When you dive into the water, many great things happen. You lose 90% of your weight instantly. You are carried by the water, warmed by it and reminded to free yourself from everything that worries you. When you step into warm water, your bloodstream adjusts to the new conditions by slightly increasing your blood pressure. Blood flows more strongly to the areas of the skin that are warmed by the hot water. The blood vessels expand, causing blood pressure to drop again. The warmed blood penetrates deeper into the tissue under the skin and supplies it with more oxygen. And that's one of the benefits ofWhirlpool bathtub. The more blood vessels dilate, the greater the feeling of relaxation. Even the muscles that always feel tight become looser. As the temperature penetrates deeper and deeper inside, the body temperature can rise to up to 37.2 degrees. The pulse and breathing become faster, which helps to break down the metabolic wastes that have accumulated in the muscle tissue.
The benefits of a whirlpool bathtub - relaxation for the muscles
The benefits ofWhirlpool bathtub, including relaxing in warm water, are more than clearly visible. During physical exertion, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles. The warm water dilates the blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the painful or damaged tissue. This helps ensure that more oxygen and nutrients can help with the recovery process and the accumulated lactic acid is broken down. Many doctors and physiotherapists recommend the benefits of whirlpool bathtubs, or warm hydromassages, for intensive rehabilitation therapy. bathrooms inWhirlpoolalso help to restore muscle mobility and improve their elasticity. Loosened muscles move more easily, with less pain and without tension. With all this in mind, now imagine what a hydromassage in a hot tub in your garden would do after strenuous exercise or a stressful day at work.
Therapy with a whirlpool bathtub - relieves the pain
Endorphins are a natural pain reliever for the body. The warm water stimulates their release, which is also one of the benefits ofWhirlpool bathtubis. When the body is in warm water, the blood vessels under the skin relax. This allows a greater influx of blood, which delivers more endorphins and nutrients to the injured cells.
Did you know that the dilated blood vessels created by immersion in the warm water have a great effect on a stuffy nose and help reopen the airways in the nasal area? One of the advantages of whirlpool bathtubs is that the body temperature can be increased. If it is increased to 39.4 degrees, the number of white blood cells that fight against viruses and bacteria triples. Most viruses that cause flu or colds cannot multiply at temperatures above 38.6 degrees.
The body is a dynamic energy field. The energy circulates throughout the body, connecting each part to the whole. The soles of the feet are a perfect miniature copy of the body. All organs, glands and other body systems are connected to the soles of the feet. The best way to relax the neck and back is to massage the right parts of the foot. If they are stimulated, the rested soles of the feet can have a major impact on overall health. One of the advantages of whirlpool bathtubs is that such stimulation is possible. There are hot tubs designed to take advantage of the natural design of the human body using hydrodynamics. To do this, the pipe fittings that stop the water flow are avoided. This means that even pumps with lower performance can expel the water through the nozzles with sufficient pressure. This guarantees a perfect flow of water for an optimal massage in the neck, back and soles of the feet. Humans have known the benefits of warm water for thousands of years. Even before modern hot tubs were invented, people used natural hot water springs to relieve pain and tension. The technologies of today's hydromassage tubs offer concrete, therapeutic benefits. The healing water jets and air bubbles that come from the built-in jets can be concentrated on the necessary parts of the body. These parts, also known as pressure or massage points, when massaged properly can relieve or completely suppress pain, which is also one of the valuable benefits of the hot tub.
Perfect for insomnia
The warm, bubbling water reduces stress and contributes to better relaxation and sleep. Sleep becomes deeper as body temperature drops. Experts recommend that people suffering from insomnia take advantage of the whirlpool bathtub benefits and lie in a hydromassage tub at a temperature between 36 and 38 degrees for 15 minutes before going to bed.
The weight is also reduced
When you lie in the warm, steamy water of the hot tub, your heart rate increases while your blood pressure drops. This means you can take advantage of the faster heart rhythm without putting any strain on your heart. Hydrotherapy dilates blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation. The muscles and skin relax at the same time. It is also claimed that the frequent use of the Benefits of whirlpool bathtub and more specifically hydromassage that reduces weight and cellulite. So, as an alternative to the strenuous exercises in the gym, you can simply lie in your hot tub at home and improve your body's appearance, reduce fluid retention in the body and relieve swelling.
Relief from stress
Stress is an unavoidable part of everyday life for most people. When stressed, the heart works harder and has to work harder, breathing becomes faster and shallower at the same time, and digestion slows down. Overall, stress has a negative impact on almost all of the body's processes. The benefits of the hot tub can help you relieve stress.
Coexistence is improving
With a hot tub, your house can transform into the most popular place for parties. Take advantage of the benefits of a whirlpool bathtub and ensure that every meeting is a pleasant time surrounded by waves and foam in your own whirlpool. Chat with your friends after a barbecue in the summer or relax with them in the warm, steamy water in the winter. You can enjoy your own beneficial whirlpool with hydromassage function all year round with your family and friends.
With the family
The time you spend with your family in your hydromassage tub is the best time to build and strengthen family relationships and togetherness between you and your loved ones. Once you've settled into the warm water, conversations will be calm and uninterrupted. Enjoy the benefits of the whirlpool and healthy hydromassages in the company of the people you love most. And what would be a better alternative to television?
Have you ever felt like you weren't spending enough quality time with your partner? In today's stressful everyday life, it is difficult to find time that we can use to enrich our relationships. But you can make your garden your personal place to retreat. The limited space in the hydromassage tub, which in this case turns out to be one of the advantages of a whirlpool bathtub, ensures that you receive your partner's full attention, far away from the annoying things of everyday life. The relaxation and enjoyment of spending your time together in the warm, steamy water makes the sparks fly again in every relationship. The whirlpool as a purchase for couples will be a source of pleasure for many years.
Disadvantages of a whirlpool bathtub
Regular disinfection and care necessary
If you want to enjoy your whirlpool bathtub for a long time, you should also take proper care of it. Water care and disinfection are very important. Just like in swimming pools, the water must be cleaned and sterilized. The pleasantly warm whirlpool water offers favorable living conditions for bacteria and germs. These form primarily in the internal system of the whirlpool. With the right method, you not only ensure the necessary hygiene, but also unrestricted functionality. In this way, unpleasant odors, limescale, grease, soap and oil stains can be removed from the whirlpool bathtub. Basically, the built-in ozonator and the UV lamp help with disinfection.
After each bath, the surface of the tub should be rinsed with water and then wiped with a damp cloth. The filters should be rinsed with the shower head once a week. The hoses also have to be cleaned regularly. Fortunately, there are whirlpool bathtubs with an internal automatic cleaning system. It's best to find out which cleaning agent is most suitable for your own bathtub. It is important to clean properly to avoid damage.
Whirlpool bathtubs are loud
If the water is to bubble, it obviously has to be moved by a motor. However, the whirlpool pumps can cause unpleasant noise. However, that depends on the model. There are also different functions and depending on the settings, the bathtub can sometimes work louder or quieter. Of course, everyone has to decide for themselves whether it bothers them and at what volume.
Electricity costs and higher water consumption
An important question that must be clarified before buying a whirlpool is the question of electricity consumption. In general, the manufacturer also provides documents in which you can read how much electricity consumption is in kWh. However, important factors for calculating electricity costs are the intensity of use, duration of use, water and ambient temperature.
The circulation pump basically maintains the set temperature and activates the filtering at the same time. To ensure that the filled water does not get cold too quickly, the whirlpool bathtub usually also has a built-in heater. Heating up in shorter operating times requires more energy than maintaining a constant water temperature. You can therefore save on energy consumption by purchasing a well-insulated hot tub.
The circulation pump, heating and massage pumps require the most electricity. So a medium-sized whirlpool with a volume of 1200 liters requires around 6-8 kW of power. The heating and motor pumps alone are over 4 kW. Smaller whirlpools use less electricity because less water needs to be heated.
Maintenance costs
In addition to the electricity costs, the costs of consumables and wear parts should also be taken into account. For example, replacement of the cartridge filter, pillows, ozone device, insulation cover and any repairs after the warranty has started.
On the one hand, a whirlpool bathtub promises a lot of wellness and relaxation. On the other hand, the additional costs and cleaning effort must not be ignored.