Yoga for at home: These are the 20 best exercises for your home workout

Yoga exercises for at home: These are the best exercises for your home workout

And,can be quite expensive, but the good news is: the Far Eastern relaxation method is also easy to do at home and anyone can learn it. For everyone who doesn't want to visit a studio specifically, we have the 20 bestYoga exercisesput together for home use – for both beginners and advanced users. The movements not only make you healthy, but also improve your mood, strengthen your back and relax youand relax the soul. Let's go!

A tip for beginners:Just approach your performance limits carefully. And try to loosen tense areas through conscious, targeted and deep breathing. If you practice correctly, nothing should hurt you afterwards. No matter whether you ever manage to do a headstand or stick to the easier shoulder stand: yoga always has its full effect.

How many yoga exercises are there?

Yoga is a trend sport that has enjoyed great popularity for many years. Yoga has its origins 5,000 years ago in ancient India and thus in Hinduism. Yoga began as a spiritual path to self-knowledge and the unity of body, mind and soul, which has evolved over the centuries into a comprehensive practice. Classically there are over 84Yoga exercises. However, over time, many modern variants have been developed that are used in practice.Yoga exercisesare also called asanas. You can now find out what that means.

What does “Asana” mean?

“Asana” means something like “sitting” or “posture” and comes from Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language that is considered a classic language of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Among other things, Sanskrit is often used when namingYoga exercisesused. It's not just about the position itself, but also about maintaining stability and comfort, which are intended to calm the mind and strengthen the body. Generally speaking, “Asana” refers to the physical position in yoga and represents one of the eight stages of Raja Yoga.

The eight stages of Raja Yoga form a holistic path to inner development. They consist of:

  1. Yama (Ethical Discipline)
  2. Niyama (self-discipline)
  3. Asana (posture)
  4. Pranayama (Atemkontrolle)
  5. Pratyahara (withdrawing the senses)
  6. Dharana (concentration)
  7. Dhyana (Meditation)
  8. Samadhi (superconsciousness)

These eight stages serve as a guide for spiritual and mental development and promote the harmonization of body, mind and soul.

This is important to keep in mind when doing yoga exercises

AtYoga exercisesThere are various things to consider in order to experience the full effect of the sport and, above all, not to injure yourself. If you follow the five most important points, yoga can benefit you both physically and mentally and have a long-term positive effect on your well-being. These principles are:

Breath control (“Pranayama”) is a central part of everyoneYoga exercise. Breathing deeply and evenly in and out calms and focuses the mind. It is important not to hold your breath, but to breathe smoothly and, above all, consciously. This relaxes the body, can relieve tension and increase the efficiency of the exercises.

Yoga is also about self-awareness. Therefore, you should avoid forcing yourself into certain positions and causing pain or overstretching your joints and muscles.Yoga exercisesshould never be painful or cause discomfort. So pay attention to your body's signals and adapt the positions to your needs and level. There are enough variants,Yoga exerciseseasier to design.

To avoid injuries when doing yoga, performing the exercises correctly is crucial. In addition, with the right technique you can achieve the maximum effect of the exercise. You should pay particular attention to the spine, joints and muscles. So move slowly and precisely, focus on your breathing and on a correct one. A yoga studio has the decisive advantage here that an experienced trainer can always look after it.

A non-slip yoga mat is essential. This way you stay safely in position and avoid slipping. It shouldn't be too thick, but still comfortable, so that you can keep your balance well and still stand, sit or lie comfortably. When it comes to clothing, the main thing is to be comfortable and have enough room to move.

Yoga mat “Warrior Mat”

Also available in dark blue, black and olive green

Non-slip yoga mat with carrying strap

If you want to see progress, you shouldYoga exercisespractice regularly. Consistency is the magic word here. This is how you achieve flexibility, strength and mental focus. But please don't stress, becauseis out of place in the traditional Indian relaxation method. With, dedication and, above all, self-care, you do something good for yourself every day, even if your mobility is sometimes more and sometimes less satisfactory.

The 10 best yoga exercises for beginners

We have the ten best for youYoga exercisesput together in a sensible order for beginners. You can repeat the sequence exactly like this. The entire session lasts about 20 to 30 minutes, depending on how long you hold each exercise. The main thing is to gently warm up the body, stretch it, strengthen it and finally bring it into deep relaxation.