Harvesting and Freezing Spinach: Learn when to pick the leafy greens and how to preserve them

Spinach is a green leafy vegetable rich in iron and vitamin C and can be eaten fresh or cooked. It tends to spoil and become bitter when temperatures rise. Therefore, the timing of harvest is important to get the best leaves. However, if you reap a bountiful harvest, you can preserve the useful vegetable by freezing. In this article we will tell you all the tips and tricks on how to harvest and freeze spinach to save time and money.

Tips on when and how to harvest and freeze spinach

Spinach is a green leafy vegetable rich in iron and vitamin C and can be enjoyed both fresh and cooked. It tends to shoot and become bitter when temperatures rise. When to harvest spinach depends on whether you want baby leaves or fully grown leaves.

The right time is important for the harvest

When can you harvest spinach?:The right time to harvest spinach is important to get the best leaves and prevent wilting. Spinach is a cool-season plant that blooms or bolts when the sun is high and temperatures are warm. Most varieties mature in 37 to 45 days and can be harvested as soon as they form a rosette of five or six leaves. Baby spinach leaves have a sweeter taste and a more tender texture.

Spinach leaves should be removed before they turn yellow and within a week after full leaf formation. There are a few methods you can use to harvest spinach as a complete crop or as a continuous crop.

Pick spinach leaves – Estimate the amount needed

How to Harvest Spinach:Small spinach leaves can be harvested with scissors by simply cutting the leaves at the stem. One option is to harvest the outer, older leaves first and then gradually work your way into the center of the plant as they mature. You can also simply cut off the entire plant at the base. When you harvest spinach this way, it often sprouts again and you get another partial harvest.

When considering how to harvest spinach, consider whether you need to use the whole plant right away or just need a few leaves. Picking spinach speeds up its decay because the leaves don't keep well. There are ways to preserve the vegetables, but first they must be cleaned properly. Spinach should be soaked or rinsed several times to remove dirt and any discolored or damaged leaves from the crop. Fresh spinach can be stored in the refrigerator for ten to fourteen days. The best temperature for spinach is 5-10 C.

How to plant spinach?Find out here!

Can you freeze fresh spinach?

Can you freeze raw spinach? Yes and no. That depends on how you want to use it. If you plan to use the frozen spinach within a few weeks, you do not need to blanch it. But unblanched spinach left in the freezer for too long will turn brown due to the action of enzymes, changing the texture, flavor and color. That's why we recommend blanching (cooking) spinach for two minutes before freezing.

Harvest and freeze spinach – this is how you preserve the leafy vegetables

  1. Harvest fresh spinach as described above.
  2. Bring a large pot of water to a boil.
  3. Meanwhile, wash the spinach at least two to three times to ensure the fine mud is removed.
  4. Remove any large stems and yellowed or blemished leaves.
  5. Toss the spinach into the boiling water. To ensure even cooking, do not overcrowd the pot and repeat the process several times in small batches.
  6. When the water comes back to a full boil, set the timer and cook for 2 minutes.
  7. Meanwhile, fill a large bowl with ice cold water and ice.
  8. When the spinach has cooked for 2 minutes, immediately turn off the heat and transfer the spinach from the boiling water to the ice cold water.
  9. Let the spinach cool in the ice water bath for 2 minutes.
  10. Remove the spinach from the water and squeeze out as much water as possible using the back of a spoon and a wire rack or your hands.
  11. If desired, cut the spinach into the desired size.
  12. Place the spinach in an ice cube tray or freezer bag.
  13. Place the ice cube tray in the freezer for one to two hours and then place the frozen cubes in a freezer bag.
  14. Before sealing, remove as much air as possible from the bag. Use a straw inserted into a small opening and suck out the air to create a simple vacuum seal. This helps prevent freezer burn.
  15. Label the bag and freeze for a year.

Tipp: The following procedure for freezing spinach can also be used for chard, kale, nettle, or beets.

Now that you know how to harvest and freeze spinach, see youhere are some delicious recipesin which you can use it.