Survey reveals: From this age onwards, women should no longer wear skinny jeans

There are a surprising number of activities that you can only do after a certain age, such as driving a car or booking a hotel room. On the other hand, you can apparently become too old to do certain things. This includes an everyday habit: wearing jeans. A survey of Brits went one step further and determined the age at which women are too old for a particular model - namely skinny jeans.

At what age are skinny jeans a no-go?

Is there a certain age at which women should stop wearing skinny jeans? Apparently yes, according to market researchers at a British pension scheme. “Retire Savvy” asked 2,000 Brits their opinion on the age at which women stop wearing bikinis, high heels,Miniskirts etc. should be worn more. The study participants were also asked the question at what age women would be too old to wear skinny jeans. And although the “study” cannot offer scientific recognition, it reflects society's opinion about fashion for older women.

The result says:From the age of 47, women should say goodbye to their skinny jeans. However, one in two women also believe that a woman who is slim, healthy and attractive into her 50s and 60s “can get away with anything.”

In our opinion:You don't have to follow what others tell you. At least not when it comes to your looks. If you like wearing skinny jeans, that's fine at any age as long as you feel comfortable in them.

Is there an age limit for denim as a whole?

Another study conducted by the company “CollectPlus” states thatWomen over 53 no longer even wear jeansshould. But that's not because you're making a fashion faux pas. In reality, it simply becomes more difficult to find a suitable model at this age.

Unfortunately, the numbers don't bode well for denim fans. One in 10 respondents over 50 said they tried on up to six styles before finding the perfect pair, researchers said. The study also found that most women aged 53 experience the highest levels of stress while shopping for jeans. In order not to despair when looking for jeans, women aged 53 and over should stop wearing jeans.

You're never too old for jeans!

We believe that you can wear jeans at any age as long as you feel comfortable in them. And that goes for skinny jeans too. Although they provoke different opinions, skinny jeans are still popular. And like other supposed fashion no-nos, they shouldn't be banned at any age if the item of clothing suits your body, lifestyle and personality.

The fact is that as you get older, a narrow leg is less of a problem than an incorrect waist height. Depending on your body shape, there is the right fit for you:

  • High Waist Jeans:Previously known as “mom jeans,” they are considered particularly stylish. Ideal if this look shows off a flat stomach, and even better if you can tuck in a shirt. If you want to conceal your middle, you should choose jeans with a lower waistband.
  • Mid-rise Jeans: Good for most women as it provides some coverage and give for oursmore problematic coreoffers. However, if your stomach bulges over your waistband, this isn't the right pair for you. Look for a pair with a slightly lower or higher rise—or in a stretchy fabric.
  • Low-rise Jeans: These models are reminiscent of Britney Spears in the 2000s. Unfortunately, this doesn't look good at any age, but especially over 50.