With our tips for proper Phalaenopsis care, you can ensure the fullest blooms on your windowsill

The butterfly orchidis and remains one of the most popular plant beauties and thanks to breeding, they are no longer as demanding to care for as their relatives in the wild. This makes the beautiful flower perfect even for beginners. But as easy as caring for the Phalaenopsis may be, you have to do a little bit to not only keep it alive, but also to enjoy new blooms again soon.

We summarize the most important things! Pamper your beauties and let them shine in their full glory!

Orchid Phalaenopsis Care – This is how your butterfly orchid will bloom magnificently

Phalaenopsis care like a professional: The right location

The butterfly orchid prefers only small temperature fluctuations. This is why a location is suitable for the orchidson the windowsillideal for offering you the best Phalaenopsis care. It is also nice and bright there, although direct sunlight should definitely be avoided. The ideal temperature is between 18 and 20 degrees. If it is a little cooler in your area at night, that's not a problem, as nighttime temperatures can easily fall to 16 degrees. It is even the case that a nighttime temperature fluctuation of 4 degrees is particularly beneficial for flowering. Make sure there is sufficient humidity. The plant comes from tropical regions and is used to high humidity. The dry air around the radiator should therefore be avoided.

Water orchids

Waterlogging is probably the greatest enemy of orchids. Therefore, adequate attention should be paid to proper watering when caring for Phalaenopsis. You canpour or dip. When watering, remove the excess water that collects in the planter. However, diving works best every two to two and a half weeks.

To do this, take the flower out of the planter (not the plant pot with the substrate) and place it in lukewarm water for 10 to 20 minutes. This should be as low in lime as possible. AlsoRainwater is perfect. Then let the plant drain well, after which you can put it back in its planter.

To care for Phalaenopsis, you can also slightly moisten the leaves from time to time or increase the humidity with a humidifier nearby if the air in your rooms tends to dry out due to the heating.

Phalaenopsis orchid care – how to fertilize?

You can care for your Phalaenopsis with fertilizer twice a month, from March to October. It is best to use special orchid fertilizer for this, as normal flower fertilizer is dosed too high. Simply add the fertilizer to the immersion or irrigation water so that you can always combine watering and fertilizing. It is best to use the submerged water for your other plants instead of pouring it away.

If the plant blooms or sets flower shoots outside of the mentioned season, you should also fertilize it.

Caring for orchids after flowering

Repotting the Phalaenopsis orchid – which substrate?

Of course, sooner or later Phalaenopsis care also comes into playthe repotting. In general, you should replace it and the pot every two years. You can choose any time of the year for this, but the orchid is not allowed to bloom at this time.

Whether you want to repot your orchid or just replace the old substrate, orchid soil is best. It consists of coconut fibers and bark in large pieces, which makes the soil crumbly and permeable, because as you know, the pretty flowers cannot tolerate waterlogging. Such soil is sold ready-mixed in stores. Peat is also suitable, but this is less sustainable.

Would you like to pamper your orchid especially? You can then add activated carbon, cork, perlite and/or vermiculite to the substrate. However, once you have decided on a mixture, it is advisable to stick with it as the plant also gets used to it.

Phalaenopsis care after flowering – this is how to repot:

When it comes time to repot your Phalaenopsis, proceed as follows:

1. Water the plant 1-2 days before you plan to repot. Get a new pot. A model with a built-in step is best, especially for orchids. This level prevents waterlogging.

2. Carefully loosen the roots and substrate from the pot. It helps to knead the pot as you go, in case anything sticks. If that doesn't work, cut the pot with scissors.

3. Rinse old substrate from the roots. Then check the roots: cut off any rotten or dried roots. The blade you use for this should definitely be sterile and sharp. It can be easily sterilized with denatured alcohol or by heating it with a lighter (then allowing it to cool thoroughly).

4. Cover the bottom of the pot with the substrate. Hold the orchid in the pot and fill in the gaps between the roots. Holes between the substrate crumbs are not a problem, but are actually desirable for better ventilation. The root neck is ideally at the level of the edge of the pot.

5. Allow the plant to rest and adjust to the new environment for about 2 weeks before watering it for the first time. It will not dry out during this time because you have already moisturized it before repotting, so you don't need to worry about adequate Phalaenopsis care.

Butterfly Orchid Care – Stems, Leaves, Roots

Proper Phalaenopsis care involves a little bit of trimming, for better or worse. Always use clean and sterilized tools,to avoid illness!

The orchid has bloomed? Don't cut off the stem straight away! If it still looks fresh and fleshy, cut it back to the third eye, as the flower could sprout there again. Cut dried stems down to the base (where the stem emerges from the “trunk”).

It is completely normal for the leaves to wilt from time to time and is not necessarily a sign of poor Phalaenopsis care or pest infestation. The outermost, “old” leaves gradually dry out, which you can then easily cut off so that your plant looks pretty again.

We have already explained how to remove rotten or dry roots when repotting in the section on repotting. If these can also be seen above ground, you can remove them. However, stay away from any intact roots that stick out of the pot, because they are part of photosynthesis and, like the leaves, collect light.