Making gardening easier – tips for hobby gardeners

Gardening is something very liberating and many garden fans use the time between their own beds to relax and regain their mental strength. This is often quite easy for young people, but as we get older the body can sometimes have problems. According to an AOK evaluation, for example, there were over 1.2 million cases of temporary incapacity to work due to back pain in 2010 (further information here). This guide will therefore show you how gardening work, which can sometimes be quite difficult, can be made easier.

When gardening, the joints and spine in particular are put under a lot of strain. This sometimes leads to pain and can also contribute to long-term health problems. This is straightin the following work stepsquite intense:
– Pulling weeds on your knees
– Beetroot
– Rake or hoe in a bent position
– Transport soil with a wheelbarrow
– Activities that require bending over
As you can easily see, many basic garden tasks are activities that put strain on the joints and back. For this reason, it is important to take countermeasures at an early stage so as not to ultimately have an additional negative impact on your own health.

The options for simplifying gardening are quite diverse and can be divided into different categories:
1.Limit work to a tolerable amount per day
If you notice that your body is suffering from gardening, you should divide up the work steps and only do as much as you can handle each day. According to one, false ambition isGuide on flexo-trim.derather counterproductive in such a situation. In addition, it makes sense:
– carry out the individual work steps without haste
– take small breaks every now and then

2.Maintain proper posture when gardening
Working in the garden almost inevitably involves activities such as lifting, bending and kneeling. However, those affected should always pay attention to correct posture so as not to put unnecessary strain on their backs and joints:
– Never bend down with a hunched back, but instead squat
– Always carry heavy loads close to your body
– It is also better to do work close to the ground from a squatting position
– Avoid twisting the torso at all costs
– Adopt a variety of postures (never stay in the same posture for 30 minutes)

This point in particular can make a big contribution to making your own work in the garden ultimately less problematic. Working while squatting may feel unusual and strenuous at first, but in the long run it is easier on your back and joints.

In order to avoid constantly working in a bent position, rakes and hoes with an adjustable handle can now be purchased. In this way, it is no problem to adjust the length of the work tools according to your own height. In addition, special work tools such as so-called “women’s spades” can also be used, which require less effort for individual work steps.

4.Rely on electrical equipment

If you also use electric hedge and tree trimmers, trimming shrubs and trees will ultimately be much easier and you can complete the necessary work in a significantly shorter time. If it is possible to do without a battery-powered tool, the corresponding trimmers and scissors do not carry too much weight.

5.Use protectors for your joints

Since the joints are particularly stressed when kneeling, it makes sense to either use knee pads or buy a garden mat. This cushions your own weight slightly and ensures that the joints are not put under as much strain.

With the measures mentioned here, it is entirely possible to carry out your usual gardening work and still listen to your own body's warning signals. Even if some points may be unusual at first, they ultimately have a positive effect on your health.

If you already have back pain, absolute rest is far from always the panacea. In consultation with your doctor, exercise can actually have a positive effect on back pain. Nevertheless, of course no one should torture themselves. So if the back pain is too severe, it is important to stop working. In principle, however, moderate stress can help treat back pain. It is very important to divide the work accordingly to suit your own performance.
The most important points at a glance:
– Gardening can have a positive effect on back pain if done correctly
– If the pain is severe, those affected should not work in the garden
– It is best to clarify appropriate measures with the treating doctor
– Adapt the physical strain to your own performance

While very young people rarely have problems with...GardeningThis can look completely different as you get older. Joint and back pain means that the individual work steps can only be carried out very slowly. Anyone who puts too much strain on themselves and adopts the wrong posture will ultimately make the symptoms significantly worse. For this reason, it is important to pay attention to your own back when it comes to posture. Appropriate equipment can also help you no longer have to bend down frequently or carry heavy loads. If you take these aspects into account and divide your work according to your own abilities, you can often work on your own garden quite comfortably even when you are older.