Have you received this beautiful exotic plant as a gift or have you had it for a few years and suddenly roots protrude over the edge of the pot? Then the time has come to transplant. But what should you pay attention to? We explain how to repot the orchids and answer the most frequently asked questions about care during and after!
Repotting orchids: answers to the most important questions
Unlike other plants, orchids are not transplanted at a specific time of year, but rather when necessary. We explain in which cases you should repot the orchid andwhen you get the exoticbetter left alone.
When is the right time?
1. Repot the orchids immediately after purchase: Like all other plants, the orchids are delivered in transport containers. But these are only intended for a short time. If you want to enjoy your exotic plant for a long time, you should repot it immediately after purchasing it. Proper care afterwards is also very important so that the orchid can get used to the new location more quickly.
2. The special “soil” for orchids begins to rot after just two years. If you haven't changed the substrate by then, rot can form and the entire flower can die. To prevent this, change the special orchid substrate every two years.
3. If the roots of the orchid suddenly stick out of the pot, then it is time to repot the flower. In this case, the pot size plays a crucial role.
Transplanting orchids during the flowering period: is that possible?
The only time that is unfavorable for repotting is the flowering period. From February to May you should therefore leave the orchid alone. A planned substrate change should take place in autumn or winter, but in any case before the flowering period. Even if the aerial roots protrude over the edge of the pot, you should not repot the orchid while it is blooming.
The only exception is after purchase or when you have oneblooming orchidreceived as a gift, then you should still transplant them.
Repotting orchids: Should you cut the aerial roots?
Orchids are among those plants that have aerial roots and can absorb water from the environment through these organs. Therefore, these specific roots are very important for the flower and should not simply be shortened or completely removed when repotting.
As with other plants, the rule of thumb applies to this exotic plant: only cut off dried roots. They are usually flabby and feel “empty” to the touch. However, it can happen that the orchid forms too many aerial roots.
In this case, in addition to transplanting into a large pot, changing the substrate also helps. The new “orchid soil” should be as airy as possible and offer enough space for the unnecessary aerial roots. When repotting, simply direct some roots downwards and cover them with substrate.
Which soil should you use? Can you keep orchids without soil?
First of all: In the rainforests, orchids do not grow on the ground, but rather attach themselves to trees. They therefore have different soil requirements than typical houseplants. The flower needs raw humus deposits. The substrates for orchids are specially made for the exotic and contain all the important nutrients that the plant needs.
By the way, you can also repot certain types of orchids without soil. In this case, the roots are arranged in an empty jar. It is important that the leaves and aerial roots are not in the glass. The vessel should also be disinfected before use. Remove any remaining substrate from the roots and shoots.
Which pot is best?
Which pot you choose depends primarily on the growth of the orchid. The basic rule is: All species that have a main shoot (monopodial) should be placed in the middle of the pot. In the branched species (sympodial), the old roots are arranged at the edge of the container and the middle is left free for the new roots.
Otherwise you can find a large selection of pots in garden centers. It is important to find the right pot for the respective species.
In practice, pots made of clay with holes and transparent plastic pots have become established. The drainage holes are very important for the orchid because this is the only way to avoid waterlogging. A transparent pot also offers the advantage that you can see the roots. This makes it easier for beginners in particular to notice pests, rot and other problems and to react in a timely manner.
Water the orchid before or after repotting?
Give your orchid a dip the day before transplanting. The roots should soak up. The next day, immediately after repotting, you can fill a spray bottle with water and spray the leaves and root area.
Divide orchids when repotting
When repotting is also the right time to divide the orchid. The right time for this is autumn. But you can also transplant the exotic plant directly before the flowering period and then cut the offshoots directly. The process depends on which group each species belongs to. Monopodial species can be propagated through side shoots. Sympodial species are represented byOffshoots increased.