There is hardly a flowernext to the amaryllisMore common during the Christmas season: The poinsettia, whether in bright red, cream or a mix of both, is incredibly pretty to look at and not only fits perfectly as a Christmas decoration because of its flowering period, but also scores points with its typical Christmas colors. No matter where you go, poinsettias are available at great prices everywhere. Couldn't you resist and are now the proud owner of such a beauty? Then the right care for the poinsettia, also known as poinsettia, is required so that you can enjoy the splendor of the flowers for a long time to come. That's why we're here for you, because we'll explain how to care for your poinsettia. And maybe you would like to make it bloom again next year! We have the tips you need for this too!
How do I care for a poinsettia – the location
Now you've brought your poinsettia home, but where to put it? Does he like the sun or prefer the shade, does draft bother him and what about the dry air from the heating? Do you want the right way?PoinsettiaTo maintain it, you should of course create conditions that are as close as possible to its natural ones. The poinsettia comes from Mexico. So he is used to sun and high air temperatures. So if you see plants being sold outdoors and cold, stay away. The risk that these have already been damaged by the cold is very high.
Poinsettia care and location
So it's best to find a bright and warm location where you will care for the poinsettia. 18 to 20 degrees is considered ideal and this is best achieved on a windowsill that faces east or west. However, the plant does not like drafts at all and should therefore be avoided.
Poinsettia care and maintenance – water and fertilize poinsettias
The poinsettia comes from a hot region. Does that also mean that it needs little water? However, and excessive watering is also one of the main reasons for plant death. It's best to always check the top layer of soil first. If it is dry, you can water the plant again. But that's not the only thing you should consider. Waterlogging should therefore also be avoided. You can achieve this with good drainage or at least a plate into which the excess water can drain. However, do not leave the plant in the expired water, but rather dispose of it. Fertilize the plant every two weeks with a fertilizer rich in potassium.
Poinsettia care during the summertime
Of course, you should also know how to care for your poinsettia in summer. Once the winter period is over, the plant is moved to a dark place and watering is temporarily stopped or significantly reduced. This is a delayed hibernation, so to speak. From this, wake up the plant after about 12 weeks by placing it back in partial shade and gradually increasing the watering until you return to normal amounts. You should also fertilize again.
You can also care for the poinsettia with beautiful pruning: From May onwards you can remove all the withered and dried parts of the plant in order to promote bushier and more lush growth. By the way, the poinsettia is very happy about a nice place outside. So if you have a balcony, a terrace or a garden, make it happy and find a suitable location for it. He will thank you with many shoots.
Also interesting:Plant trick: How does the poinsettia get red leaves
How to care for a poinsettia to make it bloom
If you care for the poinsettia correctly using our tips, the chances are really good that it will still be alive next Christmas. But will it bloom as beautifully again after you successfully oversummer the poinsettia? Here you just need to use an interesting trick while caring for your poinsettia:
How does the plant know that its flowering time has come? Quite simply: based on temperatures and daylight hours. When the days get shorter(as with the Kalanchoe), this is an indication to the plant that its flowering time is approaching and it changes the colors of the leaves accordingly. That means it doesn't just produce new flowers. The red part is actually normal leaves that turn from green to red and not the flowers themselves, as many people assume. However, in our indoor spaces we usually make ourselves comfortable with artificial light, which confuses the plant. So we have to make sure that she gets enough dark hours.
Of course, it would be impractical to move the plant into a darker room after a certain number of hours and then put it back again the next morning. Especially since you have found the perfect location and the plant has gotten used to it. Instead, just use a cardboard box. From mid-October, you always put this over the plant after a maximum of 12 hours of light. Take it away again in the morning.
Caring for poinsettias – What you should pay attention to when buying
Even though you care for the poinsettia as you should, does it keep failing you? Maybe the fault isn't yours. The plant is sensitive to cold. So if you bought it from outside, it could have already suffered cold damage without you knowing. Therefore, only buy poinsettias if they have been stored indoors and then bring them home immediately without leaving them in the car or in front of the door for long.
Also take a look at the appearance of the plant. Leave specimens whose buds have fallen off and whoseLeaves yellow or curledare. In order to enjoy the flowers for a long time, it is not enough that you care for the poinsettia properly. What's the point of proper care when its blooming period is almost over? You can tell by the small flowers. If these have already opened, the flowering period is coming to an end and the beautiful red leaves will soon wither.
Also interesting:Poinsettia leaves its leaves drooping: Not just when there is a lack of water!