Wasps in the roller shutter box: How can you get rid of them in an environmentally friendly way and which home remedies help against them?

Spring and summer are beautiful seasons, but they also bring with them a number of seasonal dangers. Of those, perhaps none is scarier than wasps, which are not only annoying because they buzz in your ears and hover over your picnic, but they are also more likely to sting you than most bees. Wasps are protected and therefore entire colonies should not be destroyed. But there are tried and tested home remedies that immediately help get the annoying insects off the table. Find out below how you can get rid of wasps in roller shutter boxes in an environmentally friendly way.

The right preparation

Remove wasps in the roller shutter box - find the nest

First you need to find out where the nest is. Watch the wasps flying around your house during the day and keep an eye out for the places where they congregate. Eventually they will lead you to the shutter where they nest.

Protective equipment against wasps in the blind box

It's important to know what you're dealing with when preparing for wasp removal. Unlike bees, wasps do not lose their stinger when they sting, meaning they can sting again and again. Since they are much more aggressive than bees, you shouldn't expect wasps to let you stroll to the nest unmolested. To make matters worse, wasps release pheromones when they sting, which alert other wasps in the area to the threat. So you have to expect that not only the wasps in the nest, but also all the other wasps nearby will become angry. Therefore, it is only sensible to wear full protective gear and take all possible precautions.

Although it is not necessary to buy a beekeeping suit, it is advisable to protect yourself well. Wasps have long, straight stingers that can pierce through light clothing like T-shirts. So put on several layers of clothing made of tightly woven fabric. Put on long pants, a long-sleeved shirt under a thick jacket, gloves, socks and shoes, and a hat and bandana to cover your face. Don't forget to tuck your pants into your socks! In short, you should cover as much skin as possible.

Home remedies for wasps in roller shutters

Light coffee powder

Lighting coffee powder is an old trick from grandmother's times. However, everyone has to decide for themselves whether this is really that helpful.The procedureis as follows: Place coffee beans or powder in a fireproof bowl. The bowl should then be placed in the immediate vicinity of the wasp nest. Light the coffee and it will release roasted aromas.

However, wasp researchers are skeptical as to whether this method has any effect because wasps are not irritated by the smell. The burning coffee doesn't give off an unpleasant smell, so it's worth a try.

What to do against wasps in roller shutters? Basil and tomatoes

Wasps don't like some smells from different plants. That's why you can prepare for the summer in spring for outdoor seating on the balcony, terrace or in the garden. So ifthe right plantsIf they are grown around a seat, the wasps usually stay away. This includes:

  • Basil
  • Lavender
  • Tomato plants
  • Garlic

Lemon and cloves eliminate the pests

There has long been a tip to use lemons with cloves to keep all kinds of insects away outdoors. It also has the side effect that these foods give off a pleasant smell on your balcony or terrace. Take a whole lemon and pierce it with 4 toothpicks. Then place the fruit on 4 “legs” and drill 6 to 8 holes with a screwdriver – ideally in the upper half of the fruit. Finally, insert a clove into each hole.

Tipp: In this way not only onemeans of expulsionannoying wasps and other insects. The lemon hedgehogs are placed on the table or on the balcony railing as a decorative eye-catcher.

Essential oils eliminate and prevent wasps in the roller shutter box

You can and should not only make your environment unattractive for wasps, but also actively use natural repellents. There are many home remedies that you can mix yourself to keep wasps and other unwanted insects away. Essential oils are also a handy optionAgents for wasp and insect repellent. There are many ways to use these oils.

For a stronger blend that works better in your garden and on the outside of windows and doors, you can make a potent combination of essential oils and vodka. That's how it works!

In a 500ml spray bottle, mix:

  • 1 1/2 teaspoons lavender oil
  • 5 teaspoons eucalyptus oil
  • 5 teaspoons polei mint oil
  • 3 teaspoons citronella oil
  • 5 Teelöffel Teebaumöl
  • 300 ml Vodka

This is a strong smelling brew that is ideal for outdoor use. Not only does it deter wasps from settling, but it also drives them away once they have already settled. Spray it daily for a week and weekly thereafter to keep the wasps from returning.

Get rid of insects through distraction

Place an overripe piece of fruit away from the balcony and patio. Wasps are considered capable of learning and are happy to fly to the feeding site if there is enough food available. However, feeding honey or jam should be avoided as it makes the animals aggressive.

Tipp: However, distraction feeding can also lead to the unpleasant side effect that the wasps can reproduce better thanks to the food available and the wasp nest grows faster than usual. It can then happen that the wasps gain the upper hand due to the attractiveness of the area.