Have you found stink bugs in your apartment and don't know what to do? First of all, you mustdon't panic– the stink bug is neither dangerous nor poisonous. This insect only stinks when it is under stress or feels threatened. Nevertheless, no one will be happy if their home is invaded by the little beetles. In the garden, the insects can cause more damage because they feed on the garden plants. Luckily, there are some home remedies and methods that help combat the smelly bugs. How best to get rid of stink bugs, read the article.
What do stink bugs look like and are they dangerous?
Stink bugs belong to the stink bug family and are increasingly found in our latitudes, especially in the warm months. Although we speak of green and brown stink bugs, they are the same species in both cases. The body color of these insects is determined by the season or, more precisely, by the colors of the leaves. The green stink bug is common in spring and summer, and the brown stink bug is common in fall.
Basically, the little animals are not dangerous. They cannot sting, do not transmit diseases and their smell is not toxic to humans or animals. However, when they become more common, they can be described as pests in the garden. They suck on plants and fruits and thus cause damage. Because of their smell, they are not welcome guests in the house either.
What do stink bugs smell like?
Stink bugs belong to a family of insects that use smell as a defense mechanism. When threatened or squashed, stink bugs emit a strong-smelling odor. To human noses, the smell resembles herbs or spices, such as coriander, mixed with a chemical smell. In other words: a foul smell.
What attracts stink bugs?
In the apartment
Although it may seem that these insects appear out of nowhere at home, their presence can usually be attributed to a number of factors. Stink bugs like fruit (especially ripe fruit). So if you're a fan of the classic kitchen countertop fruit bowl, your ripe bananas could be the culprit.
Adding to the inevitable attractions of stink bugs is that these insects love warmth and sunlight. They typically hibernate during the cold winter months, often hiding in walls or uninhabited spaces such as attics. As winter temperatures rise and the days become sunnier, the bugs come out of hiding and become more active. Stink bugs can sneak into rooms, but often can't figure out how to escape, so you suddenly have a small community living in your home.
In the garden
In spring and summer, stink bugs live outdoors, where they feed on plants and lay their eggs. Unfortunately for home gardeners, stink bugs also like a variety of native plants, from ornamental shrubs to wild vines and weeds. They are known to feed on all parts of plants, including flowers, buds, fruits or vegetables and even nuts, so there is a good chance your garden contains some interesting plants for them.
In the garden, stink bugs feed on the sap of plants and can thereforelabel as pests. They affect the growth of plants and affected fruits are no longer suitable for consumption. To protect your garden plants, you can try one of the following methods.
Home remedies for stink bugs in the garden
If you want to get rid of stink bugs, you can resort to some home remedies. Neem oil is a great repellent against many unwanted garden creatures, including bugs. To get rid of the pests, simply apply diluted neem oil to the plants.
A decoction of water, rhubarb and dried rhubarb leaves should also help against stink bugs. Let the mixture sit overnight and then spray the affected plants with it.
Since these insects feed on garden plants and lay their eggs there, you can also try spraying the plants with a kaolin solution to combat stink bugs. This prevents the bugs from laying eggs (since they cannot attach themselves) and feeding on plants. The solution is also safe for plants, including edible species, and washes off easily.
Collect bugs
Another option would be to regularly check the leaves and stems of your garden plants in spring and summer and as soon as you discover bugs, simply pick them up and get rid of them. This way you can prevent the pests from laying eggs and infecting other plants. Always use gloves to protect your hands from stink bug secretions.
Water plants regularly and get rid of stink bugs
Stink bugs don't like moisture. If you water your plants a lot and regularly, you can prevent an infestation. However, this measure only works for plants that can tolerate a lot of moisture.
Attract beneficial insects in the garden
Stink bugs have many natural enemies. You can prevent an infestation in the garden by:Attract beneficial insects to the area. The most common enemies of stink bugs include:
- Small predatory bugs
- Praying mantises
- Lacewings
- Ladybug
- Spiders
- Toads
- Birds
- Frogs
Use plants as stink bug traps
Using decoys in and around the garden is a great way to lure stink bugs away from your most prized garden plants. They will flock to the trap plants, which can then be removed (along with the bugs). Plants that stink bugs are particularly fond of include:
- Sweetcorn
- Okra
- Mustard
- Sunflowers
- Amaranth
Stink bugs in the apartment? Here's what you can do about it
When the weather gets colder, most stink bugs look for shelter. That's why they can be found in apartments, especially in the cool autumn months. But their presence is also not unusual in spring and summer.
But how can you get rid of stink bugs when they are in the house? The first and best option would be to simply capture the beetles and release them into nature. You must do this very carefully to avoid excreting the smelly secretion. If there are one or two bugs, it's best to use a hand broom or a piece of paper to move them. But be careful: stink bugs can also fly. Once the bug is on a suitable surface, place a glass over it and slide a sheet of paper underneath to carry it outside. This way you won't smell the stink either.
Caution: You do not have to crush the stink bug indoors. Once killed, the beetle also releases its specific smell.
Prevent stink bugs in your home
As with other pests in the home, there is also one with stink bugsPrevention of controlpreferable. You can use the following tips to prevent beetles from entering your home.
Block the way into the house
The best way to prevent an infestation is to prevent stink bugs from entering homes and buildings in the first place, especially in the fall. When temperatures start to drop, insects look for winter quarters and are more likely to want to make themselves comfortable in our homes.
To prevent stink bugs from nesting in your home, you should find any openings through which they can enter. These include, for example, cracks around windows, doors, covers, pipes or behind lighting fixtures or chimneys. It is essential that these openings be sealed.
Attach fly screens
One of the best ways to get rid of stink bugs in the house is to install fly screens on all windows that can be opened. Thisalso protects against other insects such as flies, mosquitoes and wasps. However, make sure that stink bugs can crawl very well and can, for example, get in between the roller mechanism of the external roller shutters if the grille is behind the roller shutter.
Get rid of stink bugs with home remedies
For example, you can also make a natural insecticide from home remedies and spray it on window sills, joints and cracks. To make a homemade spray, you can mix warm water, vinegar and dish soap and add it to a spray bottle. An equally good solution is created by mixing water and garlic powder. You can also use neem oil with water as a stink bug repellent.
A stink bug trap in the apartment would not be a good idea because, as already mentioned, the bugs secrete their foul-smelling secretions when they are stressed.
Fighting stink bugs: Can I use the vacuum cleaner?
Simply sucking up the bugs with a vacuum cleaner sounds like a simple and effective solution. Nevertheless, it is not recommended. The insect will most likely be killed by the suction, releasing its stinky odor. Since the vacuum cleaner blows exhaust air, the smell will certainly spread throughout the room. If you have already used the vacuum cleaner as a means of control, dispose of the bag immediately in the trash can or wash the dust collection container thoroughly.