With its evergreen foliage, delicate light pink flowers and fragrant fruits, the lemon tree is one of the most popular potted plants in Germany. The citrus plant pleases the eye all year round with its wintergreen, fragrant leaves and is a real eye-catcher in both summer and winter. But it's all the more annoying when it suddenly loses its foliage. An ailing lemon tree has yellow leaves that are falling off. But what could it be? We list the possible causes and give useful care tips.
The lemon tree has yellow leaves: causes and care instructions
It often happens: the lemon tree suddenly turns yellow leaves. An important tip for experienced hobby gardeners that the citrus plant is lacking nutrients or that it cannot process the nutrients properly. However, this undersupply could have various reasons: diseases, pests and care errors such asincorrect wateringor fertilizing. Sometimes this phenomenon is seasonal. For example, plants suffer from waterlogging more often in their winter quarters than outdoors.
Should you remove the yellow leaves?If the tree is diseased or infested with pests, you should remove the leaves. Also cut off wilted leaves, as they are entry points for bacteria and fungi and weaken the citrus tree. If the foliage has turned yellow due to a lack of nutrients or water, you can simply leave the leaves on the tree.
Iron deficiency or magnesium deficiency
Possible cause of iron deficiency:If the lemon treegets yellow leaves, then this indicates iron deficiency. The symptoms of chlorosis can be recognized quickly: First, the new leaves and young shoots change color. The edge of the leaf turns light yellow, then the entire leaf gradually changes color.
Care tips:
1. Fertilize the lemon tree properly: Fertilize once a week in spring and summer with special fertilizer for citrus plants. Potted plants in particular often suffer from chlorosis - water and rainwater wash away the nutrients from the soil over time. Therefore, regular fertilization is an absolute must.
2. Repot every three years (from April to July, possible until late summer if necessary). Another reason for chlorosis can be the small volume of soil.
3. Water correctly with decalcified water: High lime content in the soil can prevent the absorption of iron. To be on the safe side, also check the pH value of the soil.
Possible cause of magnesium deficiency:If there is a magnesium deficiency, the lemon tree gets yellow leaves with green veins. In contrast to iron deficiency, the old leaves first turn yellow from the outside in.
Care tips:
1. Fertilize lemon tree properly: Do not use nitrogen-rich fertilizers on the citrus tree. Instead, use special fertilizer for citrus trees and add magnesium supplement to the water. You can also use seaweed lime.
2. Loosen the soil: Onloamy, heavy soilis a big challenge for the lemon tree. The tree cannot root properly and absorb nutrients.
Are the leaves yellow and curled? Drought stress
Possible cause of dryness:Especially in summer, when there is less rain and the water in the pot evaporates more quickly, the tree reacts sensitively to longer dry periods and experiences drought stress. The leaves curl up so less water evaporates. If these also turn yellow, you should act quickly.
Care tips:
1. Water extensively: If the leaves are only curled, it is sufficient if you water the tree more frequently than usual over the next few weeks. You can slowly increase the amount of watering.
2. Dip the roots in water: If the leaves are curled and yellow, you can fill a bucket with lukewarm, decalcified water. Remove the tree from the bucket, carefully loosen the soil from the roots and dip it into the bucket. Leave the tree in the water for a few minutes so that the roots can soak up. When you no longer see any air bubbles on the surface, you can take the tree out of the water and plant it in the pot (preferably with new, moist soil).
Lemon tree has yellow leaves and brown spots: diseases
Diseases as possible causes: Yellow leaves and brown onesSpots usually indicate a leaf spot disease such as sooty mold. If bacteria and fungi attack the plant, quick action is necessary.
Care tip:
1. Cut off all diseased plant parts and dispose of them with household waste.
2. It's best to bring a leaf to the garden center so you can quickly see what the problem is. Depending on whether it is bacteria or fungi, you can find the right remedy and treat the plant with it.
Yellow leaves in summer and winter: incorrect watering
The yellow leaves on the lemon tree are often due to a care error. These are often seasonal.
The lemon tree hasyellow leaves in summer:Most of the time the tree is not watered enough.
If the citrus tree, howeveryellow leaves in winterthen it is usually due to waterlogging. You have watered it too much, the moisture in the soil cannot evaporate quickly enough and the fine roots begin to rot.
How often should you water a lemon tree?
The rule of thumb is: Never let the soil dry out in summer; it should always be moderately fresh to moist. Water the lemon tree twice a week. In winter you can water the exotic less often and less. It is enough if you water it once a week.
The yellow leaves fall off: temperature fluctuations
In most cases, the lemon tree can recover quickly and the leaves either turn green again or the exotic gradually forms new green leaves and replaces the diseased ones.
However, if the leaves turn yellow within a few weeks and immediately fall off, then you should quickly find the reason. This is often due to drought stress in combination with temperature fluctuations. The citrus tree is very sensitive to low humidity in summer.
Why does my lemon tree have such bright leaves after repotting?
If the leaves of the lemon tree turn light green after repotting, then it is usually due to stress. Another possible cause of light-colored leaves is a lack of nutrients. This can be eliminated through regular fertilization.
My lemon tree is losing all its leaves: cut back?
Can a lemon tree without leaves even be saved? Luckily, yes. A change in location, temperature fluctuations and heat can stress him out. The result: TheLeaves fall off. However, if the tree loses all of its leaves, you should initially reduce the fertilizer and watering accordingly. The fewer leaves the lemon tree has, the less water and nutrients it needs. If you continue to water it heavily, the excess moisture will not be able to evaporate and the roots will rot.
Pruning is not recommended and can put additional stress on the tree. If it needs a caring cut, it is best to do this in spring.