don't want to serve the meat without a side dish. In this case, you have several options to choose from. On the one hand, a simple mashed potato tastes great with it, which you can also prepare quickly at the same time. Or how about simply adding halved or quartered potatoes to the chicken in the oven about halfway through the cooking time? Pasta is also suitable and cooks even faster. So it depends on what you like the most and how much time you want to invest in the side dish. In addition to the side dish you choose, we also recommend a fresh salad. If you want to particularly pamper yourself and your partner or guests, opt for steamed onesAsparagus as a healthy side dish.