How you can use cinnamon to protect plants – this is how effective the spice can be against pests in the garden

Did you know that it would be possible to create plant protection for gardens or houseplants by using cinnamon? The versatile effect of the spice allows it to be used in gardening both as a fertilizer and forPest control. The cinnamon powder can therefore be used in many practical garden applications. Although it can admittedly be a bit pricey compared to other natural garden home remedies, such as vinegar or baking soda, there are many ways you can apply this spice to your vegetables or flowers.

That's why cinnamon can provide plant protection for gardens and houseplants

The main advantage of using cinnamon in the garden is its accessibility. You don't necessarily have to go to the garden store to use it on your garden plants. You have everything you need in your own kitchen. One thing to keep in mind, however – the use of cinnamon in the garden primarily refers to cinnamon powder and not cinnamon sticks. The latter are nice to look at, but they're just not as effective for many of the applications you'll read about below.

It's no secret that it's always better,natural substances as chemical fertilizers, use pesticides and other chemicals. In addition, cinnamon can serve as a great alternative to all these pesticides to solve many problems at a lower cost. So learn why cinnamon is good for plants and how you can use the spice in garden soil.

Make rooting hormone from cinnamon powder

According to many gardeners, applying cinnamon to the stem of a plant is just as effectivePropagate cuttings. Cinnamon is a natural replacement for synthetic cutting stimulants. As mentioned above, the spice is also cheaper. It can stimulate root development in almost any type of plant you grow this way, with you only having to apply the agent once. To use cinnamon as a rooting agent, simply place a spoonful of it on a paper towel. Moisten the stem ends and then roll them in the paper towel. Plant your cuttings in potting soil. Cinnamon will encourage new growth and will also play another important role.

How cinnamon enables plant protection as a natural fungicide

When applied to a plant cutting, cinnamon can also help prevent disease control. This prevents the development of fungi that attack small seedlings as they begin to grow. Cinnamon kills the fungus before it has a chance to pounce on your vulnerable seedlings. It is also effective in preventing and treating other types of fungal diseases. For example, cinnamon can provide plant protection by counteracting slime mold. To use the spice as a fungicide on older plants, you can mix a spoonful or two of cinnamon into the water and let it steep overnight. Sift the powderthrough a coffee filteror a piece of cheesecloth and then pour the mixture into a spray bottle. So spray leaves, stems or other parts of the plant that are affected. You can also spray the soil with it if soil-borne fungi are a problem.

After annual pruning, cinnamon powder can also be applied to valuable fruit trees and shrubs to prevent pathogenic fungi from entering through the fresh wound. Rust is another fungal infection that occurs on many garden plants such as calendula. This soil-borne disease is spread by spores of the fungus Puccinia uniquea. The frustrating thing about rust is that it tends to affect all parts of the plant, including the flowers. All you have to do is sprinkle some cinnamon into the soil when planting. Often this is enough to stop rust from spreading throughout the garden. However, as a powerful antifungal, cinnamon works most effectively when used in conjunction with other smart measures. For example, this would be the distance between theNeighboring plants in the gardenand maintaining good irrigation hygiene.

Using cinnamon against ants in the garden

In a suburban area, ants can significantly disrupt the gardener's life. They build their homes in the garden beds, climb into greenhouses and pay visits to the house. Cinnamon helps repel ants and other small insect pests by creating a protective barrier that they prefer to avoid. Simply apply cinnamon as a curb where ants can be a problem. You can use this hack for both indoor and outdoor plant varieties. If you encounter such a problem indoors, you should find the entry point for the ants and then sprinkle it with a thin layer of cinnamon powder. This barrier will not kill the ants but will prevent them from entering the house.

Drive away other pests and animals with cinnamon powder

This is another useful way to use cinnamon in the garden. If you are worried about the appearance of animals, sprinkle cinnamon on the floor. The smell of cinnamon will put them off. Although the cinnamon powder can irritate the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, it does not significantly harm your health and protects your plants from unwanted visitors. So if furry pests like mice, rabbits, squirrels and other rodents are a problem in your garden, you may need to use some cinnamon. As you probably know, cinnamon is a very strong-smelling spice. Its strong-smelling oils often confuse the olfactory instincts of animals running low to the ground, causing them to avoid an area entirely. Accordingly, if you find that such pests are constantly plaguing your garden, a spoonful of cinnamon sprinkled around the perimeter of your garden could be the right solution.

Cinnamon can provide plant protection for houseplants

Cinnamon is also beneficial for houseplants. It can be used against spider mites, whiteflies or other pests commonly found in greenhouses. The solution is to simply sprinkle cinnamon on potting soil around the plants. The method is therefore ideal for treating houseplants. Another use for cinnamon when it comes to houseplants? The spice can get rid of mosquitoes, which aren't necessarily harmful to plants but can be annoying for you as an indoor gardener. Cinnamon is also effective in eliminating mildew and mold on houseplants.

Treat wounded plants with cinnamon powder

You probably already know how important it is to prune your plants. However, overzealous pruning can cause problems by making it harder for your plants to recover and put on fresh growth. Another common problem occurs when you use dirty tools to trim plants. This could spread infections from plant to plant. Sometimes you can even accidentally hit a plant with the pruning shears or weed whacker without meaning to. This can lead to a whole host of problems, but luckily cinnamon can help. Cinnamon, when applied to a fresh plant wound, can promote healing and prevent fungal infections from developing or worsening.

More tips on using cinnamon powder or cinnamon sticks

Cinnamon holds the solution to many common gardening problems, although the spice is certainly not a panacea. Many of the uses of cinnamon described above are based on anecdotal evidence. This means there may not be much science to back this up. However, none of this will harm your plants, especially when used in combination with other good gardening practices such as rotating your plants, watering and fertilizing regularly. However, avoid large amounts of cinnamon in the garden. Some home gardeners also think that cinnamon sticks can be just as effective as cinnamon powder. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. The only effective way to use cinnamon sticks in plant care is to break them into small pieces and sprinkle them on the straw.

Remember that the cinnamon sticks are quite hard and you will have to make an effort to break them. This procedure helps prevent the appearance of fungus. In other cases, however, it is better to use ground cinnamon to create plant protection. Additionally, cinnamon is a really good and relatively inexpensive solution to many common plant problems, especially when used in conjunction with other gardening methods. When using cinnamon as a plant treatment and disinfectant, remember that it is not a panacea. Will cinnamon harm plants? Definitely not if used in appropriate quantities.