If houseplants have brown tips: Possible causes and solutions

Unlike garden plants, which are basically adapted to local weather conditions and soil conditions, most houseplants cannot thrive outside. But the conditions inside are not always optimal either. The right soil, humidity, room temperature, fertilizing and watering: Most exotic plants have their own requirements that the hobby gardener cannot always satisfy. If houseplants have brown tips, this is a sign that something is lacking. We list the most common causes.

Care errors, pest infestations and diseases are usually noticeable on the leaves of a plant. In contrast to brown spots and completely yellow leaves, which can have various causes, the brown tips are due to care errors. This is good news because the plant can be saved and the mistakes can be avoided in the future.

Which potted plants most often have brown tips?

Basically potted plants are withpointed, narrow leaves, most commonly affected. Plants that are very sensitive to fluctuations in air humidity and have special demands on the soil also often suffer from this. These include, among others, the dragon tree and calathea.

The leaves of the plants turn yellow - is this a care mistake?

Unlike dry, brown tips, yellow leaves are a sign that the plant roots are affected. Most often this is due to overwatering or drainage issues. If the water cannot drain away, waterlogging forms and the roots rot.

My favorite plant's leaves have brown tips and brown spots

Unlike brown tips, brown spots are an almost sure sign of fungal disease. This should be treated as quickly as possible, otherwise the germs will spread and can also affect other plants.

The most common causes of brown tips: Low humidity

Low humidity is one of the most common reasons why your houseplants have brown tips. Especially in the winter months, the air in the heated rooms is dry. To increase humidity you can:

  • buy a humidifier.
  • Take a large saucer and fill it with river stones. Then moisten the stones regularly. They will release moisture into the air evenly throughout the day.
  • Group several plants together so that their leaves can retain moisture better.
  • Mist the plants daily.

Irregular watering

For now: Watering needs can vary greatly from plant to plant. However, most houseplants have certain needs and if you don't take these into account, the tips will quickly turn brown. In principle, you should not let the potting soil dry completely. Dry periods that are too long can damage the plant. The dry soil absorbs water much harder and even if you water extensively, the water is simply washed away and ends up in the saucer. In this case, it is better to divide the watering over the course of a day. This will gradually moisten the soil and allow it to absorb water better. In extreme cases, only one thing helps – repot the plant.

If houseplants have brown tips: incorrect fertilization is the cause

Houseplants also have their growth and resting phases. The fertilizer doses should be adjusted accordingly. If the plant stops growing, it does not need any additional nutrients. Salts in particular can gradually accumulate in the soil and this leads to brown tips. Another mistake is to use the wrong fertilizer and change the pH of the soil. This quickly affects the houseplants, as the soil volume in the pot is significantly smaller than in the flower bed. Even small amounts of additives can have a big effect on the condition of the soil. In this case, only repotting as quickly as possible will help.

Poor water quality

Some plants are very sensitive to chemicals and certain additives in tap water. Chlorine, lime and fluoride can have a negative effect on houseplants. However, this does not become noticeable after the first watering, but only after some time. It is therefore best to use rainwater or filter tap water to water your houseplants.

Should you cut off the brown tips?

Although you can cut off the brown tips - this will not harm the plant. But if you haven't found the cause of the dry tips, then the leaves will curl again at the cut edgeturn brown. Only after the problem is solved will the plant recover.