Planting hedges in autumn: Which hedge plants are suitable & how to plant them correctly

The last months of the year offer another opportunity to refresh the garden with new specimens. Autumn is the ideal planting time for many types of plants, including hedges. So if you were thinking of a few more varieties anyway, you can put your plan into action next month. We will explain to you which hedge plants can be planted in this cool season and how exactly you plant the hedge in autumn.

In which cases the autumn time is best

In principle, any hedge plant can move into the garden in the fall. It is actually more likely that the other seasons are more or less suitable depending on the form of delivery.

  • Hedge plants that you have purchased in pots can be planted all year round, even in the hot summer (but then mulch them if possible and water them abundantly in the beginning).
  • So-called baled goods were raised in the open field and only dug up for sale, which is only possible during the resting phase. Since this lasts from September to May, this period is also suitable for planting in the garden. You should plant evergreen specimens at the end of October at the latest, otherwise they will not have enough time until the cold to establish themselves. Adequate watering is extremely important in the first few weeks.
  • The most sensitive forms in terms of delivery form are the so-called bare-root hedge plants. In contrast to baled goods, their root ball does not have any soil surrounding it. The cool months before winter are the best planting phase for this variant.

For autumn planting, it doesn't matter which delivery form you choose. The bestPlanting time in autumnis October and November.

Which hedge to plant in autumn – you are spoiled for choice

You can opt for fast-growing species, choose evergreen or deciduous specimens, or create a hedge of one variety or mixed when planting a hedge in autumn. What are the advantages and disadvantages of all variants?

Do you really want the hedge to grow quickly?

Especially if you want to create a privacy screen with the plants, it is of course tempting to choose a fast-growing variety. This isn't a problem in itself, but keep in mind that it also means an increased need for care. The shootsgrow quite quicklyin height and therefore need to be trimmed more often. At the same time, the law also restricts the cutting period to protect the birds. If you don't have the time or desire to invest a lot of time in your garden and prefer to keep it low-maintenance, it's better to choose slower-growing and therefore easy-care hedge plants.

Fast growingHedge plants: hornbeam, common beech, privet, loquat, bamboo, Leyland cypress
Growing slowerinclude: Taxus hedge, cherry laurel, creeping spindle, barberry, Ilex

The plant can be evergreen or deciduous

Both variants have their advantages. While youwith evergreen varietiesYou can enjoy beautiful greenery even in winter, deciduous specimens bring beautiful autumn colors and berries after the green vegetation phase.

Evergreen/wintergreenExamples include: cherry laurel, rhododendron, Japanese holly, privet, loquat, boxwood, yew
DeciduousVarieties are: hydrangeas, field maple, arborvitae, hornbeam

Planting hedges in autumn – the design options

Some people prefer to use a single plant species for the hedge, while others dolike to have mixed. In addition, there are varieties that tolerate topiary and therefore appear more formal, while others grow more naturally and look informal. So you are spoiled for choice when planting a hedge in autumn.

Formal: Hornbeam hedge, boxwood, blackthorn, privet, copper rock pear
Informal: Hawthorn, Yellow Dogwood, Bamboo, Hydrangea

Step by step to a new garden hedge

No matter which hedge you choose as a privacy screen or as a solitary plant, the procedure for planting is basically always the same. You should only inform yourself in advance about the location and spacing of the individual plants and stick to your type of hedge. Planting spacing also determines how many specimens you will need for your length. So measure them before you head to the tree nursery or hardware store.

1. Tighten the cord

If you plant a solitary plant or a small group of three, for example, you can start directly with the next step. However, if you are planting an entire hedge in the fall, you will of course want to make sure that it is straight. A simple string stretched between two sticks will best guide you as to where to dig.

2. Dig holes or trenches

Now dig the holes (for individual plants and groups) or a trench (for a hedge). In any case, their size should be twice as large as the root ball of the hedge plants purchased. The depth corresponds to that of the pot in which the plants are located. Once you have reached the required diameter and depth, you should also loosen the soil. This makes it easier for the plant to let its roots penetrate the soil.

3. Fertilize the excavation and loosen the soil

Then supply the soil with nutrients by digging up the excavated soilwith organic fertilizermix. Horn shavings, for example, are well suited and give the new plants everything they need for the first time. If the excavation is clayey, you can also mix it with potting soil. This way he becomes more relaxed.

4. Prepare the plants

Now take the hedge plants out of their pots (if you have chosen this form of delivery) and immerse them in a bucket of water for a while so that the root ball can soak up the moisture.

5. Plant

Now place the plants at the required distance from each other in the trench or in the prepared holes. Fill the spaces with the excavated soil and tamp it down with your feet. Finally, water the plants thoroughly and make sure in the coming weeks that the soil never completely dries out, but is always well moist.