12 Fast-Growing Shrubs and Hedge Plants to Plant in Fall!

Although spring is traditionally considered the best time for planting and sowing, autumn is the better time for some shrubs and hedge plants. If planted at least a few weeks before the first frost, around November, they will have time to establish their roots before winter dormancy and will be ready to show off foliage and blooms in the spring. Check out some of the most beautiful fast-growing shrubs you can plant this fall.

Plant shrub rose Knock Out® for a flower hedge in autumn

If the thought of caring for rose bushes seems intimidating, then consider choosing an easy-care hedge with Knock Out® floribunda roses. This variety grows like a shrub and makes rose care a breeze. Knock Out roses thrive in a sunny to partially shaded location and bloom tirelessly from May to November. You can also prune them back (or not) as you wish without affecting bud formation.

Plant laurel hedges in autumn

There are many different varieties of laurel, all equally suitable for modern landscaping. This hardy, evergreen shrub can be planted as a solitary plant or in a group as a hedge. Laurel bushes are particularly fast-growing and offer your garden good privacy protection in a short time.

Plant privet hedges in autumn

There are about 50 species of privet plants (Ligustrum). The shrub is often calledliving privacy protectionused because it grows quickly to a height of 3 to 5 meters and blooms in summer with pretty, white, fragrant flowers. This shrub is a good choice for beginning gardeners because it thrives even in poor soil and is drought tolerant once established.

Winged spindle bush is particularly impressive with its autumn color

The winged spindle bush (Euonymus alatus) is probably best known for its particularly striking fall foliage, which turns from green to fiery red. It grows quickly and is easy to care for, which puts it high on the list of landscaping “must-haves” for many gardeners.

Firethorn is highly sought after by bees and birds

The firethorn (Pyracantha) is an evergreen tree that produces countless white flowers from May to June. And in autumn it causes a stir with its bright orange-red berries. It works well as a hedge and attracts birds and other wildlife to your property. These shrubs grow quickly and you can even expect an average growth of up to 60 cm per year.

The redwood dogwood is a real eye-catcher in winter

The purple dogwood (Cornus alba) blooms with showy white flowers in summer, but its true glory comes in fall and winter, when the leaves fall and the bright red branches add color to the winter landscape. They are also an easy way to add an accent in oneAutumn planting in bucketsto set.

Schneeball (Viburnum)

Viburnums are an incredibly versatile group of shrubs. They have interesting, attractive foliage and pretty flowers, some of which are wonderfully fragrant. Such as the popular winter scented snowball Viburnum farreri. Many species produce berries in the fall that attract birds and other wildlife. Among the more than 150 species, you are sure to find one that suits your garden. Keep in mind that different species also have different flowering times.

The forsythia is also called the golden bell

One of the most beautiful sights in spring is the appearance of the bright yellow flowers of forsythia. This easy-care shrub makes an excellent accent plant or hedge. The forsythia is a fresh green and opaque hedge.

Plant hydrangea in autumn

Although their showy flowers may seem high-maintenance, hydrangeas are actually relatively easy garden plants to keep. The optimal planting time for hydrangeas is also autumn. Hydrangeas thrive in full sun or partial shade and thrive in all types of soil. At thelarge selection of varietiesYou'll be spoiled for choice, but you should find the one that best suits your climate and landscaping needs.

Spierstrauch (Spirea)

Spiers are hardy, grow quickly and require relatively little care. They bloom in late spring or summer in a range of whites, yellows, pinks and reds. Many varieties also delight with great autumn color. In Germany, the bridal spirea (Spiraea x arguta) is particularly popular because of its beautiful white flowers.

Pussy willow (bush)

The appearance of branches with fluffy catkins in spring is a joy for children and those young at heart. There are also pink pussy willows that add special accents. The shrubs grow well even in a garden with moist soil and are easily propagated by sticking a fresh cutting directly into the soil. So find a neighbor or friend with a pussy willow and ask them for a cutting!

The elderberry hedges can reach striking heights

Elderberry bushes (Sambucus) grow easily in zones 3 to 10 and are therefore widespread in Germany and many other regions of Europe. They thrive in both full sun and partial shade and can grow to over 6 meters tall. The elderberry blooms with white flowers from the end of May to the beginning of July, followed by the berries in late summer. An elderberry bush in the garden not only offers birds a valuable source of food, but is also as valuable to people as an entire pharmacy. We have great recipes hereElderberriesandElderflowerscompiled.