Beautiful houseplants with colorful leaves as a splash of color in the interior: 22 ornamental leaf plants

For a long time, beautiful houseplants were frowned upon as green dust collectors. Now potted plants are moving back into the house. To please the eye, a houseplant does not necessarily have to be in bloom. If you want a vibrant splash of color in your modern interior, you have many beautiful plant species with colorful or variegated leaves to choose from. They have the advantage of having a positive influence on the living atmosphere all year round with their beautiful colors, and not just during the flowering period. The specimens with unusual foliage color bring brightness into the room and find a place of honor in simple Nordic furnished rooms.

Ornamental foliage plants for indoors score points with colorful leaves

The plant species that show a variety of variations with their leaves are called variegate or variegated plants. Differently colored zones appear on the leaves and they acquire a kind of striped or dotted pattern that comes in an attractive color or in white. They arose accidentally in nature and the reason for the interesting foliage color is actually the local lack of chlorophyll in certain areas on the leaves. These zones can be uniform and, thanks to other embedded pigments, receive an additional, rather atypical color.

Beautiful plants with variegated leaves

In some plant species the change in color occurs irregularly and in others the pattern is completely symmetrical. Most of the time it fulfills a comprehensible function and, for example, points in the direction of the nectaries to attract insects or confuse enemies. Botanically, the variegated leaves are called “variegation”. This event occurs naturally in only a few plants. It is often about attractive gene modification. There is a “Variegata” as an addition to the botanical name of the plant.

22 species with colorful foliage at a glance

The colorful plants fascinate with the varied coloring of their leaves. Sometimes there are spots of different sizes distributed across the entire leaf in a mosaic pattern. Often only the edge areas are variegated. There are also completely discolored leaves where only the veins are shown in a contrasting color.

Many beautiful houseplants that do not attract attention with their flowers are classified as ornamental foliage plants. The croton, for example, surprises with its different leaf markings and colors (Greedy) or the leaf begonia (Begonia rex). For all plants with colorful or variegated foliage, in contrast to plants with lush green leaves, they need very bright locations, but not direct sunshine.

This is because the variegated leaves receive less of the green leaf pigment chlorophyll and photosynthesis is required for this and thrive best in bright locations. The need for chlorophyll increases in dark rooms. This is why ornamental foliage plants in dark or dark corners of the room are less colorful. In general, the more colorful the foliage, the brighter the sand location has to be.

There are some relatively easy-care and beautiful houseplants that can be used as a green alternative and a vibrant splash of color in the interior.

Pfeilblatt, Alocation (Alocasia)

Home & Garden

Choosing the right flowers for the inside windowsill

Decorators, designers and just plant lovers are always looking for new interesting ways to bring fresh greenery into our city apartments. Today we will give you a few tips on how to choose the right flowers for the windowsill and how to arrange them beautifully.

The alocasia is a magnificent foliage plant that beautifully complements the modern interior. Still known as the arrow leaf, it is characterized by the unique shape of its leaves. They have gold or purple leaf veins, actually making them one of the most beautiful foliage plants. The alocasia is a tropical plant that has few requirements. However, it needs a suitable location that is warm, moist and shady at the same time.

Glanzkölbchen (Aphelandra squarrosa)

Glossy bulb impresses with its exotic beauty and its large, contrastingly veined leaves. In order to keep this extraordinary plant healthy and therefore attractive, intensive care is required. It feels comfortable in a bright to partially shaded, very warm location. It should be protected from direct sunlight and drafts. From June to October, the glossy flower produces its mostly yellow flowers, which can grow up to 30 centimeters high. It looks particularly good in combination with simpler leafy plants or is often used alone in a modern living atmosphere.

Forellenbegonia (Begonia Maculata)

Begonias are tropical plants and there are more than 1000 different species known. TheTrout begonia is a special type of begonia that is relatively easy to care for. It needs a bright location and a room temperature that is no more than 20 degrees, even in summer. In winter she is welcomein the winter garden or greenhouseand can tolerate a temperature between 12 and 15 degrees. The trout begonia can bloom all year round. During the dormant period it can be watered less. Otherwise, the plant is regularly supplied with lukewarm water, but if the trout begonia is kept too moist, root rot can occur.

Blattbegonie (Begonia rex)

The leaf begonia is one of the most beautiful houseplants, which immediately stands out thanks to its unusually colored and shaped leaves. Their patterning and coloring can be red, pink, black, green and bronze. The leaf begonia does bloom, but its flowers look rather inconspicuous compared to the magnificent leaves. The plant likes bright locations, but cannot tolerate direct sunshine and in winter it needs sufficient soil warmth. When caring for the leaf begonia, it is particularly important to water it evenly with stale water so that neither waterlogging nor dryness occurs.

Maranta leuconeura “Fascinator”

The Maranta is a plant native to tropical America and especially to the Brazilian rainforests. It has beautiful oval leaves with an interesting green-brownish-red vein and grows wider rather than taller. Moderate exposure is optimal for them because they cannot tolerate the full power of the sun. The plant feels comfortable in a warm, humid environment and is watered with water that is as low in lime as possible. You should achieve good substrate moisture, but not wetness.

Different types of Calathea (Calathea)

Calathea or basket marante is closely related to the maranta and there are around 150 wild species known. Since they belong to the tropical jungle plants, they feel most comfortable in a warm, humid atmosphere, which is not so easy for indoor gardeners to recreate. The location should be partially shaded, as the plant cannot tolerate direct sun. She can also cope in the shade. All year round, the basket marante needs warmth and a relatively uniform temperature between 18 and 21 degrees and a little more. The most important thing when caring for them is actually the humidity. To achieve this, you have to spray the plant with water every day. Soil warmth is just as important, so the plant should never be placed on a cold marble windowsill.

Calathea lancifolia

Buntnesseln (Coleus)

The pretty coleus is a beautiful colorful leafy plant that originally grows in tropical Africa and Asia. In Europe it is known as a houseplant, but is also partially suitable for the garden orTerrace and balcony. The coleus foliage turns bright green, pink, red, brown and orange when the plant is doing well. To do this, it needs well-drained soil enriched with compost soil. A location in full sun and sheltered from the wind is ideal. In general, coleus requires little care. Adequate watering and fertilization every 14 days is usually sufficient.

Croton (Croton), miracle shrub

The miracle bush, also known as croton, is also a colorful leafy plant that originally comes from the tropics. Countless varieties have now been created. All are characterized by long, narrow or large leaves that are spotted, marbled or veined in bright colors. The small, lush plants for the windowsill are particularly popular. Like many other beautiful houseplants with variegated leaves, the brighter the location, the more intensely colored the foliage will be. A room temperature is recommended all year round. For watering you should use soft, room temperature water and fertilize every 14 days. If the air in the room is too dry, you have to spray the leaves often.


The Dieffenbachia is one of the most popular houseplants perhaps because it is extremely easy to care for. It is characterized by a large variety of leaf shapes and is a real eye-catcher as an ornamental foliage plant. The uniformly shaped leaves can be spotted or painted depending on the variety. Ideal for plant beginners, the Dieffenbachia only needs a relatively bright location to develop its leaf beauty. It can grow up to one meter high, so you have to find an optimal location. It is also poisonous and can be particularly dangerous for children and pets.

Punktblatt (Hypoestes)

The dot leaf is a popular houseplant that was particularly widespread in England, but can also be found growing wild in Madagascar. It is only cultivated as a houseplant. It features the pretty dot pattern. The point leaf needs a bright place, but it cannot tolerate direct sun. It feels comfortable at normal room temperature all year round and the plant actually has no rest period. The humidity must be relatively high all year round and so must the soil. You should avoid waterlogging.

Monstera Variegata or delicious window leaf

Monstera is a particularly trendy plant at the moment that can be seen in various pretty arrangements on Instagram. It creates an immediate jungle landscape feeling that many people want to bring into their own home. However, it is quite complicated to keep and requires a lot of attention: it has to be watered, fertilized and dusted regularly.

Ornamental pepper, dwarf pepper (Peperomia Raindrop)

Bow hemp (Sansevieria)

In the 60s, the Sansevieria was a popular houseplant in every apartment. They are characterized by the massive, long, narrow leaves. The plant belongs to the succulent genus and feels comfortable at a room temperature of 15 degrees or more. It does not tolerate waterlogging, so you should not water it too often.

Purpurblättrige Dreimasterblume (Tradescantia Spathacea)

Zebrakraut (Tradescantia zebrina)

Mosaikpflanze (Fittonia)


Haworthia belongs to the genus of succulents, in which variegation occurs very often. All the special features that are characteristic of the other plants of this species apply to them. It is small, undemanding and a good choice for any small apartment. The plant stores water in its leaves and therefore only needs to be watered rarely. Once a month is enough in winter and two or three times in summer. Succulents generally like warm and sunny locations.

Japanese spindle bush (Euonymus japonicus aureus)

The Japanese spindle bush can also be grown as a potted plant or a small tree. It has that certain something and gets a particularly beautiful color in autumn. It is also both hardy and evergreen. The spindle bush can also live outside all year round to a limited extent, but it must be protected from cold winds and hard frost. You should be particularly careful with this pretty plant if there are pets and children in the household, as it is poisonous.