Although poinsettias are not the hardiest of plants, with proper care they will last well for weeks, if not months. But if you see the leaves on your otherwise happy plant falling off, you need to figure out why and what you can do to save your beloved plant from an untimely demise. The poinsettia will lose leaves if it is not given proper care. Read on to find out the causes and solutions to the problem!
Poinsettias typically shed their leaves when they come under physiological stress. Most often this is due to sudden temperature changes, cold drafts or a dry environment. But extreme thirst, overwatering, disease and pest infestation can also lead tothat the plantSheds leaves (sometimes bracts).
1. You kept the soil too dry
If your plant is extremely underwatered, it will likely drop its leaves and begin to wilt. The petals and leaves are the first victims. They become slightly limp and wilt before falling off. If the soil feels bone dry, it's pretty obvious that your poinsettia is extremely thirsty.
Now you should immediately water your wilted poinsettia well. Be sure to water thoroughly and deeply enough so that excess liquid drains out of the drainage holes. Let your plant sit on the excess water on the saucer for fifteen to twenty minutes and then pour it out. Unfortunately, when the stress has already taken its toll, the leaves turn yellow and fall off after a few days.
2. Poinsettia loses leaves due to overwatering
You won't believe it! Your plant reacts the same way when it gets too much water as when the soil becomes too dry. The reason for the leaves falling off is quite common. If youYour poinsettiaIf left on “wet feet”, the roots will drown and begin to rot. As a result, the leaves turn yellow, wilt and fall off, although the roots contain abundant moisture. Other signs of an overwatered poinsettia include browned, pale, or discolored foliage.
Fortunately, your slightly overwatered poinsettia can recover. However, you need to take some drastic measures: First, stop watering your plant immediately. Next, you'll want to make sure the vessel has enough drainage holes. Remove the plant from the pot and let the soil dry on a magazine. You should only water when the top few centimeters (up to about the second finger joint) are dry.
3. Sudden temperature changes and extreme cold
It may seem counterintuitive for a houseplant that blooms elegantly during the long dark winter nights, but cold is the poinsettia's No. 1 enemy. Even a five-minute exposure to cold drafts, frost or a low temperature below 10°C can harm your plant. The same applies to hot drafts, direct sunlight and sudden temperature changes.
Avoid exposure to cold from the start. The right care in your home helpsFalling of leavesto prevent. First, keep your poinsettia in warmer daytime temperatures of up to 24°C. At night, they prefer slightly cooler temperatures in the ideal range of 15-18°C. You also need to keep the plant away from windy or drafty doors, windows and ventilation shafts. Place it in a warm location that only receives bright, indirect sunlight.
4. Watch out for illnesses andPests
An unhealthy or diseased poinsettia is an unfortunate plant that shows its distress by dropping its leaves. You should inspect it regularly for a range of stem, root and crown rots caused by pathogens such as Thielaviopsis, Pythium or Rhizoctonia. If your poinsettia is defoliated, you should not rule out a pest infestation. The whitefly in particular loves to rest and suck on your precious poinsettia. Common insects found on poinsettias include mealybugs, spider mites, land flies, thrips and scale insects. They all lead to the same results as the whitefly.
Remove infected plant material immediately and provide more ventilation. Avoid overhead watering and keep the temperature consistently above 15°C. You can use a number of treatment and control measures. These include rubbing alcohol, manual crushing, horticultural oil, neem oil, and insecticidal soap spray. You can also wash the insects off, but you should spray them every ten days.
5. Insufficient light harms the plant
Poinsettias love bright, filtered or indirect, natural sunlight. Direct sunlight is taboo for poinsettias, but too little light can cause theLeaves yellowand fall off. Unfortunately, this can go unnoticed for a long time, as the plants need up to two months to react negatively to too little light.
Place your poinsettia in a bright, south-facing spot that is protected from direct sunlight by a light curtain or curtain. However, your plant can also tolerate a few hours of sun.
6. Low humidity causes leaves to fall off
Poinsettias are native to the tropics and love moist environments. While they can tolerate relatively dry air, poinsettia leaves will curl and fall off in extremely low humidity (below 30%). The leaves may also turn brown at the edges and tips.
Try increasing the humidity by misting, using a water dish containing moisture, or setting up a humidifier. It can also help if you place your houseplants closer together.
7. Too much fertilizer has a negative effect
If you use the wrong fertilizer, the leaves may fall off. If you take too muchUse fertilizer, the result is similar. This is especially true if the soil is saline and contains too much boron or ammonium. The same effect can occur if you use softened or chlorinated water.
Give your poinsettia a balanced water-soluble houseplant fertilizer in early spring. Continue this measure monthly during the summer months. Reduce the amount of fertilizer by half or more if the leaves fall off.
8. The plant was wrapped for too long
Poinsettias emit a toxic gas called ethylene. In the wild, this gas disperses quickly and does not cause any damage. However, if you keep your plant in a closed plant cover for a few days, the concentration will increase and leaves and bracts will begin to fall off.
Take the poinsettia out of the packaging as soon as you get home. If you want to gift-wrap your plant, do so just before you use it, not days before.
9. Aging leaves
It's completely normal for a poinsettia to lose a leaf or two from time to time. In this way it gets rid of older, less functional leaves.
Solution:Just save the dead leaves!