Get rid of mice: With these home remedies and tips you can effectively get rid of rodents in the garden!

Mice and other rodents are among the most common pests found in and around homes, and they can multiply quickly, which can multiply your pest problems. There are different types of mice that can appear on your property. If you've spotted these rodents or signs of a rodent infestation outside on your property, you'll want to figure out how to get rid of the mouse population in the yard before they potentially invade indoor spaces. Find out how to get rid of mice below!

There are many signs of mice and other rodents in your garden. The main signs are holes in the ground where rodents dig in search of food, for example near seeds, bulbs or root vegetables. Bites on vegetables and other plants are another sign ofMice in your garden. Your outdoor space can provide an abundance of food for these pests, especially if you have lots of fruit and vegetable plants. For small rodents, the natural cover of a garden is another attractive aspect.

Repel mice without poison

Protect your plants

You probably don't want to give in to the problem and just remove all of your plants. However, you can take steps to protect your plants from mice or at least minimize their influence and stop them from damaging the plants. Try wrapping your flower pots with chicken wire outside to prevent hungry rodents from getting to them. These pests don't like to bite metal and aren't strong enough to bite through it anyway.

Eliminate all possible nesting sites

Mice prefer warm, dry little corners to build their nests. It is important to regularly check areas that are attractive to these pests for signs of an existing nest. Areas to look for include woodpiles, which can provide a significant amount of shelter for rodents. Another area where pests often set up camp is the garden shed. Check all corners and also take a look into the garden shed.

Unfortunately, finding a nest is not the best sign because it means that mice are present and may have spread. Also look out for holes in the ground, as the pests can dig a nest and line it with leaves or other materials to build it.

Grow plants that deter rodents

Some plants naturally deter mice and other rodents. If you have these plantsplant in your garden, it becomes less attractive for them to hide. Try planting some of these popular types of flowers and plants:

  • mint
  • Daffodils
  • Spurge
  • Garlic
  • Lavender
  • Pea
  • Traubenhyazinthe
  • Catnip

Get rid of mice with home remedies

Mice have a keen sense of smell and you can use this to your advantage to get rid of them. Wondering what smell keeps pests away? Try one of the following:

  • apple cider vinegar and water

Make a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water. Put the mixture in a spray bottle and spray the area around your garden where you have seen signs of small rodents. Turnany natural deterrent, again at least once a month.

  • Hot pepper solution

Mix chili flakes, sliced ​​habanero peppers, dish soap, and water to make a hot pepper spray that deters mice. Spray the mixture wherever you have noticed mouse activity. While this mixture is not toxic to people or pets, it can irritate the eyes, nose, and mouth. So be sure to avoid all places where people or pets are.

Get a cat

Cats are among the most effective deterrents there are. If you can adopt a cat to help control your mouse population, you should. Alternatively, find a friend who has a cat: place buckets of used cat litter in various places around your garden. When the rodents smell the cat urine, they will leave your outdoor area.

Alternatively, you can also buy pure ammonia. It smells like a predator's urine and scares away mice. Place cotton balls soaked in ammonia in places that rodents like to visit.

Try a live trap

You can purchase live traps at hardware stores. Place them wherever you have noticed mouse activity and lure the pests with peanut butter, cheese or popcorn. Once you catch a mouse, release it at least 2 kilometers from your house. Otherwise she might come back again. Be sure to wear heavy gloves and not touch the rodent directly.

Drive away mice with ultrasound

The ultrasound can effectively keep mice away. Plus, these deterrents are safe for children, pets, and other animals. They are available at any hardware store and can be placed anywhere in the garden.

Get rid of small rodents with essential oils

Essential oils with a strong smell, such as peppermint and clove oil, can repel mice. For best results, soak cotton balls with the essential oil of your choice and place them in areas where you have observed signs of rodents. The scent will not drive away the pests, but it can in combination with other methodsan effective deterrentbe.