If you don't like the look of a bare garden or balcony, you can change that now. We list the most beautiful winter bloomers that add a splash of color to the outdoor area when the spring and summer flowers are still dormant. What flowers bloom outside in January? You will find out in the article.
In winter, when temperatures drop below 0 degrees Celsius, the garden and balcony become bare. Just a few evergreen plants or conifers provide variety outdoors. It doesn't have to be, actually, because there are lots of winter bloomers,those in Januarybloom. But they are much more than just an eye-catcher, they can also fulfill important functions. The flowers provide food for insects in the cold winter months.
Fragrant honeysuckle
The fragrant honeysuckle has large, delicate, creamy flowers and almost no leaves on its branches in winter. The flowers provide food for heavens. Sometimes the cherry produces red berries after the flowering period has ended.
Which flowers bloom in winter? The Christmas rose
The Christmas rose is one of the first winter flowers. It opens its white flowers in December. The perfect place for the winter bloomer is at the front of the bed or balcony box, in a partially shaded place.
Frost-hardy cyclamen for the container garden
Cyclamen are beautiful annual flowers that bloom from November through spring. The winter violets fresh flowerbeds,Balcony boxes and tubswith their bright colors. The flowering period ends in May, shortly afterwards the plant dies because it cannot tolerate the high summer temperatures.
Winter-flowering ground cover: Cyclamen
The spring cyclamen, also known as cyclamen, appear together with the snowdrops and are therefore one of the first signs of spring. The flowers feel most comfortable under shrubs, preferably deciduous shrubs, and like to spread there. On the balcony they spread out among taller winter bloomers.
What flowers bloom in spring: Snowdrops
The snowdrops prefer shady places in the garden. The signs of spring thrive best under deciduous trees. The native flowers in nature are critically endangered. However, there are many varieties of ornamental plants for the garden. They appearMid to late January.
Winter-flowering shrub: Mahonia
Most mahonias bloom from April. However, there are also certain varieties that produce their flowers in winter. One such example is the frost-hardy “Winter sun”. The bright yellow flowers attract insects to the garden. Mahonia feels most comfortable in moist, well-drained soil. A partially shaded location on the balcony or in the flower bed promotes flower formation.
Flowering climbing plants: Clematis cirrhosa
Clematis cirrhosis is one of the conditionally or non-hardy flowers. However, it thrives best on a house wall that protects the climbing plant from wind and frost. If the location is right and the soil is permeable, then the clematis can thrive outside until spring.
Which flowers and shrubs produce blooms in winter? Winter heather
Winter heather is a small shrub that produces light pink flowers in winter. The flowers then turn pink over time. The heather is not only frost hardy, but is also ideal as a balcony plant.
The winter viburnum blooms in January
The winter viburnum is a beautiful shrub that, as its name suggests, blooms in winter. It bears many flower buds from November onwards and when these open, its light pink flowers appear, exuding an intense aroma. The winter viburnum feels best in partial shade.
Winter bloomers from India: the meatberry
The meatberry, a winter bloomer that actually comes from East Asia, is an evergreen perennial with upright growth and creamy white flowers. The flowering period begins in December and ends in spring.
Which shrub blooms in January? The snow cherry
The snow cherry is one of the most beautiful winter bloomers in the home garden. The flowering period is extremely long and extends from November to April. The tiny flowers are white in color with a pink undertone, making the shrub a real eye-catcher in the garden.
Winter bloomers in January: Important care tips
Caring for winter bloomers differs significantly from caring for summer flowers. The flowers, perennials and shrubs that produce blooms in the cold months do not need fertilizer. They are also watered rarely and only as needed. It is much more important that the soil is permeable andalso in Januarynot frozen. In contrast to spring and summer flowers, winter bloomers react significantly less intensively to the lighting conditionsBalcony or in the garden.