With their large flowers they are a real eye-catcher: the Vanda orchids. The exotic species come from Asia and are widespread in the tropical areas of India, China and the Philippines. In this country they are like all orchidspopular houseplants. However, caring for these charming exotic animals is not an easy task. They have special requirements in terms of location, humidity and lighting conditions. But the effort definitely pays off. We explain where to hang the Vanda orchids and give useful care tips.
The Vanda orchids have very special requirements for the location. The room temperature and humidity are very important. Ideally, you should choose a place in the house or apartment that:
1. is very bright. In contrast toother orchid speciesThe varieties from the Vanda genus require a bright location. At the same time, they cannot tolerate direct sunlight. East-facing rooms, glazed terraces or winter gardens are best suited. However, the window sill with a southern or western orientation is not suitable.
2. is tempered. There are many varieties that belong to the Vanda genus and each variety has its own room temperature requirements. Depending on where you want to hang your Vanda orchids, you can also find the right variety. It is best to seek advice from a breeder in this regard. We list several varieties with the optimal room temperature:
- 14° – 18° C: “Vanda Holcoglossum wangii”, “Vanda tricolor suavis”. These varieties grow well in heated winter gardens.
- 16° – 19° C: “Vanda javierae”, “Vanda Lamellata”, “Vanda Pumila”. These varieties also feel very comfortable in heated rooms.
Vanda orchids spend the cold season indoors. After the Ice Saints they are allowed outside. Choose a bright place protected from wind and rain.
3. the humidity is between 60% and 80%. The high humidity is very important for. If the heater dries the air in the room, you can get a humidifier or simply spray the orchid with water once a day to prevent its leaves and roots from drying out.
Hang Vanda orchids: The hanging plants do not need any soil
Like all orchids, Vanda orchids grow on trees. Therefore you can also get by without a substrate. Garden centers sell special baskets in which the root balls are placed. These baskets are usually transparent and offer enough space for the roots to grow. Some growers hang larger orchids from their trunks.
Water and fertilize the hanging plants properly
Like all conventional orchids, the hanging plants are not watered but are dipped twice a week. Simply fill lukewarm water into a wide container and submerge the root balls. After 3 to 5 minutes, remove the orchids from the water and hang them over a saucer. Allow to drain and only then remove the coaster.
Depending on how high the humidity is in the room, you can also spray the orchids with water. If the humidity is 60% then you should do this daily. If the humidity is higher, it is sufficient to spray the roots and leaves twice a week.
As far as fertilizing is concerned, you can add special liquid fertilizer for orchids to the water every week. This is necessary during the growth phase and can significantly extend the flowering period.
Vanda Orchids: When the roots turn yellow
The orchids of the Vanda genus are fairly robust plants and are very rarely attacked by pests. They are particularly susceptible to fungal diseases. Yellow roots are a sure sign that you are watering or spraying the plants too extensively.
The combination of high humidity and low room temperature is a common cause of yellow leaves and moldy roots.
If the room temperature is too high and the humidity is too low, the root balls will dry out quickly and the plant will die.
The room conditions should also be adapted to the phase in which the exotic is currently located. During the growth phase, the orchid needs more moisture and higher temperatures. During the rest phase, the temperature should not exceed 17° Celsius and the humidity should be 70%.
With their large flowers, the Vanda orchids are a real eye-catcher. However, the hanging plants are very demanding. If the lighting conditions or humidity are not right, this can happenexotic flowerdie quickly or stop flowering. These often have to be adjusted several times a year. That's why you should measure the room temperature and humidity at least once a week and check the orchids for yellowed roots or leaves. If cared for properly, the plant will reward you with an extremely long flowering period.