Create a herb garden – indoor garden tips for growing culinary herbs


Every meal tastes much better with fresh herbs! Herbs are not only a cooking ingredient, but also an effective remedy. Many species can be grown in the garden or in pots on the windowsill. Who wouldn't want to enjoy their flowers and scents in their own home! This means you always have dill, coriander, parsley, rosemary and thyme to hand! If you want to create your own herb garden, you have to follow a few rules!

Herbs look very decorative as houseplants and give the kitchen a Mediterranean touch. Most are not very demanding when it comes to care. However, they need to be kept in a sunny spot and watered regularly.MediterraneanHerbs such as thyme, oregano or rosemary also thrive with less water than lemon balm, chives or tarragon. Some species are very sensitive to too much water. Herbs must also be harvested according to certain rules so that the plants can grow back.

Which are the right herb mixtures?


Like othersHouseplantsHerbs are particularly susceptible to certain soil-borne diseases. Suitable potting mix can be purchased at any store. The mix must be light in weight and then drain well. In order for spices to thrive, you must first seek advice about the right soil mixture. Potted herbs need to be fertilized relatively sparingly so that the taste is not affected - once a month is enough. Southern herbs are used to poor soils.

Terracotta and clay pots are the classics for culinary herbs and are usually offered with drainage holes. Peat pots with drainage holes are becoming increasingly popular and are therefore another option that you can use if you want to create your own herb garden. Small flower boxes are also suitable.

Some herb plants also thrive in your garden, so you can find a place for them there too. Whether they survive the winter or at least need to be covered with protection depends entirely on the type of plant. Annual plants dying can usually be prevented by cutting the plant before it blooms. But that also depends on the type.

Grow basil

Basil is relatively easy to care for and is therefore a good choice for your herb garden, but the plant needs a lot of light and a high room temperature. Waterlogging should be avoided, as this does not affect the plant and leads to wilting leaves and the formation of mold. In summer it is advisable to place the plant outside, choosing partial shade, as the direct sun can lead to a bitter taste of the leaves.

Basil is watered abundantly (approx. every 2 to 3 days) and preferably from below. If the plant is thirsty, it will let the leaves droop. You should then provide them with water at the latest. Harvest the lower leaves or cut the stem above the first leaf axis. The plant can then continue to grow in peace. It is important that you prevent flowers from forming by harvesting regularly, as this causes the plant to stop growing and die after a while.

Tips for growing chives

The herb is indispensable in the kitchen because it provides leaves that are ready for harvest almost all year round. So definitely consider chives if you want to start an herb garden. It can be easily grown in both the garden and in pots. Moist, loose soil is necessary for the plant to thrive. The selected location must be sunny or partially shaded. The plant produces leeks almost all year round, which should simply be cut at regular intervals. You can also harvest and freeze a larger quantity.

Dill cultivation

Most amateur gardeners grow the plant to use it in the kitchen as a spice. But the herb is very well known for its healing properties and nutrients. Its fruits contain essential oils. Dill does not grow back after harvesting and must be re-sown annually. So if necessary, simply cut off the necessary amount of branches and use them for your dish.

Growing and caring for lemon balm

Lemon balm is used as a spice and medicine and has a calming effect. Even if its leaves are dried, the medicinal substances remain. The plant requires relatively little maintenance. With good care, lemon balm can grow up to one meter high and can be harvested several times a year. You have to be careful that the herb doesn't spread too much.

Watering is carried out regularly, but waterlogging should be avoided. Short dry periods are not a problem. However, consistent humidity is recommended. Harvest as often as you like. The plant can re-sprout up to four times a year, provided the pruning is carried out before flowering.

Aromatisches Oregano

The spice has a much higher and more intense antioxidant effect than apples, potatoes and even blueberries. In order to thrive, warmth and plenty of sun should be guaranteed, as these also ensure that the leaves have a particularly strong aroma. The soil can be dry or at least should not become waterlogged. It is poured as soon as the top layer has dried.

In principle, you can cut oregano at any time. Especially from the second year after the winter break, it begins to grow vigorously and can be radically cut back to up to 10 cm. But pruning can also be done later in the season. It's best to dry the large amount of leaves you get as this is the best way to season them. So if you are looking for a particularly nutrient-rich spice, you should start a herb garden with oregano.

Herb garden with rosemary

The Mediterranean herb rosemary has many uses in the kitchen. The plant thrives in sunny, hot places. Rosemary is best planted in good potting soil. Since rosemary is also a Mediterranean plant, the sun is the perfect location for it, which is combined with dry soil. A lot of moisture is not only unnecessary, but also rather harmful. If the plate fills with water when pouring, it should be poured away immediately.

Annual pruning in winter or after flowering is recommended. The plant is then stimulated to sprout again. New plants emerge that also retain their pleasant aroma. You can also dry or even freeze the cut leaves if there are too many to be consumed straight away.


Thyme is an important and perennial medicinal plant and is suitable for the kitchen, balcony and terrace. The spice becomes particularly aromatic when placed or planted in a sunny location. Furthermore, the soil should be low in nutrients and, above all, permeable to water. For this reason, you can use the useful spice plant yourself to design your garden and especially for the rock garden. It is important to know that thyme should not be mixed with marjoram, as the two plants do not get along at all.

Cut the spice regularly throughout the year. Removing the shoot tips has a rejuvenating effect. So you not only provide yourself with the delicious spice on a regular basis, but you also care for the plant in this way. The branches then become bushier. It is best to harvest on a warm and sunny day. If you want to dry the spice, the period shortly before flowering is recommended.