Sunlight is important for certain houseplants but not for others. If a houseplant needs full daylight, it will not do well in a dark room, and if it needs less light, it will not do well in a bright room. Which are easy-care houseplants for dark rooms?
If you are a newbie or just want to grow some beautiful plants without putting in a lot of effort, you should give one of these plants a try. They thrive in less light and require very little care.
Easy-care houseplants for dark rooms – arched hemp (Dracaena trifasciata, Sansevieria)
Due to their extreme resistance to all adversities, bow hemp thrives even in inconvenient places far away from the window. Their colorful, tapered leaves are modern and elegant at the same time, and they look good in both large and small pots. Don't water until the top layer of soil has completely dried out, which usually takes about two to three weeks.
Ivy is a timeless plant that visually enhances any environment. Climbing plants like these require very little sun per day. On top of that, according to NASA, ivy is one of the best plants for air purification. It can break down harmful chemicals such as benzene, formaldehyde, xylene and toluene.
The piston filament (Aglaonema)
This is a great plant for novice gardeners because it is long-lived, requires little care (it thrives in low light), and only requires occasional fertilizing. Actually, these plants can grow well even in artificial light - they are not even dependent on light. One reason this plant is not suitable for a bathroom is that it prefers dry air. Be careful not to give the Aglaonema to your friends with pets – it is poisonous to dogs, cats and horses.
Efeutute (Epipremnum aureum)
Due to its adaptability to low light and irregular watering, the ivy is the ideal houseplant for people who have little time. This plant can absorb harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde. With a potential height of up to 3m, these plants are perfect as climbers or in hanging baskets.
Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
You may have noticed this low-light hanging plant with green or green-white leaves in many workplaces. Spider plants grow like weeds if you prune them and don't let them rot. To avoid this, place a saucer under a pot with drainage.
It is better to cut off a dying leaf or vine because then the plant will put more energy into new growth rather than trying to keep the leaf alive.
Die Calathea (Calathea makoyana)
Calathea (Calathea makoyana), also known as marantine, can survive in dim light as long as it is constantly moisturized, but it does not need direct sun. Please note, however, that the Calathea is not the easiest potted plant on our list.
Lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)
Although it prefers partial shade, the lucky bamboo – which is said to bring good luck – requires little light to thrive. However, its greatest strength lies in its dual role as a natural humidifier and air purifier that eliminates harmful chemicals. Keep your lucky bamboo out of the reach of cats and dogs as it is harmful to them.
peace lily (spathiphyllum)
It blooms even when cultivated in low lightthe popular peace lily(also called a one-sheet) many times a year. Medium light conditions are also suitable for development, although low light does not hinder it.
The Birkenfig (Ficus benjamina)
This fast-growing tree is a great way to liven up any interior space. Make sure to provide him with enough water. After the top inch of soil has dried out, place it in a deep container with well-draining soil and water thoroughly. Place the plant in a shady location if you want to give it indirect light rather than direct sunlight from a window. Animals such as cats and dogs cannot cope with the birch fig.
The window leaves (Monstera)
One of the most popular plants of the moment is also one of the easiest to care for, which is hardly surprising. Since it naturally thrives in the shade of larger tropical plants,requires Monsterain their natural habitat there is very little light. It also thrives in warm, humid environments, making bathrooms and other warm, inviting places ideal for this plant.
Bromeliengewächse (Bromeliaceae)
Bromeliads (Bromeliaceae), also known as pineapples, thrive in moist environments such as toilets and can even survive on fluorescent lighting alone. But that's not why bromeliads are so popular. They can be found on rocks, in the ground, or even on other trees and plants. What a fantastic idea! They are one of our favorite plants on the market and are also safe for cats and dogs.
Also interesting:Fast-growing, easy-care perennials: These species will transform your garden into a work of art!