The peace lily (Spathiphyllum - the single leaf) is a popular houseplant that requires little care and features attractive white flowers and glossy green foliage. This plant is native to Central America and thrives in warm, humid conditions. How should you care for a one-sheet?
With good care, unileaves can live for a decade or more. The plant's happiness, its growth rate and its flower production are in direct proportion to the amount of light it receives. You can find these plants almost anywhere and they are cheap.
What is a one-sheet?
Peace lilies cannot be called true lilies. They come from tropical South and Central America and are evergreen, tropical plants that belong to the family ofAraceaebelong. The secret to a happy and healthy peace lily is to create an environment similar to that in your home. Under ideal conditions, peace lilies can bloom continuously from early summer through fall, with flower color ranging from white to cream.
While the average height of a peace lily indoors is 40 cm, larger varieties can reach a height of up to 150 cm with their leaves. Peace lilies can only be grown outdoors in warm, humid regions because they are not cold-resistant.
Is the peace lily poisonous to dogs and cats?
In some ways, peace lilies can be deadly. The calcium oxalate, found in all parts of the peace lily, can irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and lungs in doses high enough to be harmful. It is important to keep peace lilies in a place where pets and children cannot get to them as they can nibble on them.
Maintaining a leaflet – tips
You can find out how to plant and care for a single leaf here.
Growing Peace Lily
Choose a container that does not exceed the root ball by more than a third. To prepare the pot for sowing the peace lily, fill it two-thirds full with peat-free general purpose or houseplant soil. After planting, fill the root ball with additional compost soil. Be sure to choose a combination that drains well, as the plant is very sensitive to soil that is too wet. Give plenty of water and let it drain.
Pay attention to light
Sunlight, even if indirect, is necessary for peace lily growth. In their natural environment, these plants thrive in partial shade. Indoor peace lilies, on the other hand, require a little more diffused light. However, some species are more sensitive to light than others. The best place to plant a peace lily at home is near an east-facing window.
Water the leaflet correctly
The peace lily likes to be submerged and not overwatered. Water a peace lily when the top inch of soil has dried out—however, the frequency of watering depends on the size of the container and the soil's drainage rate. Water less frequently in winter, but make sure the soil does not dry out completely. Use filtered or distilled water if your household water is heavily chlorinated. To get rid of the chlorine, you can also simply let the water sit for a few days.
Care for the single leaf so that it blooms optimally
Give these houseplants indirect, bright light, but not direct sunlight, for optimal blooming. Feed them with a balanced fertilizer, such as 20-20-20, at six to eight week intervals during the spring and summer growing seasons. Half of the specified amount should be used for mixing. Be careful because if you over-fertilize the peace lily, the tips of the leaves can scorch and turn brown.
Also interesting: Leafy plants for the room: These are the most beautiful species that will transform your home into an oasis
Temperature for peace lily
As a houseplant, a peace lily thrives best at temperatures between 16 and 21 degrees Celsius, the ideal value for tropical rainforests. If you don't want your plant to wilt, you should keep it away from hot radiators and cold drafts.
Why do peace lilies get brown spots on the tips?
The most typicalCauses of brown tipsFor peace lilies, irregular watering, extreme humidity or watering, or over-fertilization are common. For new plant lovers, this can be frustrating because it is just one symptom among many. The plant is not affected by the brown tips.CutRemove the brown tips if you don't like the way they look - this is not absolutely necessary and will not harm the plant in any way.
Single leaf has yellow leaves
It is normal for the leavesthis houseplant will turn yellow– to encourage the growth of new leaves, simply pluck them off. The leaves can also turn yellow from overwatering: let the soil dry out for a while to see if that helps.
Repot single leaf
When your peace lily's roots begin to poke through the holes in the bottom of its plastic container, it's time to repot it in the spring. To give it room to grow, choose an additional plastic container that is one or two sizes larger (about 2 – 5 cm). When propagating peace lilies, simply divide the clump and plant each seedling with healthy, strong roots. If your unifolia doesn't bloom for a while, it could be because it's getting used to its new home.
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