Orchid care: Should you cut off the aerial roots when repotting?

If the windowsill orchids suddenly form too many aerial roots that protrude over the edge of the pot, the question arises: should you cut them off or is it better not to remove them? This question about orchid care is particularly relevant in January and February. Because now the exotics are being repotted. We will tell you in the article what needs to be taken into account.

Orchid care: Remove the aerial roots or leave them alone?

All orchid owners quickly notice that their orchids form numerous aerial roots. These are grayish to light green in color and often protrude over the edge of the flower pot. Sometimes these roots look dried up.

For many people, the question arises as to how they should deal with it. It is very relevant, especially in winter. Because in January comes the flowering timemost houseplantsto the end and then there is the opportunity to repot the orchids. Should you perhaps also shorten the aerial roots? Or even remove it completely?

What function do the aerial roots fulfill?

The aerial roots fulfill important functions. Similar to how the underground roots of other plants absorb nutrients and moisture through the soil, the aerial roots can do this through the air. Therefore, under no circumstances should you shorten or remove them, as this would have a negative effect on the plant. It will produce fewer flowers, grow more slowly and may even die.

Aerial roots are particularly important for houseplants. These roots function similarly to those in nature and therefore rot much less often. The “normal” root balls are therefore often covered with special substrate for orchids. You can therefore not immediately tell if the orchid has strong roots in the pot. It happens again and again that the root balls rot. In this case, the aerial roots can save the plant as they still function well.

Why do some orchids form a lot of aerial roots?

How many aerial roots an orchid forms depends first on the species and then on the variety. Some orchids form a lot of aerial roots and others very few.

Orchid care: redirect instead of cutting off

If the sight bothers you, you can at least redirect some of the aerial roots into the bucket. This is best done when repotting. The root balls are planted in a non-transparent pot with substrate. This pot is then placed in a transparent decorative pot. The aerial roots are directed downwards into the transparent pot. However, if you decide on this option, you should make sure that the aerial roots are not in water. The decorative pot should be completely dry, i.e. without standing water.

When does it make sense to remove the aerial roots?

In some cases, however, it may be necessary to cut off the aerial roots. This is necessary when they are dry. In this case you can shorten them or remove them completely. This happensbest when repotting. Water, or better yet, submerge the orchid in water until it drinks up. Then it will be much easier to remove the roots.

Orchid care: Do you have to water the aerial roots?

No, you do not need to water the aerial roots. They take moisture from the air. This becomes problematic when the air is very dry. Therefore, the exotics feel best when the humidity is above 40%. Misting the aerial roots occasionally can help when the air is dry. Alternatively, you can fill the decorative pot with river stones and then moisten them regularly. They will gradually release moisture.

Ensure optimal lighting conditions

Optimally, the aerial roots should be silver in color when dry and turn light green when moistened. Indirect light is perfect for the orchid. Choose a sunny spot in the room. However, direct sunlight can burn the sensitive roots. In contrast to the root balls, they are not protected by the substrate and can be damaged. When this happens, they become brittle and turn brown or black. In this case too, cutting makes sense if you still want to save the plant.

Repotting orchids: January and February is the right time

If the aerial roots are too long or the root balls have completely penetrated the substrate, you should repot the orchid. The best time to do this is after the end of the flowering period or alternatively shortly before the flowering period. For most varieties this means January to February.

First, carefully loosen the root balls from the substrate and remove them from the pot. Check for rot and pests. The root balls should be silver and moist to the touch. If some roots feel wet, soft or brittle, if they are black or brown, then they should be cut off. If the roots are completely gray, then they are too dry.