High salaries: This profession has the most money

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Stepstone's salary report for 2024 reveals which professional group earns the most.

Every year the job platform Stepstone publishes an extensive oneSalary report, which provides interesting insights into salary structures in Germany - including in 2024. In addition to average and median salaries, the data also provides information about industry differences and gender-specific salary differences.

The results of the survey show how important salary prospects are for applicants: “Around 90%* of job seekers have a better picture of the potential employer if they directly provide specific information about the salary,” says the salary report.

ImOn average, the median salary of all respondents is 43,750 euros grossand the average salary is 50,250 euros. The data refers to the year 2023. The median is more accurate in its informative value about actual salaries because this value lies exactly in the middle. That means thatjust as many employees earn more and just as many earn less than this amount.

But in which industry do you earn the most?

According to the Stepstone salary report: You earn the most in this job

Also earn in 2023/2024Doctorsthe most in Germany. Their gross median salary is 94,750 euros and the average gross salary is 107,250 euros. This means that doctors are once again at the top of the high earners in this country.

The salaries of doctors can vary significantly depending on the federal state. While the professional group in Bremen earns the least at 87,500 euros per month, in Brandenburg they earn the most at 109,750 euros. This corresponds to a considerable difference of 22,250 euros.

A big factor in the salaries of doctors is personnel responsibility. With personnel responsibility there is an average of 120,000 euros, without personnel responsibility 75,000 euros. Therefore, senior physicians earn an average of 125,000 euros, more than twice as much as junior doctors with 60,750 euros per month.

The gender difference is also large. Men earn a median of 105,000 euros and women earn 76,500 euros.

These are the second and third places in the occupational groups that earn the best

OnSecond placeis theBanking, finance and insurance sectors. The median amount here is 57,000 euros per month and the average is 63,000 euros gross. The banking industry, with a gross median salary of 60,000 euros, is ahead of the insurance industry with 56,750 euros.

OnThird placeis thatIngenieurswesenwith a gross median salary of 56,000 euros and a gross average salary of 60,250 euros.

Bringing up the rear are the professional groups “hotel, gastronomy and catering” with a gross median salary of 35,000 euros, as well as wholesale and retail trade with 35,750 euros per month.

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