The poinsettia is one of the symbols of Christmas. These plants have been among the most popular winter-flowering houseplants for many years. We often give this flower to our loved ones to make them happy during the holidays. The care and watering of this flower are specific and there are some peculiarities that we should take into account if we want to enjoy the houseplant for a long time. How do I water the poinsettia correctly?
Below we give all the important tips for watering the plant so that you can care for it properly. Watering poinsettias properly keeps them healthy and beautiful.
How often to water poinsettias
These flowers tolerate short-term drought much better than permanently wet soil. The poinsettia's soil should never be completely soaked. Keep an eye on the plant regularly and only water when you notice that the top layer of soil has dried out. If you don't water them often enough, you risk the lower leaves drying out and falling off.
Typically, standard-sized plants need to be watered every two to three days. Note that if the plants are kept in a very warm room or near a heater, they may also need to be watered more frequently.
You can find out whether the soil is dry with a few simple tests.
- The finger test is the simplest method. Simply stick a finger into the soil. If it feels warm and dry and doesn't stick to your finger, it is dry and the plant needs to be watered.
- Lift the pot, and if it feels unexpectedly light, your poinsettia needs water.
- Check the compost. If it's light brown rather than dark brown, the soil is dry and it's time to water.
This is how much water the flower needs
How to care for and water your poinsettia? If you grow the flower in a standard pot with a diameter of 13 cm, you should pour about 100 milliliters of water. Mini poinsettias in a 6cm pot only need half a shot glass of water.
Important factors affecting irrigation
In order to water your poinsettia properly, you need to consider a few factors that affect watering, namely:Room temperature, humidity, pot size, watering methods.
Keep in mind that the warmer it is, the more often you need to water. The drier the air, the more frequently the plant needs to be watered. Likewise, if the volume of soil is smaller, you will need to water more often. You can water regularly with a watering can or use a dipping bath. The latter usually takes longer than watering with a watering can.
What do the leaves say about water requirements?
Check your plant's leaves and you will learn to recognize water needs.If the leaves of a poinsettiaget stuck, the ground is too dry. A poinsettia gets droopy, yellow leaves from too much water.
Pour with soft, room temperature water
The poinsettia does not like cold water or cold air. Once you've filled the container you're watering, it's best to let the water sit for a while until it reaches room temperature so you don't harm the plant.
Poinsettias do not like hard water. When it rains, you can place a container outside and simply collect the rainwater. Rainwater is ideal for plants. You can also mix tap water with distilled water or use water from a filter jug.
Important note: Note that it is important to remove excess water from the saucer about 15 minutes after watering to avoid risk of root rot.
Which watering methods for the poinsettia?
How do you water a poinsettia? There arethree optionsto water the plant:from above with a watering can, from below or by immersion. The most important thing with all methods is to avoid overwatering. As a rule, many people water with a watering can. If you use a watering can, you can control the amount of water. Watering from below is gentle on the roots because you let the plant drink as much water as it needs.
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A good alternative: dipping instead of watering
Should you water poinsettias or dip them? The dipping method is a good alternative for watering the plant. How do you proceed? If the plant is dry, you need to completely submerge it in room temperature water for a few minutes. You will need a bucket or deep bowl of water. Wait about 15 minutes for the soil to absorb the water. Do not leave the plant in water for too long. Lift the pot and let the water drain briefly. With this method, you only need to water the flower once a week.
How do I water the poinsettia correctly: ensure good drainage
Of course, for proper watering it is crucial that the pot has adequate drainage. At least 3 holes in the bottom of the pot and a layer of gravel at the bottom ensure good drainage and keep the plant in good condition.
Also read:Getting poinsettias to bloom: Proper care is crucial – follow these tips!