Planting and caring for chives: When, how and with which plants can they be grown in the garden and in pots!

Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) is an easy-to-cultivate, perennial plant that belongs to the onion and garlic family and is reminiscent of grass. Because of its subtle onion flavor, it can be used as a garnish for soups or salads. How to plant and care for chives?

Foto: Anna Shepulova/ Shutterstock

This plant is not only beautiful to look at, but also makes a tasty side dish thanks to its delicious purple flowers. It is common to plant chives among vegetables to ward off some pests, as they both attract pollinators such as bees and appear to repel other insects.

Photo: Svetlana Monyakova/Shutterstock

One of the numerous onion plants is the Alliaceae family, which also includes chivesAllium schoenoprasumheard. This perennial plant is ideal for the garden or in a pot because of its lavender flowers, clump-like growth habit and resistance to cold. The hollow, grass-like leaves are often used in salads and dips for their mild onion flavor. The small flowers open their petals in the second half of May or early June. You can eat them, use them in salads or use them as a decorative element in arrangements. In the kitchen, this herbal plant adds flavor to a variety of dishes, including potatoes, eggs, cheese, and vegetables.

Choose the right location and soil

Full sun and an organic-rich, slightly acidic to neutral pH, well-drained soil are ideal for chives. It grows best in full sun along with other perennial herbs such asLavender, sage, thyme and tarragon. Because of its beautiful appearance, this herb is suitable for more than just herb gardens. It also looks beautiful on sidewalks or in perennial beds. You can also place it in a container garden where it will grow new leaves all winter long.

Which plants should you plant with?

Photo: Carlos Amarillo/ Shutterstock

BuildSunflowers, tomatoes and carrotsntogether withchivesin your garden. It is believed to be able to repel pests such as snails, aphids, beetles, among others. He's also easy to get along withParsley, dill and marjoramcombine.

The different growth forms ofChives, Mint and oreganobenefit each other. Oregano grows tall, mint spreads, and chive plants grow in clumps. Planting them one after the other creates a visually appealing herb garden with a wide variety of varieties.

The essential oils of flowering herbs such asOregano, chamomile and chivesare reinforced when used together withBasilgrown in a herb garden.

Planting chives: when and how

You can sow the perennial between mid-March and mid-April. But it can also be in the bed until July. In this case, the chives are more likely to be planted in seed trays or pots and cultivated on the windowsill. Since the seeds germinate slowly, you should sow them in weed-free soil. Since this is almost impossible, you should sow the seeds in pots and then transplant them outdoors after four to eight weeks.

Plant this herb in spring after the last frost has passed. Make sure the hole you dig is deep and wide enough to accommodate the root ball. Pick up the plant and set it aside. Loosen the root ball with your fingertips if it is thick and tight. Place the plant in the hole so that the soil is level with the top of the root ball. Tamp the soil firmly with your hand before filling it back up with the original soil. If there is no rain for a few weeks, water the plant deeply and gently until new growth appears.

Grow the perennial in a pot

Foto: kay fochtmann/ Shutterstock

Medium to large pots 30 to 40 cm deep and the same width are ideal for growing chives. Give 1 – 2 cm sowing depth and 20 – 25 cm distance between individual seeds or plant seedlings. Use a layer of organic mulch around already established chive plants to maintain optimal moisture. These perennialsthrive in the potvery good on your balcony.


To get the most out of your chives, plant them in a sunny location that receives six hours of direct sunlight each day. Although this herb plant thrives in partial shade, it does not produce nearly as many flowers.

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Water regularly

Although chives can survive in dry conditions, they really come into their own in moist soil. For best results, water regularly throughout the year, especially when temperatures are very high. Because the chive plant grows very low to the ground, mulching the area surrounding the bulbs can help retain water even when not watered.

Fertilize with compost

Slow, compact growth is ideal for the flavor of chives and many other herbs. The chive plant often gets all the nutrients it needs from organically rich soil. If the soil does not contain enough organic matter, consider applying a 2-inch layer of compost around the roots of each plant in the spring.

Harvesting tips

Using sharp scissors or kitchen scissors, cut the stems of the chives to a height of 5 cm from the ground. You should never take them out of the ground. Only remove leaves that are 18-25cm long - the younger, inner leaves should be left alone until they have grown.

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