Of course, no one can deny the beauty of a well-maintained garden. But if you add plants to the free landscape, you will bring a significant dose of beauty to your garden. The plants filter the air and water from pollutants. They are also able to significantly cool down urban environments and, if placed correctly, can save you money. Here with us you can now find out how you can design your garden according to the water requirements there. We offer you seven useful, practical onesGarden watering tips. You could also accept the seven tips as a kind of instruction manual.
Garden watering tips
1. Choose plants that thrive
When choosing plants you also need someGarden watering tipsconsider. First, take a look at your garden topography, the amount of sunlight there and the type of soil. When working on a garden area, you should know its advantages and disadvantages well. Only in this way can you form new planting zones and group your plants according to their watering needs. In our previous article we already explained the three typical zones in a garden according to the water requirements of the plants there. These are the oasis, the transition zone and the dry zone. It's an efficient way to draw up a map of your garden.
Garden watering tips – shaping planting zones
The number of plants in each zone can be considered in relation to the food pyramid, for example the base of the triangle can be the drought-tolerant plants, in the middle are the transitional plants and the tip of the triangle is for the oasis plants thought. Obviously, the drought-tolerant plants at the bottom of the pyramid take up the largest area for planting. This garden area, which requires little water, should be able to survive long, hot, dry periods without water. Plants such as agave, yucca, sage, ornamental grass and even herbs such as rosemary and lavender are appropriate for this zone. These can be far from a water source and still thrive.
The center of the triangle is reserved for plants that require additional watering during dry periods. This transition garden zone should be able to thrive during short dry periods, but watering is required after about four weeks at least. Here you could plant many shrubs and perennials such as echinaceas, daisies, and cannas.
At the top of your pyramid are extremely thirsty plants that need watering most frequently. This oasis zone is basically close to the house. Here, your flower pots are usually placed on the porch or in close proximity to an irrigation source, with water-requiring plants grouped together all around to make irrigation more efficient.
2. Soil improvement
Of course, you need to know the composition of your soil well. Before you start working on your beds or mowing the lawn, it would be highly recommended to test your soil. The results will guide you to the soil additives for nutrient-rich soil and proper pH levels for plants you need to keep everything in your garden thriving. In many cases, such soil tests show that large amounts of organic matter should be added. Every type of soil can only benefit from this. Adding organic material, such as compost, creates friable soil and improves drainage and water retention in any soil type. This means your plants are optimally supplied with nutrients. Rich, loose, friable soil promotes good root development and reduces the plant's need for additional water.
3. Create a green lawn
Most of us want a green lawn in our landscape, while others don't want one at all. Grass is also a plant that offers benefits. Most grasses require regular care to keep them looking green and healthy all summer long. Think about how big you want your lawn to be? That just depends on your wishes and personal preferences as to exactly what you need and will use the lawn for. Also, remember, there may be alternative options if the lawns are used for recreational activities.
When choosing grass seeds, it would be best to select those that produce a beautiful green lawn in your area and with the appropriate amount of sunlight. Most grasses require full sun, but there are some varieties whose seeds thrive in shade. Let your grass grow tall, seven to ten cm, the grass stays cooler and so less water is lost. Always follow directions carefully when applying fertilizers or herbicides and use them at the right time.
4. Use mulch
This happens in natureMulchcompletely natural. This is a good example to follow for our cultivating gardens. Mulch brings a lot of positive things to the appearance of your landscape, mulch moderates soil temperatures, slows erosion and suppresses weeds that compete strongly with your plants for water needs. The mulch reduces soil moisture loss by 10 to 25 percent and lasts longer after additional organic matter is added. Place about four inches of mulch when initially planting and add a certain amount each season. Use no more than three inches of mulch for woody beds and individual trees and no more than two inches for annual beds. Be sure to keep the mulch away from the trunks or crowns of plants.
5. Use water efficiently
Gardens that are designed according to the water needs of the plants there actually only need enough water to maintain the health and vitality of the plants. So now you have the opportunity to limit water use in a smart way. Group plants with similar water needs together. If you wish, you can also install drip irrigation or use rainwater hoses for your flower or vegetable beds. For individual, newly planted trees, apply water directly to the roots. Use low-flow hose ends to allow water to flow slowly to the plant's roots. Irrigation at the trunk of the trees reduces evaporation and gives mold spores or soil diseases little chance of spreading to the leaves.
6. Water your garden efficiently
Designing your garden according to water needs doesn't mean you shouldn't water at all. Drip irrigation and irrigation hose systems are more efficient options for irrigation than above-ground irrigation. When properly designed, installed and managed, irrigation systems are a highly effective way to maintain your landscapes and lawns. It's best to water your landscape in the early morning hours to minimize evaporation. This also allows enough time for the foliage to dry, which reduces the likelihood of mold and disease. When necessary, do not water because it is a specific day of the week for it. The idea of installing rain sensors in automatic irrigation systems is very helpful.
7. Collect rainwater
When designing your garden, your goal must be to collect as much of the water that comes onto your property as possible. In this context, it is advisable to store rainwater as much as possible and use it later in agriculture. You can use this water to water your plants during drought periods. Properly installed barrels capture rainwater for small water needs or cisterns can be installed for large applications.
These are oursGarden watering tipsand a beautiful garden design according to water requirements. If you follow them and use water efficiently, you will save valuable natural resources, time and money. It's an environmentally friendly way to maintain a beautiful, green garden that will look good even in times of drought. We wish you a lot of fun and pleasant moments while working in the garden!