Fight woodlice in the house: How you can get rid of these crustaceans naturally!

Woodlice are a common small animal in many households. From time to time there can be an infestation of woodlice that is difficult to control. Nobody likes an infestation, regardless of whether the grain is harmless or dangerous. The idea of ​​potentially hundreds of small animals crawling around a house at night is a real nightmare. That's why prevention and control are so important. Below we will provide information on how you can recognize an infestation and combat woodlice in the house.

What are woodlice?

Woodlice are not actually insects. They are crustaceans closely related to lobsters and shrimps. However, they prefer to live on land. To the surprise of many, grain rats serve an important role in natural ecosystems by feeding on decaying matter such as dead plants, fallen or rotting fruits, and even animal feces. Occasionally they can become oneProblem in the strawberry raised bedbecome.

Woodlice are small, but you can see them with the naked eye. They are oval in shape, grayish in color and about 9 to 18 mm long. Their body segments consist of a soft shell. They have 7 pairs of legs and 2 pairs of antennae. There are different types of woodlice.

Fighting woodlice in the house: Where can you find them and what do they eat?

Grain rattles feel most comfortable in damp and wet environments, which is whyGarden your ideal homeis. They live under stones, rotting leaves, dead wood, tree stumps and plants. These crustaceans especially love dark and damp places that are in nature and near water sources. This is also why they are attracted to basements and damp areas in our homes.

Woodlice feed on rotting wood, mold, decaying materials and plants. Indoors, they feed on damp wood and mold.

Woodlice in the apartment: are they dangerous?

Woodlice are harmless to humans. They do not sting, bite or transmit diseases. So if you find them in your house, you don't have to worry about your health. However, they can damage your home.

These crustaceans canon wooden objects- including furniture, wooden floors, beams, etc. - cause only minor damage. They usually stay in dark, damp areas of the home.

What to do about woodlice?

If you spot woodlice in the upper areas of your home, this could be an indication of an infestation.

Fight woodlice in the house – the natural way

One of the easiest and most natural methods for removing woodlice from your home is to use a brush to brush the insects into a dustpan, collect them and then dispose of them outside. You can toouse a vacuum cleanerand empty the contents outside in the garden or in a garbage can. When using a natural method to remove these crustaceans, it is important not to crush the animals on carpets or floors as they can easily stain.

Fight woodlice with home remedies – salt or baking soda

It is recommended to take preventive measures to ensure that the home does not provide them with a damp environment for future infestation. You need to ensure dry conditions both inside and outside the house and to do this you can use various agents such as salt or baking soda. Sprinkling salt barriers over doorways can cause the grain rattles to dry out as they enter the home, leading to their death.

What else helps against woodlice?

  • Hairspray is an effective, natural remedy for grain rattles.
  • Remove leaves and debris from the exterior walls of your home, especially near vent bricks and grilles.
  • Keep your exterior drains and gutters free of debris.
  • Fill them allGaps around windows and doors with caulk.
  • Keep your house completely dry and warm, then the crustaceans will soon find another place to live. Keep the relative humidity in your home below 60% to reduce the chance of an infestation.
  • Reduce the humidity in areas where you have seen woodlice.
  • Use a dehumidifier or fan to lower the humidity in the basement as much as possible and make sure the foundation is free of cracks.
  • Check your firewood twice and make sure you are not bringing in woodlice with the firewood.
  • The simplest remedy for woodlice is a regular vacuum cleaner.
  • Woodlice don't like the smell of cinnamon and sage: Sprinkle some cinnamon or leave some sage leaves where you found the small crustaceans.

Fight woodlice in the house: make your own trap

There are different ways to build a grain rattle trap. One option is to use a plastic container with a lid. Cut a hole in the lid of the container so that the crustaceans can get in but not escape. Place pieces of apple or other fruit in the container so they can climb up and hopefully get caught in the food.

Another option is to use a corrugated cardboard tube with small holes on one side. Place wooden discs on one end of the hose and place it over a light source so that the woodlice are attracted to the light and fall into the hose where they can be easily caught.