Propagate Christmas cactus: 2 simple methods through cuttings

One of the most attractive flowering plants in winter is the easy-care Schlumbergera, which blooms throughout the cold season. Did you know that this extraordinary plant is very easy to propagate? So how do you propagate a Christmas cactus through cuttings? When is the right time for this?

Foto: Shutterstock/ Margarita Kuku

Propagate Christmas cactus: When do you cut leaf cuttings?

There is a correct propagation time for every plant. But what about the Schlumbergera? They should be propagated outside of the flowering period, around March. However, if a branch breaks, don't hesitate to do it sooner too.

How do you cut a cactus limb?

Foto: Shutterstock/ Focused Adventures

Did you know that houseplants help against the winter blues? But you don't need to buy a new one because you can easily propagate your plants that bloom in winter. In the case of Schlumbergera, it's easy! Two propagation methods are required: in soil and in water.

Place Christmas cactus cuttings in soil

Foto: Shutterstock/ GreenThumbShots

The first step is to carefully select and cut the leaf cuttings. Carefully inspect your plant and select a healthy, green, non-flowering leaf. Prepare a pair of disinfected scissors and cut two segments. Take as many cuttings as you want. Set these aside for at least 24 hours to allow them to heal slightly. To plant, you need special potting soil, sand, biodegradable pots, clay balls and an airtight, sealed container.

Prepare a mixture of potting soil and sand (50/50) and fill your biodegradable pots with it. Place a leaf cutting in each pot about 2 inches deep and press lightly. Then placea layer of clay ballsin the bottom of the airtight container and pour half a glass of non-calcified water into it. Then place the pot with the cutting in the container. The humidity inside the vessel will rise, creating a humid environment. Close the container and place it in a bright room but protected from direct sunlight. Leave it for a week.

After a week, start ventilating the cutting to avoid condensation. Once the roots have penetrated the biodegradable pot, you can permanently transplant the cuttings into taller pots.

Christmas cactus propagate in water

Foto: Shutterstock/ GreenThumbShots

In contrast to other plants such as mother-in-law's tongue, the Christmas cactus can be effectively propagated in water. Cut the leaf cuttings according to the instructions above. Then fill a glass with non-calcified water at room temperature. Insert the cuttings with the cut side down. Place the glass containers in a warm, bright place but out of direct light. Change the water every week. After one to two weeks, small, white roots will form, indicating that the cutting can be planted in the ground.

Plant the cuttings in individual pots filled with cactus substrate. Water and place in a warm, bright location, keeping the soil moist for two weeks after planting. This way the roots can acclimatize better.

How do you properly care for Schlumbergera?

Foto: Shutterstock/ TSViPhoto

So that your Christmas cactuscan bloom every year, some good care measures are necessary. Rest assured, it's nothing complicated. The main thing is to water the plant regularly, but give it a break after flowering. Here is an overview of the most important care tips that you should keep in mind:

  • After the plant has bloomed, water it every 15 days until the end of spring. Do not soak the Schlumbergera and make sure that there is no water in the saucer.
  • Fertilize the plant in late spring and repeat the process in summer. Either use a fertilizer designed for flowering plants or natural home remedies like Epsom salt.
  • In summer, the Christmas cactus should be watered every 3 to 4 days. In the off-season, however, one watering per week is sufficient.
  • Avoid moving the plant once the flower buds have formed, otherwise they may fall off.

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