As soon as it gets nice and warm outside, the first annoying pests appear. In addition to mosquitoes and unpleasant wasps, these are also flies, and by that we don't just mean house flies, but also fruit flies. And even if flies in themselves aren't really dangerous, they can still get on your last nerve. But what can you do against the insects? You can certainly buy fly traps for outdoors and indoors, but they are not really nice to look at. For this reason, we would like to draw your attention to natural remedies for this and that is plants. Flies can be wonderfully scared away or deterred both outdoors and indoors. In this article we would like to briefly explain to you which plants are effective against flies. So you will soon have peace of mind!
Plants against flies outside
You sit comfortably on the terrace and off you go – the flies are crawling around on you and getting annoying. Eating dinner on the terrace or balcony is no less unpleasant if you are constantly disturbed by the insects. So what to do about flies? Fortunately, nature offers a number of options that can help you and can be implemented excellently, especially in the garden. Depending on the type of plant, you can use different plants against flies:
Trees that help
A very practical tree that the insects don't like is thisWalnussbaum(The royal juggernaut). It is not without reason that it is often found in parks near benches. It provides wonderful shade in summer and its essential oils not only scare away flies, but also moths and even bedbugs. So you kill several birds with one stone! In late summer and autumn you will also be supplied with walnuts.
Since there are plenty of oils in the leaves, you can also use the leaves of the plants against flies and mosquitoes. Simply crush a leaf to release the oils and then rub it on your arms, legs and other uncovered areas of your body. You'll have some peace and quiet for a while! Those tooHorse chestnut(Chestnut) is a helper. More on this below. TheCamphor tree(Cinnamon and camphor) you can either grow it in a pot or plant it in the garden so that it protects you from flies.
Fight insects with flowers and green plants
The balcony is best usedGeraniums(Pelargonium). The rose geranium is particularly pretty (Pelargonium graveolens). Even with the pretty onespetunias(Petunia), which are very popular as balcony plants anyway, you will successfully fight against flying insects.
This proves itself in the gardenStudentenblume(Tagetes) as a great helper against flies. But it can also be that they are infested by snails, as they are very popular with them. This is also the reason why it is often planted near vegetable plants. Then the student flowers lure them away from the vegetables. So it's a great example of how you can use a negative trait positively.
Furthermore, they are suitablerain fern(Tanacetum vulgare) and theMarigold(Calendula officinalis) as plants against flies. The latter even pulluseful bumblebees and beesto. Thelaurel(A noble laurel) in turn contains essential oils that are repellent to flies and other annoying insects. It can also grow in a pot and decorate the terrace or balcony. A very space-saving but pretty flower that you can plant in the garden and also in the flower pot if you want to drive away the insects are thePfingstnelken(Dianthus Gratianopolitanus). They also emit a smell that is unpleasant for the insects and only grow to a height of 15 cm. you likeChrysanthemums(Chrysanthemum)? Then plant these near your terrace too!
Herbs as a remedy against flies
ThatHerbs very effectiveYou probably already know that they are against insects. But not all specimens that repel mosquitoes also have the same effect against house and other types of flies. However, the following herbs and spice plants can help in the fight against them.
Lavender(Washing her)
With lavender you are not only doing something good for yourself, but also for beneficial insects, because they are the perfect source of food for bees and butterflies, but at the same time they are also great plants against flies. A sunny location is absolutely necessary for lavender.
Basil(Ocimum basilicum)
These spice plants are the perfect plants against flies and this means a wide variety of fly species. What's practical is that this spice plant thrives both in beds and in pots, so you can also grow it on the balcony or windowsill. The reason for this is the large amounts of essential oils contained in the plant.
Nasturtium(A larger trophy)
The nasturtium is pretty to look at and is suitable for any location, so you can easily plant it near the terrace, whether it is shady or sunny. Nasturtiums are not only the perfect plants against flies, but they also deter snails.
Lemongrass(Cymbopogon citratus)
You may know that citrus scents can be successfully used to combat flies and insects. The scent of lemongrass is no exception. This aromatic spice plant has a large number of great ingredients that will help you repel house flies, fruit flies, and other representatives. Lemon verbena can also be used as an alternative or in addition to lemongrass. (Read more about them hereEffects of lemongrass essential oil)
Do you like the taste and smell of chives? Well, not the flies! So use the delicious spice to prepare delicious dishes and snacks and at the same time to scare away the pests. Essential oils will help you with this and you will also get a nice looking fly repellent plant that you can use to decorate the kitchen or garden.
Mint tastes good and smells good, but the flies and mosquitoes have a different opinion. This is especially true for catnip (Nepeta cataria). However, keep in mind that this plant could attract cats because, unlike the insects mentioned, they love the spice. If you don't want that, opt for peppermint instead (Mentha x piperita). Harvest them regularly or crush the leaves to release the aromas and help the plants repel flies.
Other helpful spices to definitely consider include oregano (Oregano vulgaris), Thymian (Thymus), Rosemary (Rosemary officinalis), Garlic (Allium sativum), summer savory (Satureja hortensis) and sage (Salvia).
Get rid of flies with vegetables
Do you have a small one too?Vegetable patch grown, then be sure to add some fly repellent plants to it. ThereTomatoes(Solanum tomato) are usually not missing in the vegetable patch, you will be happy to hear that flies don't like the plant at all. And another great news is that you can even grow them on the balcony or terrace in a container and planter if you choose the right varieties. You can also successfully fight mosquitoes with tomatoes.
Also the smell ofBean plants(Phaseolus vulgaris) is great if you want to get rid of houseflies and other types of flies. And what's better than a fly-fighting plant that also produces a delicious harvest?
Plants against flies in the apartment
And what helps against flies in the apartment? There, too, plants are the best home remedy against insects. In principle, all of the herbs already mentioned are suitable because they can be grown in pots and on the windowsill. You can also grow laurel and carnations in containers and flower pots or boxes, although an outdoor location is preferred, at least in the warmer months. You can also use many ornamental plants from the garden as a bouquet of flowers to deter flies. The tansy, carnations and marigolds are well suited for this.
This is no less helpful for the apartmentHorse chestnut(Chestnut) and more specifically their fruits, which fruit flies don't like at all. You may not have a chestnut in your garden or even a garden. Then you can simply collect some while taking a walk. You then put these in the fruit bowl with the fruit and you are rid of the annoying insects. You can also use the fruits by placing them next to the organic waste.
Carnivorous plants
Carnivorous plants in particular are very interesting. This is especially true for themVenus flytrap(Dionaea muscipula), which you can even watch as it snaps shut. However, the name is a bit misleading because they are actually more suitable for smaller insects such as mosquitoes. Insects that are too large result in a long digestion process, so that the plant dies from an excess of nutrients.
Carnivorous plants with pitfalls are more suitablePitcher plants(Nepenthes), as well as those with sticky traps like the oneSonnentau(Drosera). The former have hollow, usually tubular plant parts into which the insects fall, while the second variant has sticky parts to which the insects stick. Pitcher plants in particular with their hanging “pitchers” are very pretty to look at, are well suited as hanging plants and can also be grown in a pot on the windowsill. No matter which option you choose, remember that these plants cannot adequately combat flies and insects. However, they are definitely pretty to look at and a great addition to your potted and garden plants.
Good locations
To successfully repel flies, you should also use the right locations. So if you want to have peace and quiet outdoors, place plant pots and flower boxes with the respective types of plants in the immediate vicinity of the terrace and seating areas or frame your balcony with them. To prevent the annoying insects from coming into your apartment in the first place, place them at the entrance or patio door and decorate the window sills with plants to prevent flies if you don't have insect screens. Plants against flies can be placed on the windowsill both indoors and outdoors.