Houseplants or plants in winter quarters are particularly quickly affected: the scale insect makes itself comfortable on the above-ground parts of the plant, spreads in no time and weakens your beloved roommates. While the plants outside are usually protected thanks to various beneficial insects, those inside are more likely to fall victim. Act quickly to prevent spread! You can naturally combat scale insects in the following ways:
Fight scale insects naturally: What makes them so harmful
When it comes to scale insects, the big culprits on our plants are always the same: scale insects and scale insectsand mealybugs. They all suck out the sap from the plant, depriving it of the nutrients it needs to thrive. But that's not all: to make matters worse, the scale insect, for example, also releases pollutants back into the plant, weakening it even faster. They are usually found on the leaves (especially along the leaf veins) and stems. Over time, their excretions cause the leaves to become shiny and sticky.
What to do against scale insects? These means have proven themselves
Acting quickly is important to save your plant. Although it won't die down too quickly, you can drastically minimize the damage if you fight the scale insects naturally as quickly as possible. The longer you wait, the longer it will take the plants to recover. But what helps against scale insects? We already have a few remedies such as rapeseed oil and dishwashing liquid as well as how to combat scale insects with coffeein this articlementioned. But there are more:
Important NOTE:You should test each product on a small area beforehand to determine whether the plant can tolerate it at all. Only then can you use it on the entire plant.
Get rid of lice on houseplants without special means
If you take a little time, you can easily remove the pests by hand. Since they don't crawl around wildly, it's not particularly difficult to catch them. For a very light infestation, you can use a damp ear swab and scratch off the lice. This also works under running water, for example with the help of a shower head. You can also rinse off the sticky leaves straight away.
Also keep in mind that one or two scale insects could also be in the substrate. So that they don't spread again after your rescue mission, you should replace the soil when you fight scale insects naturally.
Potash soap and alcohol, especially for severe infestations
With a solution made from the ingredients mentioned, you can spray the entire plant and take action against the pests even in severe infestations. You can then treat the areas where a particularly large number of lice collect again. To this end you can:
- Dab the solution onto the affected areas with a brush.
- Soak a cloth in the solution and wipe the affected areas.
Work with a solution according to this recipe: Dissolve 20 g of potassium soap in a liter of water. The water should be hot for this purpose. As soon as the soap has dissolved, mix in 5 ml more spirit. Stir well and allow the solution to cool.Never use it too hot!Put it in a spray bottle, mist the plant and then use as described above.
The ultimate miracle cure: nettle decoction against pests and as a fertilizer at the same time
Nettle decoction is above allvery popular as fertilizer, but can also drive away pests and even prevent them. How do you prepare it in small quantities for houseplants to prevent scale insects?to fight of course?
You can collect both fresh nettles and use dried ones to kill scale insectsto fight of course. This is how it works:
- 200 g fresh nettlesor
- 20 g dried nettles
- cold water
Crush the leaves and pour cold water over them. It's best to prepare the brew in the evening because it should be able to steep for at least 8 hours. This way you can use it first thing in the morning after you have strained it. The easiest way to apply the home remedy against scale insects is to use a spray bottle.
Oregano as an alternative to nettle
You use oregano in the same way as nettles, only the amount is slightly different. You again have the choice between fresh and dried leaves - you need 100 g of them or 10 g if it is dry. No matter what you choose, this time they are poured with hot water (1 liter). The advantage is that the brew brews sufficiently and can be strained in just 15 to 20 minutes. Now let the liquid cool down and always dilute it with water (3:1) before use.