Every garden is probably visited sooner or later by one or two guests. But it's not always just the welcome birds, hedgehogs and insects. Sometimes unwanted intruders such as rats, martens and even raccoons are attracted. While it is clear that the former cause a lot of damage, one is usually not so sure about raccoons. How do I even know that these animals are involved? Are they harmful or even dangerous and when should you take action against them? We'll summarize everything you need to know about raccoons with tips on how to get rid of raccoons without harming them.
How do I know if it's really a raccoon?
Have you been hearing animal noises in the garden at night lately and wondering what it could be? Maybe it's a raccoon orbut a marten? Before you can do anything against the intruder and use raccoon deterrents, you should of course know whether it is actually the intruder. If a raccoon has made itself comfortable in the garden, you can tell by these signs:
- Raccoon droppings in the garden
If the animals spend a relatively long time in your garden, it can happen that they do their business there. And raccoon scat is one of the signs that you are actually dealing with these small bears (don't let the name fool you, they are not bears). But what does raccoon poop look like and how do you know it's not another animal?
You can recognize raccoon feces because it closely resembles the excrement of medium-sized dogs. Its color can always vary because it depends on the food it eats. In contrast to dog poop, raccoon poop usually contains fur residue from rodents that the raccoon has eaten. So if you own dogs and are unsure, you can inspect the contents.
- Raccoon tracks in the garden from paws
You can also get traces of raccoons in the garden in the form of paw prints. The front paws are somewhat reminiscent of hands with five toes. In contrast to a dog's paw, for example, the toes and the pad are always connected and not separated from each other. The pad of the hind foot is longer and the toes are shorter than the front paw. The claws can also be seen in the print.
- Animal sounds
The sounds of a raccoon can best be described as a “croaking sound”. However, they can also make other noises, such as growling or even screeching noises.
Other raccoon tracks in the garden that the intruders leave behind are:
- Holes in the lawn
- overturned garbage cans
- Scratches (mostly on trees)
- disturbed beds
- eaten fruits
You can against martensthese tipsapply.
Are you now sure that a raccoon is causing mischief in the garden? What do you do best?
Are raccoons dangerous or just annoying?
Do raccoons attack people? They are not aggressive per se, but they can bite you if they feel threatened. Not only is the bite very painful, it can also transmit diseases. For this reason, it is always important to keep your distance and not irritate the animals unnecessarily. The excretions of small bears are also considered potential disease vectors. Always dispose of these when wearing gloves.
Is there a danger to other animals in the garden?
How do small bears get along with other animals and especially pets? Do raccoons attack cats or even chickens and the fish in your carefully maintained pond?
- Raccoon vs. cat
Do raccoons eat cats? Well, raccoons can actually kill cats. But before you panic and become afraid for your pet, it should be said that this only happens if the raccoon is extremely hungry or feels very threatened (e.g. attacked by the cat). Even extreme hunger is very rare, as the small bears are real omnivores and almost always find alternatives that are easier to find and “hunt” than live animals.
When can raccoons be dangerous to cats? If there is a fight between the two animals, the pet can not only be injured by a bite or scratch, but also infected with disease. Wild animals also transmit various parasites, including worms.
Protect the fish in the pond or unnecessary?
Are your pond fish somehow becoming fewer and fewer, but you never find carcasses? Do raccoons eat fish from the pond? Yes, they definitely enjoy snacking on them. But the same applies to cats and herons, for example. There are special pond protection sets against herons that you can also use in this case. A protective net may also be sufficient.
Do raccoons eat chickens?
The same applies to chickens as to cats: he has to be really hungry to steal chickens, but it has definitely happened. Make sure that the hutch is well protected so that the nocturnal raccoon cannot get in at night. The risk is lower during the day.
Also read:How to get rid of moles with a plastic bottle or vinegar: it's that simple!
Get rid of raccoons with home remedies – these work against the pests
To protect yourself against raccoons, you can use some tools and techniques to drive away raccoons without harming them. What don't raccoons like?
Raccoons scare away with smell
You can keep raccoons away or scare them away by placing scents they don't like around the yard. These animals have an extremely keen sense of smell and cannot stand pungent, strong rumors. For example, the following is suitable for raccoon defense:
- Repel raccoons with lavender
Make lavender sachets that you then distribute wherever the animal appears to be staying. Also, don't forget the place where he usually does his business. Mothballs, which, as you know, also emit the scent of lavender, are also suitable. Lavender oil is highly concentrated and therefore more suitable than dried oil.
- Cayenne pepper against raccoons
This is effective if you make a decoction of it and then apply it to different places in the garden. The unpleasant smell will drive the raccoon away.
- Chili peppers
You can also make a decoction from these pods. You can also distribute this anywhere in the garden.
- Vinegar as a remedy against raccoons
You can only use this product to a limited extent in the garden because itprohibited by lawis when there is a risk that it will run off into groundwater. So don't spray it on the surfaces, but either spread out several bowls of the home remedy or dip fabric in vinegar (e.g. old towels or clothing) and insert it into holes or passages through which the raccoon can access your Garden receives. The vinegar variant is also suitable for the attic.
You do not need to dilute the product for this purpose. You can place the fabric on a base to avoid harming the environment. Repeat the whole thing after three weeks at the latest, because then the effect wears off.
- Drive away raccoons with ammonia – instructions
Not even humans like the pungent smell of ammonia, and these smell-sensitive animals even less so. Soak fabric with the product and lay it out in the garden or spray different areas with it. This product can actually be very useful for the beds, because ammonia is a good fertilizer. As a repellent, renew it every two to three days.
What else helps against raccoons?
You can scare the raccoon away, for example by giving it to himmake loud. For example, you can:
- regularly loudPlay musicor
- more in the eveningSpending time in the gardenOr go for a walk in it, because the animals are shy of people. If you want to get rid of raccoons from the attic, you can also spend more time there. The little bears feel disturbed by this and soon look for another place.
- To a certain extent you can also drive away raccoonsUltrasonic. The advantage of such a device is that it is inaudible to us humans. The disadvantages are, on the one hand, that it can also disturb other, useful animals and is also only suitable for small gardens as their range is quite small.
Disturb the peaceof animals by:
- Use water against raccoons. No, you don't need to spray it with the hose (although you could), but something like this:Install an irrigation systemwith motion detector that starts spraying every time the animal moves through the garden.
You canRaccoons in the roofand chimney by:
- As already mentioned above, are often active in your attic.
- Attach sturdy metal grilles over the chimney.
- Secure each downpipe with cuffs against the raccoon.
- Remove dense branches from the roof so as not to provide the animal with shelter.
Make your garden oneless attractive habitatfor the raccoon:
- Do not leave leftover food in the garden. This also applies to the compost heap, which you can also cover with a tarpaulin. Since raccoons love cat food, you should avoid feeding your pets outside if possible.
- Close garbage cans better. For example, place weights on the lid.
- Fruits in the garden attract animals. Therefore, protect them with nets.
- Take action if there is a snail infestation, because these molluscs are probably the favorite food for the small bears. Don't think that this fact makes the animals beneficial. Because the snails present are quickly eaten and then they attack your fruit and vegetables.
- Avoid cozy sleeping areas. Make sure you also close garages and sheds well.
- Can raccoons climb? Yes, and that's why the best way to protect your trees is with a defense belt.
If all else fails: Can you catch raccoons?
Are raccoons protected? No, they don't, but capturing or even killing the animals is forbidden. A live trap, like poison, is therefore not permitted. Furthermore, raccoons are not subject to reporting. Only hunters have the right to kill these animals. So if you can't get rid of the plague using the remedies and tricks mentioned, contact a hunter.
Also read:Vole in the garden: Identify and effectively drive away the annoying rodents