If you want to increase your collection of succulents, you can do it yourself without having to buy brand new plants. There are simple andpractical methods of planting, where you can propagate a succulent plant using only its leaf cuttings or offshoots. Learning how to complete this task is a great way to save money on new plants. So instead of buying more houseplants from the nursery, you can reproduce them yourself with a little gardening.
How to propagate existing succulents
The proliferation ofpopular houseplantsis a great way to enjoy a little gardening if you don't have your own garden. In addition, it only takes a few simple steps to plant succulents, and you don't need to care for them frequently. Some of these plant varieties can be propagated from either leaves or stems, while others can only be reproduced from individual buds. However, there are also varieties that grow offshoots and are easy to propagate as young succulents. To make a new succulent from a stem, you need to cut a single piece from the existing plant. It is best to use a sharp, clean cutting tool, such as pruning shears, to minimize any damage to the plant.
Ideally, you make the cut just above a leaf from a spot that will make your mother plant look nice, or even improve its appearance. Accordingly, if the mother plant has become large and spindly, you can take leaf cuttings from the overgrowth. You may need to remove some leaves from the cutting so that you only plant the stem and none of them in the ground. Once you have your cut, there are two ways to proceed.
Select the desired method
You can propagate succulents byUse rooting hormone. The ingredients in the powder mimic the natural growth of the plant. To do this, dip the cut end into the substance. Its main component is 4-(indol-3-yl)butyric acid. Synthetic stuff like this can help cuttings form their own roots more quickly. Use a small spoon to scoop out a pinch of the synthetic plant hormone from the container. Dip the cut end of your stem into the powder and tap it to remove the excess. Throw away the rest you don't use. This will help you avoid potential contamination of your entire container if you accidentally take a diseased cutting.
Succulents are easy to propagate, but you need to calluse the end of the stem or leaf stalk before placing it in the soil. Leave the cut end callused. If this has dried out and is somewhat tough and shrunk, a callus has formed. When propagating succulents, it takes time for the plants to start growing, which usually takes three to five days. To take callus, take the leaf or stem from the mother plant and place it in a warm, dry place out of direct sunlight. It works best if the cuttings receive bright light but not direct sunlight. The process may require less time in a hot and dry climate but may take longer in a cooler or wetter climate. Once your cutting has become calloused, you can plant it. This method is free but slower than using a rooting hormone.
How to plant leaf cuttings when propagating succulents
Regardless of which of the options described above you choose, you should plant your leaf cutting in a previously moistened, well-draining soil mix suitable for succulents. However, do not use garden soil, potting soil, or sand to plant cuttings or adult succulents. These materials are dense and do not drain well. This may cause your succulents to rot. Rather use a growing medium that has aexcellent drainageand is not hospitable to fungi or bacteria. Do not water the soil immediately after planting the cutting. Instead, wait until it dries out. Then water thoroughly and not again until the soil feels completely dry.
First, water the mother plant for a few days before taking a leaf for a cutting to give the leaves the moisture they need to propagate. To make a new succulent from a leaf, all you have to do is twist the leaf and pull it away from the stem of the plant. It's okay if a little bit of stem comes with your leaf. What you don't want is a leaf that has broken off before the stem, because a broken leaf won't give you new plants. Once you have selected a good leaf, you should leave the wet part where it was removed from the parent's callus. Keep your leaves in the shade on slightly moist soil, peat or horticultural pumice. If you live in a drier climate, you may need to mist or water your leaves, while humid climates do not require watering. Keep your leaves partially exposed to the sun so that your new plants and roots don't dry out or get sunburned. If you have pets, keep in mind that some succulents are suitable for dogs and...Cats can be poisonouscould.
How to use cuttings when propagating succulents
Some succulents develop smaller versions of themselves. You can usually see these baby plants at the base of the mother plant or along the stem. These offshoots develop their own roots, which you can immediately replant. Some succulents even grow into the air and can be easily propagated. This propagation method is a good way to get more plants. If the mother plant is in a pot, you will also avoid overcrowding it with new growth. If you are new to propagating succulents, you can choose plants that are easy to grow. You can use cuttings or leaves to propagate these. The best time of year to propagate succulents is when the plants are actively growing. Depending on where you live, this can be either a short growing season or throughout the year.
Avoid common mistakes
- Overwatering, which can cause the succulent to rot.
- Place leaf cuttings in bright, direct sunlight. The cut is subjected to too much strain. A tender new growth can dry out or get sunburned.
- Do not use a plump, healthy leaf or stem. You are much less likely to have success if you start with a thirsty or sick plant.
- The wrong type of soil retains too much moisture. These conditions can encourage fungal and bacterial growth or cause your cutting to rot.
- It takes several weeks for cuttings to begin to form roots, so you should be patient when propagating succulents.
- If 50% to 70% of the plants you planted are thriving, you've done a good job.
Succulents can be propagated in water
You can encourage the root system of your succulent leaf or stem to grow by suspending it over the surface of a clear glass of water or by lightly submerging the calloused end in the water. Use this method if you want to observe root development in full view or if you want to propagate succulents indoors in unfavorable growing conditions. However, some home gardeners find this option tedious. The growing process accordingly requires a water change to keep the whole thing clean and at the right level. You may need to use plastic wrap with a small hole in it to suspend a small cutting above the water if it is smaller than the opening of the jar. This trick usually works well, but the method requires more effort.