Keeping pets has a relaxing and stress-reducing effect, while houseplants improve overall well-being by purifying the air you breathe. Are you thinking about beautifying your house with plants, but you have a cat that likes to eat leaves? Keeping plants and animals has numerous benefits. However, if you want to protect cats from their own curiosity, you need to choose a plant that is not poisonous to pets. The good news is that even for people without a green thumb, there are many attractive, easy-care potted plants that are non-toxic and suitable for cats. Here you will discover non-toxic houseplants for cats that you can have at home!
Non-toxic houseplants for cats – spider plant
Spider plants are attractive, easy to hang (a great way to keep them away from most cats), and develop quickly. So if your pet eats some leaves, the plant will immediately sprout new leaves.
Light shade is ideal for growing spider plants: avoid direct sun and overwatering. Plant your spider plant in loose soil with a neutral pH. These plants prefer warmth and humidity, so misting the leaves frequently is ideal.
Calathea is harmless to your cat
Calathea, also known as basket marante, has unusually large, striped leaves. Calathea prefers shade, so it is the ideal plant for an area of the house that receives less direct sunlight.
When cared for in a moist, shady location, the calathea can thrive in almost any home. Place the plant in a humid place, such as a bathroom, and keep the temperature above 20 degrees. Alternatively, you can also place a humidifier nearby.These plantsThey also need a lot of water, so water them weekly and make sure the soil doesn't dry out.
Flowering, Non-Toxic Houseplants for Cats – Gloxinia
Sinningia beautiful, also known as gloxinia, is a stunning plant with huge leaves and showy flowers in bright colors such as purple, pink, red or blue. Gloxinia thrives in indirect light and is the ideal windowsill plant for a room with a little more shade.
Keep the gloxinia away from direct sunlight. The soil must be kept moist and watered about twice a week (avoid touching the leaves with the watering can to avoid brown spots).
Plants that are not poisonous – marigold
Marigolds are popular and easy-care flowers that are ideal for the home. They thrive in full sun and have a long flowering period.
Cat friendly succulents - beautiful Echeveria
Want to grow something unique, compact and cat-friendly? Then Echeveria should be a serious contender. These succulents come in a variety of colors and textures, from gray to blue to pink, green, red, and black, and they have fleshy, spherical leaves arranged in neat rosettes. They require very little care.
Avoid dark locations – sunlight is essential for Echeveria's gorgeous leaf color and overall healthy appearance. However, you will need to provide shade and additional ventilation if the temperature is above 30°C.
African violets – flowering potted plants for your home
African violets are perennial, popular and prolific bloomers with bright, five-petaled, open flowers in shades of purple, blue, pink, white and red. They are the houseplants surrounded by dark, hairy leaves.
African violets require a constant temperature of 18 to 24°C and at least 10 hours of sunlight per day to bloom consistently. They are quite easy to care for and should only be watered when the soil is completely drydamage or rotting of the leavesto avoid.
The Haworthia is not poisonous to your cat
These tiny, spiky succulents with bold bands and white spots are major charmers - they're incredibly fascinating. Arranged in groups on a decorative tray, they look stunningly architectural and are slow-growing, non-toxic to pets and incredibly easy to care for.
Succulents require bright or indirect light to thrive, so care is easy. When should you water succulents? Only once every two to three weeks. Before you repeat watering, you should make sure the soil is dry. Fertilize your Haworthia with a cactus fertilizer in spring and summer; you should not fertilize it in autumn and winter.
Non-Toxic Houseplants for Cats – Candlestick Flower
This delicate, hanging plant, whose stems can grow up to 2 meters high, is very tolerant. Although the candlestick flower is not a true succulent, it stores water in its stems. The plant is incredibly easy to care for and forgiving of neglect. It is ideal for hanging baskets.
The candlestick flower likes moist but not too wet soil and is happy with most room temperatures. It should only be protected from direct sunlight and drafts. Would you like to give her an occasional boost? Then spray them with water and place them in front of a window for a few hours in the morning or evening.
Also read:Are tulips poisonous to cats? What you should know!