Growing spinach (Spinacia oleracea) in your garden is not only good for your health, but the easy-care plant will also reward you with a bountiful harvest. It is an annual leafy vegetable that belongs to the amaranth family (Amaranthaceae) and can also be grown using the direct sowing method. Read on to find out how to grow spinach and get all the answers to the following questions: when is the best time to plant the vegetable, where is the best place and how to sow the seeds?
When to sow leafy vegetables and how to choose the right variety
When it comes to the question of when to sow spinach, there is more than one right answer - it can be sown at different times of the year. Spring and autumn are the most common seasons. It is possible to grow spinach outdoors in all seasons if you follow a few simple rules.
The best time to sow leafy greens depends on the variety you want to grow. Choosing the right variety is crucial for successful cultivation. The type of spinach you choose depends on the environmental conditions of the respective season. For example, if you plan to sow and harvest your spinach in summer, choose varieties that are particularly resistant to wilting. They do not bloom as quickly when exposed to high temperatures in summer, but they are often more sensitive to low temperatures. If, on the other hand, you want to sow winter spinach, choose a frost-hardy spinach variety.
Tipp: If you want to harvest your first spinach before summer begins, sow spinach seeds from late February to April. Cover the young plants with fleece to protect them from frequent cold snaps in spring. You can also grow the spinach seeds in cold frames or warm frames.
In the following overview you will find the times for sowing and harvesting:
- Spring spinach
Sowing:End of February, beginning of April,harvest: May – June - Summer spinach
sowing: April – end of June,harvest: June – August - Autumn spinach
sowing: July – September,harvest: September – December - Winterspinat
sowing: end of September – beginning of October,harvest: April
Where to Grow Spinach
Spinach thrives in sunny to partially shaded locations. However, the ideal location for the leafy vegetables depends on the variety. For example, summer spinach grows best in partial shade, while winter spinach thrives in sunny locations. It is sensitive to compacted soil. Therefore, it is important to loosen the soil to a depth of at least 30 centimeters. The leafy vegetables prefer a humus-rich and permeable substrate with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5. A humus-rich vegetable bed can be achieved through careful humus management and the regular use of plant fertilizer.
Choosing a planting site:
- Sunny to partially shaded location
- Loose, well-drained soil
- Humus and nutrient-rich soil
- Ideal pH value: 6.5 – 7.5
Growing spinach in raised beds – there are many advantages
Growing spinach in raised beds can be very beneficial as it is easier to harvest and care for. In addition, snail damage is less likely. Be sure to choose bolt-resistant varieties, as raised beds tend to be drier and sunnier than garden beds, which encourages early flowering.
The leafy vegetables also grow easily on the balcony
You can also grow spinach in a pot on the balcony if you don't have a suitable garden bed. The versatile leafy vegetable thrives even in cramped conditions. It doesn't matter whether your balcony is sunny or partially shaded, but make sure it is not in a fully shaded area. It is important that you choose a container with a volume of at least three liters and drainage holes, as waterlogging can kill your plant.
Grow your own spinach:It's a fast-growing vegetable, so it's perfect for impatient gardeners. It is also a good choice for a cover crop or a gap filler.
Sowing spinach – How to do it correctly
Spinach is sown directly into the ground. Follow these steps and tips and you will become onerich harvestenjoy:
- Prepare the soil to ensure loose, humus-rich soil
- Loosen heavy, clayey soils with compost or sand
- Enrich the soil with nutrients
- Adjust the pH by liming or fertilizing the soil as needed
- Row spacing: 20 – 30 cm
- Distance between seeds: 3 - 4 cm
- Sowing depth: 2 – 3 cm
- Ideal germination temperature: 10 – 20 °C
- If there is a risk of frost, cover your spinach with fleece
- After 3 – 4 weeks, thin out to 8 – 12 cm
- Harvest after 6 – 8 weeks
Cover your spinach with fleece when sowing spinach seeds in spring or autumn to prevent the plants from freezing. If you sow the vegetables in summer, be careful not to let your soil dry out. Water your plants at least once a day. You can harvest spinach after just six to eight weeks.
Tipp: Allow your plant to grow a little larger and thin out the rows by harvesting baby leaf spinach. Re-sow your spinach regularly for a continuous harvest.
Harvest and freeze spinach –Learn here, when to pick the leafy greens and how to preserve them!