Potted orchids are a popular choice for growing at home because they have high symbolic value and offer many uses and benefits. However, despite their relatively easy care, orchid plants can also be susceptible to pests and diseases (see pictures below). To ensure this plant thrives, it is important to know what these problems may look like and how to treat them. Read on to learn about some of the most common orchid pests and diseases and how to successfully control them.
Orchid care – recognizing diseases
These are the most common diseases that can affect your plants.
Powdery mildew – white spots on leaves
Powdery mildew is a fungal infection that appears as a white powder on the leaves or stems and can cause the leaves to turn yellow or brown. Powdery mildew is unlikely to kill your orchids, but it can affect their health and growth. Powdery mildew can develop due to high humidity, poor air circulation, overwatering, or too shady conditions. It can also arise from weakness or injury orif your plantsstand too close together.
You can treat the mildew with a baking soda solution. Mix 1 packet of baking soda, 20 ml rapeseed oil and 2 liters of water and spray your plants with this homemade solution.
Pests and diseases of orchids – black rot
Black rot is a common fungal problem. The fungal spores are able to move through water droplets.If water, which contains the spores, comes into contact with orchid tissue, the spores can penetrate the tissue and begin their life cycle. In adult houseplants, the infection begins where the spore-containing water comes into contact with the plant. However, in new potted plants the susceptibility is much greater and the infection spreads from the site of infection through the plant to the roots.
The fungal infection appears as dark spots that quickly spread across the leaves and plant tissue as the fungus takes its toll. The spots are soft and release water when pressure is applied.
To prevent the rot from spreading throughout the plant, use a sterile blade to cut out the affected part of the houseplant. Cut into the healthy, adjacent tissue to reduce the risk of the fungus remaining in the tissue. Apply ground cinnamon to the open wound to reduce the risk of further infection. Cinnamon acts as a fungicide and the bark itself is excellent for sealing wounds.
Bacterial brown spot can cause wilted leaves
The visible spots begin as soft, water-soaked spots that become brown or black, sunken spots as the disease progresses. Infectious fluid may ooze from the spots, particularly at the edge or tip of the leaf. The spots can spread across the entire leaf and then throughout the entire plant.
Remove infected plant parts with a sterile blade. Cut into healthy tissue to ensure no bacteria remain in the plant. Then treat your plants with an antibacterial spray or hydrogen peroxide. Apply ground cinnamon to the wounds to reduce the risk of secondary infection and ensure that any blades or implements used in treating the plant are sterilized.
Pests and diseases in orchids – combat the most common pests
Find out here how you can get rid of pests on your plants!
Thrips – wilted leaves and injured flowers
Thrips, also known asThunderflies, belong to the family ofThripidaewith over 6,000 species worldwide. These species are typically between 1 and 5 mm long, making them difficult to see with the naked eye. However, thrips are easily identified by their damage, which includes misshapen foliage and injured flowers. Thrips feed on plants by piercing the plant tissue with their jaws and then sucking up the plant sap. They often feed on buds and flowers, but can also attack leaf and stem tissue.Heavy infestationleads to the death of the plants.
Because of the way thrips lay their eggs in plant tissue, the eggs and pupal stages are unaffected by most pesticides. To actually kill the thrips, you can use neem oil. To make the neem oil solution, mix 5 ml of neem oil with 1 teaspoon of dish soap in 1 liter of water. Shake the solution if necessary to distribute the oil evenly throughout the water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray generously on all affected areas of your orchid.
Aphids – the small, green or black insects
Aphids are small, often green or black insects with antennae and soft bodies. They can damage orchids by sucking the sap from the leaves and flowers. This weakens the plant and results in yellow or brown leaves, stunted growth, and even death.
You can remove aphids by spraying them with a strong stream of water. You can also kill them with home remedies, such as neem oil. Don't forget that aphids like to hide, so it's important to treat the entire orchid, including the undersides of the leaves. It's best to repeat the process a few times as it can be difficult to completely remove aphids with one treatment.
Pests and diseases of orchids – mealybugs, scale insects and whitefly cause sticky leaves
Mealybugs, scale insects and whiteflies are common orchid pests. They can cause serious damage to the crop, causing weakness, reduced growth or even death.
- Mealybugs(alsoMealybugscalled) are tiny, soft-bodied insects that usually have a white or gray coating. They feed on the sap of plants, causing the leaves to wilt or die.
- Scale insectsOn the other hand, they are small, hard-bodied insects that live on stems or leavesof potted plantsfix. They often appear as small, round bumps on the plant and can cause wilting or death.
- The whiteflyis a tiny insect that looks powdery white. It reproduces quickly and lives on the underside of a plant's leaves.
You can remove any of these pests from your plants with a strong stream of water or a damp cloth. If the infestation is severe, you can use an insecticide to solve the problem. But get advice from your garden center first!