Limp leaves on orchids, what to do? Diving in sugar water and other tricks that help

If the orchids have yellow, limp leaves, this is a sign of incorrect water supply. It is first noticeable on the leaves, as they react most quickly to a lack or oversupply. Then it is important to act quickly, otherwise the exotic will shed its leaves and can then die. But what can help? For other plants, watering with sugar water has a refreshing effect. Can a dipping bath with sugar also save the popular houseplant? We explain in which cases this makes sense and when such an immersion bath can be harmful.

Limp leaves and dry aerial roots: The orchid was watered incorrectly or too little

If the orchid has dry, ash-gray aerial roots and limp, soft leaves, then it may be due to incorrect watering. New plants may dry out during transport and the new orchid may desperately need a dip. However, if you have had the orchid for a long period of time and notice that it is not producing flowers, the leaves are becoming soft and limp, and the aerial roots are becoming gray and shriveled, then ask yourself whether you have made one of the following watering mistakes.

Common watering mistakes: how to save the plant

  • Do you have that?Watered orchidor submerged in water? It is much better to submerge the orchid in water. However, this should only be done when the substrate dries.
  • Did you submerge the entire pot in water? A common dipping mistake: You should submerge the entire pot in the water and not just the bottom. This is the only way the roots can soak up.
  • Did you drain the orchid after the dip? There should be no standing water left in the saucer as this will lead to rot. When rot occurs, the leaves also become soft and limp because the roots die and can no longer absorb water. If there is rot, pests can also attack the plant or the substrate can become moldy.
  • Did you water the orchid in the evening? Evening is not a good time for a dip. It is much better if you wait until the weekend and dive the orchid in the morning.

The first step is always to check the orchid for signs of mold and pests. If these have been ruled out and the substrate and root balls are dry, then you can use sugar water.

Sugar water as a first aid for water shortage?

When there was a lack of water, the exotic species saved water for the roots and the above-ground parts of the plant were hardly supplied with water. The result is dried flower buds and limp, yellow leaves. The situation is made even more difficult by the fact that the humidity in the rooms is often below 40%. This means that the aerial roots cannot absorb moisture from the air and become ashy gray and dry out.

A dip in sugar water can help. Fill the bathroom sink with lukewarm, descaled water and add a teaspoon of sugar to the water. Stir gently until the sugar completely dissolves. Carefully loosen the root balls from the substrate. Cut completelydried rootsoff - they will no longer recover and can rot. Also cut off any flower buds; the orchid will need the water for the roots and leaves.

Then immerse the root balls in the water and wait about 20 minutes until they become saturated. Then rinse the root balls with lukewarm water without sugar and then plant them in new substrate. Fertilizing can be completely omitted in the next two weeks.

After about a week, you can immerse the orchid again in decalcified water, including the pot and substrate.

By the way, when it comes to dipping baths with sugar water, opinions differ: Some hobby gardeners swear by it, others see no benefit and more harm. Supposedly the sugar water promotes the formation of rot and attracts pests. Of course, this also depends on the location and substrate.

Limp Leaves: Other Tricks That Help

In addition to dipping in sugar water, other tricks can also help with soft leaves. For example:

  • Change the location. Orchids do not like temperature changes. So if you keep it in the living room, where there is heating during the day but no heating in the evening, then the plant can quickly develop limp leaves.
  • Water the orchids with rainwater or submerge them in rainwater.
  • If the humidity is low, place damp river stones in the coaster. They will gradually release water into the air and the aerial roots can then absorb it.
  • Repot the orchids, cutting off the dry aerial roots and roots.
  • Attach the plants to a tree trunk (so-called untying).