Plant poinsettias outside: with these care measures you can keep the popular flower until next year

The poinsettia is one of the most emotional plants directly associated with Christmas. In recent years, the plant has become extremely popular and a must-have in every household. In this article you will find out whether you can plant your poinsettia outside and what care the flower needs in the garden.

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The poinsettia is often only used as a decoration during the holidays and then thrown away. With a little care and attention, you can keep the plant alive all year round and produce red flowers in time for next Christmas.

Poinsettias are typically houseplants, but they can also be planted in the garden in frost-free areas. If you plant the flower in the garden, make sure that temperatures do not fall below 5 degrees Celsius, otherwise your poinsettia will freeze.

What growing conditions must be considered for the flower?

Foto: All for you friend / shutterstock

Like any ornamental flower, the poinsettia requires certain conditions to thrive. Here we explain all the important care measures you need to take so that your poinsettia will delight you for a long time.

Which temperatures are suitable for the ornamental plant

As mentioned earlier, you need to keep this flower in the garden with caution when the weather is cold. The poinsettia is very sensitive to cold and drafts, so you need to keep it protected outside. Secure protection from cold winds. Direct sunlightis for the poinsettianot good because the leaves are tender and can be burned.

The plant should never be left outdoors at low temperatures. When temperatures drop below 5 degrees Celsius, you should take protective measures to prevent the plant from freezing.

How to protect the poinsettia from the cold

To ensure your poinsettia stays warm enough during the cold months, cover the plant with bed sheets, light drop cloths or blankets, burlap, cheesecloth, etc. Pull the cover over the flower like an umbrella. Anchor the edges down to capture the heat from the soil and keep it around the plants and to some extent prevent frost from settling on the foliage.

Watering the poinsettia in winter

Photo: Zhuravlev Andrey / shutterstock

How to water your poinsettia correctly? The root ball must always be moist and must never dry out, otherwise growth will be affected. If you don't water enough, the lower leaves will begin to fall off and loss of all foliage will occur.

In winter it is enough to water the poinsettia a little. Ensure adequate drainage so that water does not freeze in the soil and damage the roots. Excessive water can harm the plant.Pourwith lukewarm water, because water that is too cold is not good for the roots of the plant.

Does the poinsettia need to be fertilized in winter

If you keep your poinsettia in the garden, you don't need to fertilize it in the winter. The soil contains enough nutrients so that the plant is adequately supplied. Start fertilizing in spring, once a month with liquid fertilizer. This way your poinsettia will receive enough nutrients and thrive.

It is important that the fertilizer contains a high proportion of potassium. You can also sprinkle homemade compost around the plant to provide it with beneficial nutrients.

How to keep the poinsettia until next Christmas

Foto: Lana U / shutterstock

The poinsettia has long-lasting flowers - its bracts remain brightly colored for several months, even after the green part has faded. During this time the side shoots begin to develop. To obtain a well-formed plant for next year, the height should be reduced to 10 cm. Pruning is carried out in February-March. This stimulates the formation of new leaves.

When and how to prune poinsettia

Between January and August, when the bracts fall off, most people think the poinsettia is dying - in reality, it is going through a period of its normal growth phase.

Why should you cut back the poinsettia? Pruning allows the plant to develop new shoots and prepare for new blooms next year. Pruning should be done in early spring, after the leaves have lost, i.e. towards the end of February.

  • Shorten the stems to about 10cm above the ground to create a dense, compact plant with healthy, dark green leaves.
  • It is advisable to make the cut with a very sharp blade and not to use scissors as these can bend the edges of the stem inwards along the cutting line.
  • If your plant looks too bushy, remove some stems from inside the clumps to allow air to circulate better.

Also read:Getting poinsettias to bloom: Proper care is crucial – follow these tips!