In tropical climates, bougainvillea can survive year-round and even grow outdoors. However, gardeners in Germany have to put in a little more effort to ensure that this plant survives and thrives during the colder months. How should you care for bougainvillea overwintering?
When temperatures drop to -1 degrees Celsius, these plants freeze to the ground, but as long as temperatures don't drop much lower, they should recover quickly once warmer weather arrives. If you properly care for your bougainvillea in winter, it can thrive and bloom profusely in spring.
Overwintering Bougainvillea: How can it survive the cold months?
Unfortunately, no bougainvillea can survive harsh winters because none of these plants are hardy. This is why the bougainvillea plant is also sensitive to frost. Therefore, put your potted plant indoors to overwinter from October, before the night frosts set in.
The bougainvillea could be returned to its outdoor location from May. It will then begin to produce new leaves and should receive plenty of water if the weather remains warm.
The perfect location for bougainvillea in winter
A sunny spot with a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees Celsius is goodfor the winter. The bougainvillea should not be exposed to such low temperatures. Also avoid placing the planter on soil that is too cold. Always insulate the root ball from the cold by placing a layer of Styrofoam or a wooden board under the container before placing it on a stone floor. The leaves of Bougainvillea glabra fall off completely in autumn and winter, allowing them to grow in a less bright location. However, a location that is too dark is not ideal.
If you don't have a greenhouse or winter garden, a bright, unheated staircase can be helpful. If necessary, you can overwinter your plant in the basement or garage.
Tips on how to get your bougainvillea ready for the cold season
Bougainvillea plants are known as tropical plants that thrive in warm, sunny regions. That's why they thrive best when prepared early for the colder months of the year. Your bougainvillea has a greater chance ofto survive the winter, if you care for them properly in autumn. This includes giving it plenty of light and the right amount of water.
Overwintering bougainvillea – cutting back
You should prune your bougainvillea before winter weather sets in and temperatures drop below 10 degrees. How hard you cut depends on the shape you want your plant to have later.
How often should you water your plant?
Depending on the species, bougainvillea loses almost all of its leaves in the winter months, especially if it doesn't get enough light. This is very typical behavior - there is nothing to worry about. They simply shed their leaves and sprout new ones in the spring. You should only water the substrate enough so that it does not dry out completely over the winter.
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