Dragon tree has yellow leaves: The most common causes and what you can do about yellow leaves!

In addition to its many practical functions, Dracaena's sword-shaped leaves also give the plant an eye-catching appearance. However, lack of care can cause the leaves of some Dracaena species to turn yellow. Does your dragon tree have yellow leaves? Don't worry, many plant lovers also have the dracaena problem.

The beauty and appeal of Dracaena plants as houseplants is increasing. On the other hand, these plants are not immune to problems that can cause yellowing or browning of the leaves. So what you can do if the leaves of your Dracaena plant start to turn brown or yellow, discover in the following article.

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The leaf color of your dracaena plant depends on a number of factors. These include a variety of potential problems such as inadequate or excessive watering, insect infestations, low humidity, rapid temperature fluctuations, inadequate lighting, and much more! Although dracaenasbeautiful houseplantsIf problems arise, they can cause stress for those who care for them.

The natural yellowing of older leaves

The leaves of the dragon tree occasionally turn brown or yellow because they are getting old. Of course, the lower leaves of a plant like Dracaena fragrans will mature and fall off as the plant grows larger. Cut them off with sharp scissors or remove them if this happens. The upper part of the plant receives new growth in place of the old leaves.

Excessive watering

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The yellowing of the leaves of a dragon tree - Dracaena marginata or Dracaena fragrans - is usually caused by overwatering. When the top 3 to 4 inches of soil feels dry, generally once a week, Dracaena marginata needs to be watered.

Soil that is too wet is bad for dragon trees. Too little drainage or too frequent watering are the two main causes. Root rot, which results in drooping, yellowed leaves, is one of the problems that can affect dragon trees if they get too much water. Make sure the soil is not too wet and check the roots if you see the leaves turning yellow. Roots that are rotting should be cut off as they will be brown, mushy and smell bad. Plant the dragon tree in a new container with perlite and well-draining soil and water it once a week.

Avoid wet soil

Another cause of yellowing leaves is underwatering. Dragon trees prefer slightly moist soil, but do not thrive in soil that is too wet. If soil moisture is too low, the plant's leaves may wilt and eventually turn yellow. You can fill a bowl with water up to a few centimeters deep and place the dragon tree in it. This moistens the earth again.

Pay attention to water quality

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Yellowing of your Dracaena's foliage may be due to poor water quality. Most urban water systems contain compounds that dracaena plants find toxic. To remove contaminants like fluoride and chlorine from tap water, use filtered water or let it sit in the fresh air overnight before watering.

Dragon tree has yellow leaves because of the humidity

If the soil is dry and low in moisture, the leaves droop and turn brown at the edges before eventually turning yellow and shriveling. A humidifier or frequent misting will do wonders for your houseplant's moisture levels.

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Light needs of the houseplant

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Filtered light or bright, indirect sunlight is ideal for dracaena plants. The ideal light for dragon trees comes from windows that face east or southeast. Too much direct sunlight can be harmful to dragon trees. If dragon trees are left in direct sun, the leaves may scorch, fall off, and turn brown. This can cause long-term damage to the plant.


Foto: Grumpy Cow Studios/ Shutterstock

Spider mites and other sucking insects can deplete the plant's water supply. Yellowing of leaves is the first sign of this. Indoor spaces are often infested with scale insects, mealybugs and spider mites. These small pests multiply and spread into cracks and along fronds if not dealt with quickly. If your dragon trees are already feeling unwell due to insufficient lighting, lack of nutrients, or improper soil moisture, the insects' stinging jaws can further wear out your plant and accelerate the yellowing process.

The right temperature for dragon trees

Foto: Mid Tran Designer/ Shutterstock

For dracaena plants to thrive, the average room temperature should be at least 18 degrees Celsius. When exposed to cold drafts, plants stop growing and eventually die, a process that begins with yellowing of the leaves. To protect a dragon tree from low temperatures, place it in a location away from cold drafts, such as a drafty window or door.

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