Lemon tree doesn't bloom: discover the causes and use the right solutions!

Do you like fresh homemade lemonade on a hot summer day? And what could be nicer than a vitamin-rich drink with fruit from your own lemon tree? Lemon trees are popular with many homeowners, not only because of the exotic flair they bring to the home, but also because of the healthy fruits they give you. Of course, in order for the trees to bear a bountiful harvest, they need proper care. Is your lemon tree not blooming or bearing fruit? In many cases, for lemon trees to bloom, all you need is the patience to care for them until they are three or four years old. However, if your lemon tree has no flowers after this period, then you may have a problem that needs a solution. What causes this and what you can do to make a lemon tree bloom, read on!

Lemon tree not blooming due to improper watering

If your lemon tree has no flowers, it may be due to improper watering. Water is an important factor for healthy growth and the key to solving the problem of lemon trees not blooming. Both overwatering and underwatering lead to the same result – non-blooming lemon tree. You should water regularly, especially during the growing season, to prevent the soil from drying out.

Don't water lemons until the top 4 inches of soil is completely dry, then water thoroughly. Never leave a lemon plant indoors in a saucer of standing water, as you risk waterlogging. Lemon trees do not like drought and flood situations where you water them deeply and then allow them to dry out completely.

Make sure you have the right lighting conditions

Lemon trees do not bloom well when placed in deep shade. The lemon tree loves sunlight, at least four to six hours a day. The lack of sun can also be the cause of a lack of flowers on the lemon tree. The treesneed full sun, regardless of whether they are indoors or outdoors. Outdoors, remove any overhanging branches or other obstacles that would prevent the lemon from getting enough sun. But too much light and heat, especially during midday, can overwhelm the tree and cause root burns. Place your tree in a bright location, but avoid full sun. If you want to protect your citrus trees from the sun, you should mulch the soil around the tree and provide shade if possible.

Lemons do not bloom due to lack of nutrients or over-fertilization

Every plant needs nutrients to grow properly. In order to promote flowering on the lemon tree, the soil must be supplied with plenty of nutrients. Soil that does not contain enough nutrients will prevent the tree from flowering. Before planting, add old cow manure, compost and worm castings or fertilize the roots. Your tree may need oneadditional boost from fertilizer, which is made specifically for lemons or citrus trees. When do citrus trees bloom? A lemon tree's fruit producing season is in the summer months, so you should apply a high nitrogen fertilizer frequently during this time.

However, giving your citrus trees too much fertilizer, especially nitrogen, can also contribute to a problem with the blooms. Reduce fertilizing to once a month and watch for flowers to appear. Phosphorus or bone meal can also help if your lemon tree doesn't produce flowers.

Changing the location can cause a lack of flowers

When growing a lemon tree, you need to consider that lemon trees do not tolerate changes of any kind well. If you move the tree to a location with different conditions, it may go into shock. If you need to move your tree, be sure to change the conditions gradually.

Avoid root damage

When your tree is young, the roots grow close to the soil surface, and any damage can result in the plant not absorbing enough nutrients and failing to bloom. Cover the root area of ​​the lemon tree with a thin layer of cow manure and cover with bark mulch. Water this mixture well and your plant will recover and replace damaged roots.

Pests and diseases reduce blooms

Pests and diseases always cause damage to a plant and can cause a lemon tree not to bloom. Inspect your tree regularly for bugs and insects or mold. If you spot them in time, you can help your lemon tree bloom and bear fruit.

Too much pruning prevents the flowers from blooming

Pruning your lemon tree before it produces flowers can prevent blooms. Lemon trees produce new shoots, at the ends of which flowers form. Cutting off the tips of the shoots in spring where the flowers form can prevent flowering. Avoid pruning the tips of the shoots before spring and prune the tree at the end of the growing season in summer to avoid cutting off the flowers.

Do not disturb the rest period

Many plants need to go dormant during the winter, and lemon trees are no exception. A lack of flowers on the lemon tree is often due to the tree not having a dormant period long enough. The plant needs a cool environment to overwinter properly.