Houseplant care is very important for your green “roommates” at home. They bring life and freshness to your home. Its green color is a universal decoration for your four walls. The houseplants are the real living presence in the house.
Caring for houseplants is sometimes very difficult. Some of them come from the tropics and require a lot of care. These include, for example, various types of palm trees, dragon trees, silver swords, cacti, and bonsai. Some are not so moody if you water them enough, fertilize them and find the right place for them in the apartment. These are the best features of proper houseplant care. Provide optimal conditions that are close to their natural needs. However, it is better not to try to comply with these conditions completely, as this could sometimes be very expensive. Instead, try to inquire if there is any special care needed for them.
Don't allow the lack of experience to harm you in any way. Caring for houseplants is an important element so that your flowers are a beautiful element at home and part of your furniture. The bright colors successfully replace a bouquet of flowers that should always be bought new. And if you don't have children yet - these are the first steps of caring for another living being.
Place your houseplants well
Pay close attention to where the light comes from in the room. There are types of plants that like light, but others don't. Compared to your furniture, if it is not possible to place the green creatures close to the window, buy hanging baskets, flowers, decorative glass shelves and niches. You just need imagination for it. A good alternative would be artificial lighting, they are a source of light and heat. Broad-spectrum fluorescent lamps are available in stores, which are located approximately 20 centimeters above the plants and provide them with additional light.
Watering and fertilizing
Unnecessary watering of houseplants is the most common cause of their death. Sometimes it is very difficult to measure the right amount of water and this leads to the most common error - lack of water or flooding. The first sign of this is the leaves falling out. The best way to combat this is to check the soil daily. If it is dry (that is, more than 0.5 centimeters), the plant needs water. Sometimes the water should flow out of the flower pot. When you notice this, you would have to pour away the excess water. Otherwise the moisture could kill your houseplant.
Just like all other living things, your plants also need food. Look in specialized stores for fertilizers and other substances that will stimulate your green companions. It is good that you add a few drops of liquid fertilizer to the water. This helps in faster growth.
Humidity and temperature
Potted plants require temperatures between 15 and 23 degrees Celsius. At higher temperatures they become weaker. Lower temperatures will kill them.
It is important that the room is not too warm and that you let fresh air in more often - at least once a day. If youtropical plantsIf you want to breed them, get special equipment that takes care of the humidity.
Epirhemnus aureum
This houseplant has a tendency to creep, which is why it is planted in hanging baskets. She likes a lot of light, but adapts very well to dark rooms. The more you water it, the faster it will grow. But don't worry if the soil becomes dry before you water again. It is good if you fertilize at least 3 times a year. It has 2 variants - white - green or green with a few gold threads.
This houseplant likes dim light and works well in darker corners of your room. It is very beautiful and can grow up to 120 centimeters tall. She loves water and should be watered often. If properly cared for, the Spathiphyllum blooms 4-6 times a year.
Ficus elastica is another very popular plant that has thick leaves that look like rubber. She loves the water and can grow up to 180 centimeters tall. Their height depends on the size of the flower pot.
Also called “snake tongue”. The leaves are very long and pointed. Doesn't need any special care, just needs regular watering. Loves sunlight, is very easy to grow.
Get different flower pots with spices. They decorate your kitchen, spread aroma and are very easy to grow.
Whether you grow simple plants or exotic ones, remember that they are alive - fertilize them, water them and give them lots of love.